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20 October 2018, Volume 27 Issue 10
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    Spatio-Temporal Characteristics and Ecological Response of Urban Expansion in the Yangtze River Economic Zone

    LI Jia-yi, KUANG Hong-hai, TAN Chao, WANG Pei-pei
    2018, (10):  2153-2161.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810001
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    Quantifying the Spatiotemporal characteristics of urban expansion is necessary to identify the process of urban expansion and understand the ecological response of urbanization. Based on Landsat TM/OLI images, this paper analyzed the urban expansion of 3 provincial cities and 4 prefecture-level cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt in recent 30 years, including the analysis of the Spatiotemporal change and expansion mode of the construction land, and the ecological effect of the expansion. The results showed that: (1) The urban land has increased linearly over the past 30 years,but the average expansion rate is reduced in 2006-2016 years, which indicated that the urban land is transformed from the incremental expansion to stock development, but the transformation of prefecture-level city lags behind the provincial cities. (2) The proportion of edge expansion is declining, whereas infilling and leapfrog are increasing, which reflected the urban expansion is transforming from extensive rapid expansion to intensive. (3) The process of construction land from rapid expansion to stability is consistent with the vegetation cover from degradation to control, which confirmed the temporal-spatial correlation of construction land expansion and vegetation coverage. The negative value of the ecosystem service value caused by urban land expansion has been increasing, which greatly reduced the total value of ecosystem services. Facing with the problem of vegetation degradation and excessive negative of ecosystem services value, reasonable and effective implementation of planning policies are utmost important in the future urban development.

    Spatial Pattern Evolution of Urban System in Yangtze River Economic Belt Based on DMSP-OLS Night Light Data (1992-2013)

    ZHONG Yang, LIN Ai-wen, HU Bi-song, JU Min
    2018, (10):  2162-2171.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810002
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    Study on the spatial pattern evolution of the urban system in the Yangtze River economic belt could be important to understand the characteristics and laws of the spatial structure of the Yangtze River economic belt, and to promote the optimal development of the urban system in the Yangtze River economic zone. In this paper, the night light data of the Yangtze River economic zone are corrected by using the Landsat satellite data and the clustering analysis method. The threshold of the urban built area is obtained by the comparison of auxiliary data. A total of eight typical landscape pattern indicators, such as the total area of the landscape, the total patch number and the aggregation index, are selected based on this threshold. Thereafter, the spatial pattern of urban development in Yangtze River economic zone from 1992 to 2013 are analyzed by using the FRAG-STATS 4.2 software. The results show that:1During the period from 1992 to 2013, the urbanization of the Yangtze River economic zone was rapid. The area of urban built-up area increased by 9.68 times, the number of patches increased by 2.39 times, and the patch density increased greatly. These revealed that the number of towns continue to increase and the urban areas continue to expand in the Yangtze River economic zone. (2The complexity of the landscape patch shape gradually increased, and the small and medium-sized cities continue to grow. More small towns emerged, and the total length of the border and the average density of the average annual growth rate of 21.56% and 21.58%. Thesereflected that the degree of aggregation in Yangtze River Economic Zone was getting higher, and the mutual influence was getting bigger. 3The two indexes of maximum plaque index and aggregation index show a declining trend on the whole. However, there are some fluctuations and disorder in the process of evolution, such as total area of landscape, total patch number and patch density. These reflect the irregular and disorder characteristics in the Yangtze River economic zone.

    Influence of Urban Core Built-up Area on Neighbouring Newly-increased Construction Land of the Yangtze River Delta

    ZHAO Yu-yan, LUAN Wei-xin, WANG Hui, MA Yu
    2018, (10):  2172-2181.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810003
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    To explore urban core built-up areas influence on construction land growth, newly-increased construction patches from 10km buffer of core built-up area in 77 cities above county level of the Yangtze River Delta were selected as the research object. Characteristics and expansion mode of newly-increased construction land were analyzed through expansion intensity , landscape metrics index and spatial analysis methods. The results showed that:Firstly, from 1990 to 2015, each grade city’ s average area of newly-increased construction land fluctuated in cycle riseand had close relationship with plan of Country or local goverment. Meanwhile, the higher the city grade, the larger the extension scale. Secondly, with the distance increase from core built-up area, expansion intensity of patch samples in each grade city had an overall declining trend andlandscape isolation was on the rise as a whole. Extension intensity kept a decline logarithmic curve relationship with distance from core built-up area. Thirdly, in the research period,there were two obvious stage characteristics of urban expansion mode: Urbanization stage was from 1990 to 2000.the growth of construction land gathered by mainly centripetal infilling type .Suburbanization stage was from 2000 to 2015.The growth of construction land mainly diffused by centrifugal edge-expansion type in spheres structure. Outlying expansion type of large and small cities enhanced significantly. Medium-sized cities maintained a high growth rate by edge-expansion sprawl type. In view of different grade and stage of city development, policy guidance and government planning has important effect to reasonable layout of the land.


    Study on the Influence of High-Speed Railway on the Accessibility Pattern in Pan-Yangtze River Delta Region

    YAO Zhao-zhao, CAO Wei-dong, YUE Yang , ZHANG Da-peng, REN Ya-wen
    2018, (10):  2182-2193.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810004
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    Taking a case of the Pan-Yangtze River Delta Region, by using average travel time, economic potential and daily accessibility as the three main evaluation indexes, to explore the influence of high-speed railway on the accessibility of the Pan-Yangtze River Delta Region. In addition, the paper analyses the dynamic changes in accessibility of the Pan-Yangtze River Delta in the presence or absence of high-speed railway exists, and reveals the spatial effect result from the changes. It is conclude as follows:(1) The high-speed railway greatly improved traffic accessibility of the city in Pan-Yangtze River Delta Region, the weighted average travel time was reduced by an average of 50.57%, the average growth rate of the economic potential was 99.62%, and the proportion of the daily exchange area of the provincial administrative center increased to 95.92%;(2) The operation of high-speed railway has led to the effect of space-time compression, location enhancement and the trend of regional integration. Not only it strengthens the social and economic links between cities, but also reshapes the regional spatial pattern;(3) The spatial polarization characteristics of the Pan-Yangtze River Delta region will be further highlighted, because of the spatial imbalance improvement of accessibility. Central cities such as Shanghai, Nanjing, and Hangzhou will exert their regional advantages to generate strong economic growth for neighboring cities, while cities without high-speed railway will be increasingly marginalized due to weaker relative locations, such as Xuancheng and Fuyang. As a result, the “core-edge” pattern after the reorganization of regional space has begun to emerge.


    Impacts of Urbanization on Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the Three Urban Agglomerations of China

    FENG Dong, LI Jian
    2018, (10):  2194-2200.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810005
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    Under the background of deeply promoting New-type urbanization, this paper chooses Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration, Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration and Pearl River Delta urban agglomeration as the research objects to analyze the relationship between urbanization level and carbon dioxide emissions by the STIRPAT model. The results show that the relationship between urbanization and carbon dioxide emissions in the three major urban agglomerations presents a U type curve, and the relationship between the economic development and carbon dioxide emissions presents an inverted U type curve. The total population and energy intensity exert a significant positive influence on the carbon dioxide emissions, but the industrial structure has less impact on it. Therefore, the purpose of carbon dioxide emissions reduction can be achieved by accelerating urbanization process in the early phase, and by controlling the population scale and reducing the energy intensity when urbanization level reaches to a certain degree.

    Regional Industrial Specialization, Co-opetition Relations and Division of Labor in the manufacturing industryEconometric Analysis Based on Panel Data in Jiangsu Province

    BI Xue-cheng, GU Ren-xu, SU Qin
    2018, (10):  2201-2213.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810006
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    The new industrial division of labor has explained the rational allocation of the elements on industrial level, and shown the effect of industry specialization at regional level. Because labor division would results in the difference of industrial functions across cities, the industrial division and the level of industrial development would also be alienated. Regional industrial division can not be separated from regional industrial cooperation. Regional cooperation also strengthens the complementarity of industrial functions between cities. The industrial specialization index, co-opetition relation model and industrial division index were used to measure the specialization, co-opetition and division of labor status and evolution of manufacturing industry in Jiangsu Province during 2001-2015. Meanwhile, the influencing factors of regional division of labor in manufacturing industry were analyzed by random effect function. The results found that: 1) The evolution of manufacturing specialization in Jiangsu province showed a decrease in the number of leading industries in southern Jiangsu, and a increase in the number of leading industries in northern Jiangsu. 2) The overall cooperation-competition network structure was relatively stable, while the local competing network changes significantly. The regional division of manufacturing in Jiangsu showed the trend of first increase and then decrease. 3) Industrial specialization and regional cooperation promoted the regional industrial division, but it was not conductive for the regional division of labor in manufacturing when there was a significant difference of economic development among regions. At the same time, it was easy to form regional industrial competition between areas that were too close to each other, which was adverse to the formation of regional division of labor.


    Identification Method of Urban-Rural Space Boundary Evolution in the Metropolitan AreaA Case Study Of Nanjing

    LIU Chong-gang, SUN Wei, CAO Yu-hong, LI Lu-lu, CHEN Chen
    2018, (10):  2214-2221.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810007
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    As a scientific basis for distinguishing urban and rural areas and demarcating the boundary of urban growth, the demarcation of the urban-rural space and dynamic evolution of urban-rural boundaries has always been one of the important aspects of geography research. Based on the data of land use, added value of secondary and tertiary industries, and population density of Nanjing from 1985 to 2016, this paper employs morphological and functional indicators, measured respectively by landscape disorder and construction land proportion as well as Population density and industrial added value, to identify the urban-rural space boundary. By dividing the indicators into kilometer grids, this paper applies “distance attenuation” and "breaking point" method to examine the evolution of the urban-rural space boundary. The results show that: (1) The urban-rural space boundary of Nanjing exhibits distinct expansion within 2000-2016, while the first stage (1985 to 2000) is characterized by infilling expansion and the second stage (2000 to 2016) is mainly dominated by spread expansion, the change rate in the second stage is significantly higher than that of the first stage. (2) The space boundary of urban-rural in Nanjing show different characteristics of expansion and most closely related to the development model at different stages, it’s change slowly in the urban state-owned economy and rural industrialization stage, and change rapidly in the rapid urbanization and open economy stage. (3) As a megacity, Nanjing has a high level of development in urbanization and urban-rural integration, and it is universal to use this area as an example to test the evolutionary identification method of urban-rural space boundary, and that can be applied to the identification of urban-rural space boundary in the rapidly developing metropolitan areas.


    Study on the Relationship between Population and Economic Spatial Distribution in Central Plains Economic Zone

    LI Juan, DONG Ping, LU Yu-qi, WANG Yi, GUO Zheng,
    2018, (10):  2222-2231.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810008
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    To study of the spatial relationship between population and economy in the Central Plains Economic Zone has a great decision-making significance to guide sustainable development and promote the rise of this region. Based on the data of resident population and GDP of each city and county (district) in the Central Plains Economic Zone from 2000 to 2015, spatial dynamic characteristics of population and economy in the Central Plains Economic Zone are analyzed by taking unbalanced index, geographical concentration and other methods from both overall and local views. Results show that: From a global perspective, the population and economic unbalanced index in the Central Plains Economic Zone gradually increased during the study period, indicating that the overall population size and economic development scale of this region were unevenly developed, and the internal gap of development kept growing; From a local view, the geographical concentration of population in the Central Plains Economic Zone shows a distribution of low in the middle east and high in the west, while the economic geographic concentration shows a distribution of high in the center and low around. And then, a clear understanding that the distribution of population and economy in the Central Plains Economic Zone tends to be agglomerate can be presented by applying the ESDA method, and the correlation between population and economic space is significant. Finally, on the basis of empirical analysis, policy suggestions and future research direction are proposed.


    The Effect of Multi-Center Structure of Urban Agglomerations in Central China

    WANG Lei, LI Cheng-li
    2018, (10):  2231-2240.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810009
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    Multi-center urban agglomeration is a spatial equilibrium formed by the multiplication and diffusion of elements, and it has become the policy goal of urban agglomeration development. The period of urbanization process in our country is relatively short, and there are big differences among regions. Thus, we need to take the development stages of specific urban agglomerations into consideration when studying the spatial optimization problem. Based on the data of the six urban agglomerations in Central China from 2005 to 2014, the paper analyzes the impact of urban spatial structure on regional economic growth in two dimensions; the population distribution and the industrial spatial distribution. The results show that: (1) From the perspective of population, the paper shows the evidence that the agglomerations of Hubei, Jiangxi and Shanxi Province that are single-centered currently are evolved in a multi-centered structure trend. In contrast, the agglomerations of Anhui, Hunan, and Henan Province are in a state of decentralized distribution and agglomerate to the central cities gradually. (2) From the perspective of industry, the average values of SP are higher in the agglomerations of Jiangxi and Shanxi, which means their spatial distribution of industries is more dispersed, while other urban agglomerations are relatively concentrated. In general, the SP index of the urban agglomerations in Central China all increasing at different rates, indicating that the industrial spatial distribution of all urban agglomerations is developing toward a multi-centered orientation gradually.(3) The paper finds an inverse U-shaped relationship between population structure and economic growth, which means a transition from a single-center to a multi-center structure. (4) The industry spatial agglomeration has a positive effect on the economic growth. As a key new urbanization area in the country, Central China will have a large population and industries entering the urban areas in the future. Therefore, it should expand its new development space by guiding the flow of resources such as capital effectively, optimize the new pattern of development, and enhance the efficiency of economic development and the quality of urbanization. In this context, the above conclusion has extremely important policy implications.


    Urban Rail Accessibility and Interurban Spatial Effects on the Background of High-Speed rail in Jiangxi Province

    TANG En-bin, ZHANG Mei-qing
    2018, (10):  2241-2249.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810010
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    By improving the method of measuring accessibility and adopting adjusted gravity model, this paper collected the data of 11 cities of Jiangxi Province in 2010, 2013 and 2016, then measured the urban rail accessibility (URA) and interurban spatial effect (ISE) among cities, and analyzed the evolution of space-time pattern based on GIS. Research findings: (1) From the High-speed rail (HSR) "depression" to the HSR "highland", the layout of URA in Jiangxi Province takes Nanchang as the core, rail hub cities as the sub centers, and spreads to the surrounding areas with the "center-periphery" pattern. The ISE takes the main rail channels as the axes, and take the rail hub cities as nodes with the "point-axis" pattern. Both of them show the gradient differences between the north and south with the radiation diffusion to the suburb of Jiangxi Province. (2) HSR and regional integration are two important drivers to improve the URA. The huge compression of time and space weaken the influence of space distance on ISE, and promote the leap of ISE. URA and ISE show significant zonality and "channel effect", which are greatly affected by the density of operating trains among cities. (3) The impact range of HSR is limited, and its network effect in northern part of Jiangxi is stronger than that in central and southern part. The URA in the channel tends to be balanced, but it also widen the gap with the remote cities outside the channel, and the cities which haven’t been deeply integrated into the HSR network of province are at risk of being marginalized. (4) The ISE in Jiangxi Province shows obvious regional differentiation characteristics, forming three sub-systems in the middle, north and south. The difference of ISE is expanding, so the ISE in the province are in the pursuit of "efficiency". Based on this, Jiangxi Province should accelerate the construction and improvement of the rail and HSR network, design the scale of the stations rationally and distribute the train frequency accurately. Each city should actively be integrated into the HSR network of the province, and strengthen the local connection traffic construction and the integration with the surrounding cities, to enhance urban comprehensive transport accessibility and ISE. Jiangxi Province should co-ordinate north and south with gradient development, steadily promote regional integration, further break the geographical isolation and differentiation, to promote the balanced development between cities.


    Research on the Coordinated Development of Urbanization in Jiangxi Province from the Perspective of Major Function-Oriented Zone Planning

    LI Shu, GE Gang, LIU Qi-jing
    2018, (10):  2250-2259.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810011
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    In order to analyze the influence of major function-oriented zone strategy on urbanization in less developed areas, this paper used 3S Technology, Entropy Weight Method and Pielous Index comprehensively to study on the level and coordination of urbanization in Jiangxi Province, then the problems in urbanization were discussed under the background of major function-oriented zone planning. The following conclusions were drawn. 1) Urbanization process in Jiangxi Province can be divided into two stages: the stage of unbalanced development (2000-2010) and the stage of balanced development (2010-2015), and the most uncoordinated urbanization happened in 2000. 2) The resident population continued to gather in key development zones, while that of restricted development zones were still increasing. The migrant workers mainly flowed to the optimization development zones outside Jiangxi Province, which was contrary to the original intention of the major function-oriented zone planning. 3) In key development zones, the per capita urban construction land area had reached 137.93 m2, and the shortage of population agglomeration was the dominant factor for the uncoordinated urbanization. Therefore, in the area of rapid urbanization, it is necessary to accelerate the establishment of regulations, which relating to the size of urban population and the scale of land use. 4) Local urbanization is the main form of population urbanization, so there will be two pressures in the restricted development zones, one is the transfer of agricultural population, the other is the restriction for large-scale industrialization and urbanization development.

    Effects of Fish Culture on Phytoplankton Communities and Seasonal Dynamcis in Lakes Along the Middle Yangtze River

    ZHANG Yingxue, WANG Rui, QU Xiao, XIA Wentong,
    2018, (10):  2260-2269.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810012
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    Fish culture in lakes is a very common and important aquaculture in China but few study reported comprehensive ecological impacts of different fish culture types on lakes. We assessed phytoplankton communities from March, 2016 to January, 2017 seasonally in 9 lakes, which included four groups: reservoir group (group SR), nonaquaculture group (group SN), low stocking aquaculture group (group SL) and high stocking aquaculture group (group SH), along the middle Yangtze River. A total of 110 phytoplankton genera belonging to 8 phyla were collected, among which were mainly Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta and Cyanophyta. The seasonal succession of major dominant species in the reservoir group was remarkable, while there were stable dominant genera in the nonaquaculture (Merismopedia), low stocking aquaculture (Pseudanabaena) and high stocking aquaculture (Merismopedia) groups. The seasonal patterns of phytoplankton abundance in the four lake groups were different and depended on the dominance of cyanobacteria. According to the phytoplankton diversity index, water pollution (nutrient) status of the four lake groups showed seasonal differences, and the evaluation results of the ShannonWiener index were consistent with those of the Pielou index. Hierarchical cluster analysis and nonmetric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) showed that lakes in the reservoir group were in the same category in all seasons, and lakes in the nonaquaculture and high stocking groups were in the same category in all seasons except summer. The current study indicated that fish culture had some impacts on phytoplankton communities, but banning from aquaculture in a short time did not significantly change them in lakes.

    Review on Monitoring and Evaluating of Fish Passage Facilities for Upper Migration

    TAO Jiangping, WEN Jingya, HE Da, HOU Yiqun, HU Wangbin,
    2018, (10):  2270-2282.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810013
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    Fish passage facilities have been designed and developed to enable fish to pass the barriers for up/ downstream migration. The performance monitoring and evaluation of those facilities post the constructions are essential for the functional verifications, design improvements, and management benefits. This study reviewed the performance studies of fish passage facilities for upstream migration, from which the evaluation principles, methods for monitoring and regional technical standards were concluded. The scientific monitoring and evaluation of fish passage in North American, Australia and European was separately initialized from 1960s to 1980s, and boomed since 2000s. Both fish passage effectiveness and passage efficiency are separately used for a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the performance of fish passage facilities. The existing monitoring methods, roughly classified as capturedependent and captureindependent, are frequently used for such performance evaluation, depending on the purpose and availabilities and limitations of given methods. Moreover, due to the variations in geographical feature of river, structure of fish passage facilities, target species considerations as well as the requirements from the regional laws and technical standards, the focus of approach and evaluation criteria varied significantly in geographic region. Currently, experts from North American frequently specialized in the passage efficiency evaluation and using the advanced captureindependent methods while experts from European frequently specialized in the effectiveness evaluation using both capturedependent and traditional captureindependent methods. Fish passage monitoring and evaluation in China began in 1970s, yet suspended between 1980s and 2000s, as results of the argumentations over mitigation options. Such studies rebooted because of the efforts of restoring fish populations with fish passage facilities from 2000s. As a consequence of construction boom of dam and fish passage facilities in China, the performances of such passage facilities will be a primary point of concern. Development of regional monitoring and evaluation criterions in China is urgently required. Those monitoring and evaluation are capable of drawing lessons from other countries. However, variations of geographical feature of river, structure of fish passage and consideration of target species must be recognized in China, comparing to those elsewhere.

    Analysis on the Sectional Annual Runoff Change of the Jinsha River Basin in the Recent 50 Years

    ZHANG Xiaofeng, YAN Haochen, YUE Yao, LU Yating
    2018, (10):  2283-2292.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810014
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    For the sake of exploring the runoff characteristics of the Jinsha River Basin under different geographical conditions, the basin above Pingshan Station is divided into six sections. A variety of mathematical statistics methods, including linear propensity estimation, Spearman rank correlation test, MannKendall test, ordinal cluster analysis and rank sum test are adopted in this research to analyze the runoff series which cover a range from 1960 to 2015 in each section, and hydrologic factors as well as anthropogenic activities are studied to make interpretation on the drivers of changes. Results show that only the section above Zhimenda and HuatanPingshan section are detected to have obvious trend in runoff change, more specifically the trends are increasing and decreasing respectively, while all the sections in the middle reach and mainstream of lower reach have gone through a descending trend in recent 20 years. It is also illustrated that many of the sections have break points after 1990s. Precipitation is recognized and verified as the most significant driver of runoff change, which is found to be rather dominant in sections above Shigu and section of Yalong River. No conclusive evidence can be found that temperature change exerts considerable effects on the runoff change. Besides, soil and water conservation, serving as a typical aspect of anthropogenic activities, turns out to play an important role in runoff reduction in PanzhihuaHuatan and HuatanPinshan sections in the new century, though the influence of precipitation still cannot be overwhelmed. Additionally, the impoundment of large reservoirs for the first time round can apparently bring down the runoff, with several peculiarities in the figures conforming well to the inference with respect to Yalong River section and HuatanPingshan section. However, the added water losses resulted from either the expanded surface evaporation of reservoirs or the diversion projects are relatively marginal in comparison to the sectional runoff.


    Analysis of Agricultural Water Efficiency Measurement and Improvement Potential Based on Meta Frontier SBM Model

    FANG Lin, , WU Fengping, WANG Xinhua, YU Yantuan
    2018, (10):  2293-2304.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810015
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    In order to achieve the sustainability of agricultural water resource and assure national food security, it is imperative to improve the regional agricultural water efficiency(AWE). In this study, we measure the AWE of 31 Chinese provinces(municipalities, autonomous regions) for the years 1998 to 2015 based on SBM model which considers both undesirable outputs and metafrontier technology simultaneously. Subsequently, taking the factors such as the bearing capacity of agricultural resources, environmental capacity, ecological type and development foundation into account, we divide the sample into three groups: prioritizeddevelopment zone, moderatedevelopment zone, protecteddevelopment zone. Then the regional differences, evolution trend and improvement potential are empirical studied, respectively. The results showed that the average values of AWE with reference to metafrontier of protecteddevelopment zone, prioritizeddevelopment zone and moderatedevelopment zone are 0.632, 0.568 and 0.432. The finding showed that if the potential optimal production technology was adopted, the three major regions would have a large room for efficiency improvement of 37.7%, 43.2% and 56.8%, respectively, indicating the potential for improvement would be huge. Technology and management ineffectiveness were the two major sources of regional AWE loss. The efficiency loss of the prioritizeddevelopment area is mainly caused by the ineffective management, showing that improving both the management system and the management level are of significance strategies to promote the regional AWE. The loss of efficiencies in protecteddevelopment zone and moderatedevelopment zone are mainly resulted from the low level of agricultural water production technology and the ineffective management. Thus, it was necessary to combine the technical and management improvement strategy to improve the efficiency.


    Study on the SpatioTemporal Characteristics and the Influential Factors of the Competitiveness of Tourism Industry in Provincial Forest Park of China

    HUANG Jielong, CHEN Qiuhua, XING Xiucheng, WANG Liqun
    2018, (10):  2305-2315.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810016
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    Its helpful to provide industrial competitiveness guidance for industries in different development stages and different development levels for forest parks in different provinces in China by analysis their evolution and influence factors. Firstly, constructed index system of competitiveness of forest parks tourism industry in 31 provinces(municipalities and autonomous regions) in our country, then calculated scores of competitiveness of tourism industry in each province and analyze its temporal and spatial evolution characteristics. Finally, used quantile regression to study the main influencing factors of the spatial differences of forest park tourism industry competitiveness. The research found, the average competitive value of the tourism industry in China's Forest Park is relatively low with large regional differences, showing a decreasing state of the eastern part to the central and western part; In the period of 2004-2014, the competitiveness of the tourism industry in the forest parks in the western provinces has been relatively small, mainly due to the "short board effect", which shows that the western provinces have a large disparity in industrial efficiency with the eastern and central provinces; There are two highlevel forest parks tourism industry competitiveness centers in northeastern and southeast China, and with a trend of gradually spreading to surrounding areas and boosting the development of neighboring provinces; The quantile regression shows that, National support efforts, management inputs, resource endowments, economic fundamentals, brand effects and traffic convenience will affect the competitiveness of tourism industries in forest parks in different provinces at different quantile regression points. The differences of influencing factors on the competitiveness of tourism industry in forest park at different points provide a good reference for improving the competitiveness of each region.


    Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Ecological Carrying Capacity Based on Ecological FootprintService Value Approach

    WANG Hengbo, YAO Shunbo, GUO Yajun, ZHAO Minjuan
    2018, (10):  2316-2327.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810017
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    In order to evaluate the ecological carrying capacity more objectively and universally, construct an ecological capacity analysis framework by applying FootprintService Value method based on the value unit, we selected the panel data of 97 counties in Shaanxi Province from 2000 to 2015, analyzed the distribution characteristics, the evolution path, and the driving factors of the ecological carrying capacity index for Shaanxi Province using the global Moran’s I, the LISA agglomeration maps, and the spatial Dubin model. Following findings were obtained in this research:(1) the index of ecological carrying capacity in Shaanxi Province and the three major regions rapidly increased at the beginning, and then decreased slowly, which showed significant spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogeneity, and the lowvalue clustering phenomenon was obvious especially in Guanzhong Region;(2) the value of forest land area and the equivalent factor were the main factors that promoted the increase of the ecological carrying capacity index, while the per capita consumption value was the main factor that inhibited the increase of the ecological carrying capacity index; and(3) there were differences in the driving factors affecting the ecological carrying capacity index in the north of Shaanxi, Guanzhong, and the south of Shaanxi. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the investment in ecological restoration projects in Shaanxi Province, reduce the growth rate of per capita consumption value, and implement a differential ecological carrying capacity policy, so as to achieve the goal of ecological carrying capacity improvement.


    Sediment Characteristics and Transport Trend in North Branch and Offshore Area of Yangtze Estuary in the Last 30 Years

    YOU BoWen, ZHANG GuoAn, LI YiMing, LI ZhanHai
    2018, (10):  2328-2338.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810018
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    In the past 30 years, the North Branch of the Yangtze River Estuary has undergone significant changes in sediment characteristics and transport trend under the influence of natural and human activities. Based on the survey data of grain size of sediment in 2015 and the 1980s, we conducted grain size comparison and transport trend analysis, etc. and discussed sedimentary characteristics and transport trend of the North Branch & offshore area of the Yangtze River Estuary. The results shows that the types of sediments in the North Branch & offshore area of the Yangtze River estuary are dominated by clay silt, sandy silt and sand, and the mean median grain size decreases by about 20% in the past 30 years. Among them, the grain size decreases in the North Branch by 30%, indicating that the entire North Branch is in a siltation environment; the grain size in the zone with the depth of 0 to 10 m outside the mouth increases by about 25%, manifests as the characteristics of erosion under the action of wind waves and tides; in the zone with the depth of over 10m, the grain size decreases slightly and the sediment characteristics are basically stable. From the perspective of sediment transport trend, the sediments from Chongtou to Lingdinggang sections of the North Branch are more coarsewhich is mainly effected by runoff; for the sediment transport trend from Lingdiangang to Santiaogang sections, go downward Santiaogang, in addition, the sediments in the main channel from Lingdinggang to Sanhegang are coarse, the sediments in the beach are fine and the intersection of the tidal currents is obvious; In the lower reaches of Santiaogang, there are mainly sands from the sea in the sediments, which are fine and the transport trend goes upward; Outside the North Branch, sediments in the zone with the depth of 0 to 10 m are coarsened and become finer with the increase of the depth. In the zone with the depth of 0 to 2 m, the sand content accounts for more than 90%; and the sediment transport is not significant in the offshore area with the depth over 10 m. The reduction of the sands from the river basin and the construction of the North Branch reclamation result in insufficient recharge of sediment along the coast. Under the action of wind, waves and tides, some sediments in the shallow outside the mouth are transported into the North Branch with the rising tides, others spread towards the open seas with the falling tides, constituting the sediment transport pattern of the North Branch and offshore area.


    Recent Morphological Changes and Microtopography Features in the Hengsha Passage of the Yangtze River Estuary

    WU Shuaihu, CHENG Heqin, ZHENG Shuwei
    2018, (10):  2339-2347.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810019
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    Bedforms were observed in February 2015 with the acoustic multibeam bathymetric. Chart data and surface sediment samples were collected. Based on these data, the recent morphological changes and microtopography features in the Hengsha Passage of the Yangtze River Estuary were studied in this paper. The correlation between the morphological changes and microtopography in the Hengsha Passage was explored in this paper, and the response of the morphological changes and bedforms of the channel beds to the human activities was also explored. Results showed the channel of Hengsha Passage experienced significant erosion because the construction of Three Gorge Dam, the Qingcaosha Reservoir project and the Deepening Waterway Project may have indirectly affected the morphology of the Hengsha Passage. From 2002 to 2013, net volume loss and average annual net volume loss reached 0.86 × 108 m3 and 0.08 × 108 m3 yr-1 in the Hengsha Passage, respectively. A large amount of the eroded sediment from the south entrance of the Hengsha Passage was trapped, resulting in substantial accretion in the Yuanyuansha Waterway and the upper reach of the North Passage. In addition to smooth bed floors, there were erosive microtopography in the Hengsha Passage, such as hollow and scour mark etc.. Due to the channel experienced erosion will lead to enhanced of bed load movement, which can promote the development of dunes. Consequently, there was a large area of dunes developed in the Hengsha Passage.


    Ecological Characteristics of Phytoplankton Community Structure in the Littoral Zone of Lake Wuli, Lake Taihu in 2014-2015

    DAI Pei, YAN Mingjun, ZHOU You, ZHOU Yanfeng, XIONG Manhui , LU Jianda, LIU Kai
    2018, (10):  2348-2357.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810020
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    The ecological characteristics of phytoplankton community in the littoral zone of Lake Wuli, Lake Taihu were investigate monthly from July 2014 to June 2015 after the comprehensive treatment. A total of 196 species belonging to 8 phyla were identified. 37.76% of the phytoplankton was Chlorophyta, which contained 74 species. 29.08% was Bacillariophyta, which contained 57 species. The dominant phytoplankton contains 30 species of 8 phyla. In July, August, September and October of 2014, and June of 2015, Oscillatoria tenuis has an absolute advantage in the phytoplankton community, the dominant index ranged from 0.567 to 0.879. The averages variations of a month of phytoplankton density and biomass were 1.07×106-2.18×108 ind./L and 0.32-50.52 mg/L, respectively. The density and biomass of phytoplankton were significantly higher in summer and early fall than the rest month of the year due to the largescale proliferation of cyanobacteria. The density and biomass of phytoplankton were notably lower in zone A than in the rest zones. Pearson correlation analysis shows that the density of algae, biomass and species number are significant or notably significant correlated with turbidity(Tur), pH and temperature(T). Redundancy analysis shows that strong correlation was found between water temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and phytoplankton community structure(p<0.01). Moreover, water temperature had the strongest correlation with phytoplankton community structure(r=0.898 2). The index calculated from phytoplankton species and diversity suggests that the littoral ecozone of Lake Wuli, Lake Taihu is suffering from a moderate eutrophication.


    Urban Ecological Importance Assessment Based on Ecological Function and Ecological Demand——A Case Study of Changsha

    ZHANG Yanan , CHEN Zhenjie, ZHANG Yunqian, MEI Mengyuan,
    2018, (10):  2358-2367.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810021
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    The conflict between ecological environment protection and urban economic development remain unsettled. It is of great significance for maintaining regional ecological security and guiding the city to develop in an orderly manner to evaluate the importance of ecological land scientifically. The importance of ecological land is not only determined by the ecosystem service function of its own, but is also strongly related to the ecological needs of human beings. The article chose a set of indexes in terms of biodiversity, soil conservation function, water conservation function, outdoor leisure demand and scarcity of ecological land, and build an evaluation model of ecological importance based on both ecosystem services and human needs. We took the downtown area of Changsha as the study area. The results showed that the spatial distribution of ecological lands in Changsha is unbalanced, and the most important ecological lands are mainly composed of forests, important drinking water sources and highquality farmland. They also include large areas of ecological lands that provide ecological barriers and small areas of ecological lands such as wetlands and rivers in the city. Compared with the traditional evaluation models, the proposed model can reflect the influence of human needs and the results are more in line with people’s actual ecological needs.


    Land Cover Changes and Drivers in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area During 1990-2015

    XIONG Jie, ZENG Yuan, ZHU Liang, ZHENG Zhaoju, GAO Wenwen,
    2018, (10):  2368-2378.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810022
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    Based on land cover database of the Three Gorges Reservoir area in 1990, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015, we analyze the spatialtemporal patterns, changing characteristics, and the main drivers. Results show that:(1) the main land cover types in 2015 are forest(41.45%) and arable land(24.58%).(2) From 1990 to 2015, the acreage of artificial surface, wetland, forest and other land increased significantly, while cultivated land, shrub and grassland decreased.(3) The regional comprehensive dynamic degree of land cover increased and then tended to be stable. Artificial surface changed mostly, followed by wetland and cultivated land. The prominent changes in the first ten years were cultivated land occupied by the artificial surface, and in the last fifteen years were forest, shrub and cultivated land turned to artificial surface and wetland.(4) The construction of the Three Gorges Project, resettlement, economic development and urbanization led to the continuous expansion of the artificial surface. The storage of reservoir contributed to the rapid increase of wetland, and the adjustment of agricultural structure promoted the expansion of garden. In summary, the ecoenvironment of this area tended to be improving, under Grain for Green ecological policy in the past 25 years, and the acreage of forest increasing significantly. Meanwhile, the acreage of sloping cultivated land continuously decreased, resulting in the contradiction between human and land. These results will support the ecoenvironmental protection and coordinated development of social economy in the Three Gorges Reservoir area.


    Research on Optimal Operation at Ecological Constraint for Controlling Algal Blooms in the Tributaries of Three Gorges Reservoir

    LIU Jingao, ZHUGE Yisi, LIU Defu, ZHANG Jialei, MA Jun, YU Xiao
    2018, (10):  2379.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810023
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    After the impoundment of Three Gorges Reservoir, aquatic environment of the tributaries in this reservoir has been subject to algal blooms.  The ecological operation can change the hydrodynamic condition of the reservoir tributaries, and help to control algal blooms. A nested prediction model of reservoir operation with ecological constraint was proposed. The back propagation neural network algorithm(BNN) was used to construct a model for forecasting the algal biomass in the tributaries. The input variables of this prediction model are water level(H), water level frequency conversion(HF) and water level Range(HR).The output variable is chlorophyll concentration. The prediction model is embedded into the reservoir operation model and constructing the ecological operation model which considering the water blooms in the tributaries, then using the discrete dynamic programming(DDDP) to solve the ecological operation model. The results show that the correlation coefficient between the observation and simulation calculated by the prediction model is R = 0.853 6. That means this model can predict the chlorophyll concentration well. Under the condition of 100% control guarantee rate for extreme water bloom. The calculation shows that the ecological operation power generation is 0.89% less than the real power operation. Carrying out the ecological operation in the Three Gorges Reservoir can effectively control algal blooms in the tributary without losing the overall economic benefits.


    Seasonal Variations of Dissolved Organic Carbon Exports in Streams Under Alpine Meadow in the Three Rivers Headwater Regions, Qinghai Tibetan Plateau

    MA Xiaoliang, LIU Guimin, WU Xiaodong, XU Haiyan, YE Linlin, ZHANG Xiaolan
    2018, (10):  2387-2394.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201810024
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    Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) plays an important role in ecosystem. Little is known about the dynamics of riverine DOC exports and their responses to climate change and permafrost degradation. To examine the seasonal variations of concentrations and exports of DOC and their responses to changes of air temperature and precipitation, we collected monthly river water samples from 8 catchments under alpine meadow in the Three Rivers headwater regions on the QinghaiTibet Plateau from August 2016 to July 2017. The discharges in these rivers were monitored, and DOC concentrations of water samples were analyzed in the laboratory. The results showed: (1) The annual average DOC concentrations of these streams varied from (4.05±1.20) mg·L-1 to (6.55±2.86) mg·L-1, with an mean value of 5.30 mg·L-1. The DOC concentrations were significantly negatively correlated with the coverage area of alpine swamp meadow (ASM), but significantly correlated with the coverage of alpine meadow (AM). The average DOC concentrations in the rivers in permafrost regions were significantly higher than those in nonpermafrost regions. (2) The DOC concentrations showed a great variations with seasonal changes of air temperature. From the spring to the beginning of summer, DOC concentrations increased sharply. During this period, the monthly mean air temperature increased from -8 to 2. The DOC concentrations decreased rapidly as the air temperature increased from 2 to 13. From summer to winter, the temperature decreased from 13 to -8. Meanwhile, the average DOC concentrations decreased gradually, and the lowest value was recorded in December. (3) The seasonal changes of DOC export varied greatly, ranging from (0.006±0.0005) kg·km-2·d-1 and (3.01±0.74) kg·km-2·d-1 among the rivers, with an average value of1.12±0.81kg·km-2·d-1. DOC export fluxes were positively correlated with the discharges. The highest DOC export was recorded in the spring snowmelt period and the rainy summer. Since the climate change may lead to a thicker active layer in permafrost regions, our results showed that the DOC export increased along with temperature, indicating that climate warming can cause a higher DOC export in alpine meadow in the permafrost regions on the QinghaiTibetan Plateau.


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