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20 February 2025, Volume 34 Issue 2
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How Green Finance Reform and Innovation Pilot Zone Policy Affects Green Innovation in Enterprises: Based on the Reallocation of Innovation Resources Perspective
CHEN Hao, HUANG Xiao-hong, ZHANG Wen-xuan, ZHANG Yu
2025, (2): 239-251. doi:
(965KB) (
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The green finance reform and innovation pilot zone policy has been steadily implemented in the pilot areas, effectively helping China to build a solid and diversified green financial system, and providing a solid financial support and guarantee for Chinese path to modernization. Based on the 2011-2021 Chinese A-share data, a time-varying DID model was used to evaluate the policy effectiveness of the green finance reform and innovation pilot zone. Empirical research found that: (1) the construction of the green finance reform and innovation pilot zone significantly promotes local enterprises' green innovation, and compared to clean enterprises, heavily polluting enterprises did not produce more green innovation achievements. (2) Enterprises located in industrial upgrading and resource development pilot zones, state-owned enterprises, and those with good cash flow conditions receive stronger incentives for green innovation, and their innovation activities mainly focus on substantive green innovation. (3) The construction of the green finance reform and innovation pilot zone aims to alleviate financing constraints and optimize debt structure for enterprises, thereby stimulating their green innovation drive. Further research has found that the promotion effect of the construction of green finance reform and innovation pilot zones on enterprise green innovation stems from the reallocation effect of internal innovation resources. This article provides important empirical evidence for continuously promoting the construction of green finance reform and innovation pilot zones, and achieving modern development of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.
Spatio-temporal Patterns and Interactive Effects of Manufacturing Carbon Emissions and IFDI in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
SUN Pan,
2025, (2): 252-267. doi:
(10438KB) (
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The primary investment sector for IFDI is manufacturing. As the global leader in manufacturing, China’s carbon emissions from this sector account for over half of the total emissions in society. The manufacturing industry is the main battlefield for energy conservation and carbon reduction, which played a crucial role in achieving the "dual carbon" goals. Investigating the spatiotemporal patterns of carbon emissions in the manufacturing sector along the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) and their interaction with IFDI holds significant theoretical and practical value for achieving the "dual carbon" goals and attracting high-quality foreign investment. This paper integrated the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis and the Pollution Halo hypothesis into a unified theoretical framework, based on the New Economic Geography theory. Using spatial quantile regression, three-dimensional kernel density estimation, bivariate spatial autocorrelation tests, and GS3SLS spatial simultaneous equation models, the study conducted an in-depth analysis of the spatial patterns and interactive effects of manufacturing carbon emissions and IFDI in the YREB. The results revealed that: (1) Both manufacturing carbon emissions and IFDI exhibited a spatial pattern characterized by a gradient decreasing from downstream to midstream and upstream regions. (2) There was significant spatial clustering of manufacturing carbon emissions, IFDI, and their interactions. (3) There was a significant mutual inhibition effect between manufacturing carbon emissions and IFDI. Overall, the introduction of IFDI could curb manufacturing carbon emissions, while reducing manufacturing carbon emissions could enhance the attraction of IFDI. Robustness checks, spatial heterogeneity tests, and endogeneity tests all supported the above conclusions.
Evolution Pattern and Prediction of Ecological Resilience of Cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
WANG Zhao-feng, LIANG Zhi-qiang
2025, (2): 268-279. doi:
(2711KB) (
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A systematic evaluation of the ecological resilience of cities situated within the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) is essential in enhancing the risk avoidance and protection of ecological security. An ecological resilience assessment model was established based on three attribute levels of "resistance-responsiveness-renewal". A total of 110 cities at regional scale within the YREB were selected as study cases. The entropy-weighted TOPSIS method, Kernel density estimation, and traditional and spatial Markov transfer probability matrices were adopted to explore the evolution of municipal ecological resilience for the period of 2011-2021. The results demonstrated that: (1) The horizontal eco-resilience of YREB cities was rising with fluctuations, but the rise was relatively small, and the optimization process of ecological resilience was slow. A decreasing development was noted from provincial cities of Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Hefei and Nanchang to peripheral cities, which formed a distinctive spatial distribution pattern of "core-periphery". (2) A strong stability in the shift of eco-resilience status of cities across the YREB and the neighboring background played a significant role in the transfer of ecological resilience of cities. (3) In terms of forecasting development trends, the eco- resilience of YREB cities showed a relatively positive picture, i.e. the level of eco- resilience along with the route incrementally rose over time and converged towards a high resilience zone.
Spatiotemporal Evolution and Influencing Factors of Economic Resilience in Three Major Urban Clusters in the Yangtze River Economic Belt: A Perspective Based on Different City Types
DING Chen-hao, GAO Xin, YI Xing
2025, (2): 280-294. doi:
(2530KB) (
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Economic environment has been growing more and more complex. Study on economic resilience from different industrial structure perspectives under various external shocks is crucial for regional economic security and high-quality development. This study focused on the cities within the three major urban clusters of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The cities were classified into the following types based on the dominant industries: agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, mining, and manufacturing, etc.. The economic resilience was measured for 2008 to 2022, by using the "counterfactual data" method. The individual fixed panel model was employed to analyze the influencing factors. The main findings were as follows: (1) The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 on economic resilience was significantly greater than that of the 2008 economic crisis. Different types of cities showed significant variances in their resilience response in terms of paths and speeds. (2) During the shock periods of 2008 and 2020, the spatial patterns of economic resilience across the three major urban clusters remained essentially the same, which exhibited a "low-resilience" area in the northwest of the Chongqing urban cluster, a north-low-south-high pattern in the Middle Yangtze River urban cluster, and a north-high-south-low pattern in the Yangtze River Delta urban cluster. (3) At different stages from 2008 to 2012, factors of export dependency, the level of financial development, and the economic agglomeration index significantly influenced urban development. Specifically, the level of financial development exerted a positive impact, while the government measures and the urbanization rate had a negative influence. In the period of 2013 to 2017, the urbanization rate played a positive role in urban development, while the levels of technological input and financial development exhibited adverse effects. Finally, in the period of 2018 to 2022, the diversification index of industries and the level of technological input were identified as positive drivers for urban development.
Coupling Coordination between Carbon Emission Efficiency and High-quality Economic Development in the Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration
GONG Yin-yin, ZHANG Yong-qing, LUO Ting
2025, (2): 295-308. doi:
(3495KB) (
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In the context of dual carbon goals, the synchronous resonance between carbon emission efficiency (CEE) and high-quality economic development (HQED) has emerged as a crucial driver for low-carbon development in urban agglomerations. This study focused on 26 prefecture-level cities in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) urban agglomeration in China. By employing models such as entropy weight method, Super-SBM, and geographic detector, we investigated the spatiotemporal evolution and driving mechanisms of the coupling coordination between CEE and HQED in the YRD urban agglomeration. The study revealed that: (1) CEE, HQED, and comprehensive scores exhibited significant spatial orientations, showing an "east high, west low" pattern in the east-west direction, and a "U-shaped" curve in the north-south direction, with the exception of CEE. (2) The overall development pattern of the YRD urban agglomeration showed a high-value regional development model radiating from core cities with high economic development levels such as Shanghai and Suzhou, with Shanghai exhibiting the highest degree of coupling coordination. Underdeveloped coordination levels in cities and low-value agglomeration areas exhibited a phenomenon of regional lock-in, presenting a spatial agglomeration pattern of "the weak remain weak". (3) Various driving factors might promote the coordinated development of cities at different time periods and to varying degrees. Among them, the single-factor driving forces of economic foundation and technological innovation were found to be prominent, while environmental regulations, human capital, and industrial structure factors with lower single-factor influence exhibited significantly increased driving forces when interacting with other factors. In light of this, policy recommendations for promoting the coordinated development of urban agglomerations were proposed in this study, which included optimizing urban layout forms, providing targeted assistance to low-value lock-in areas, and fully leveraging internal and external driving forces for coordinated development.
Spatial Reconstruction, Regional Relatedness and Economic Performance: Evidence from the Manufacturing Industry in the Yangtze River Delta
DU Ya-you, HE Dan, HAN Ming-long, GAO Peng
2025, (2): 309-319. doi:
(4253KB) (
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:Exploring the impact of spatial reconstruction and regional relatedness characteristics of the manufacturing industry on economic performance in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) helps to understand the key significance of industrial dynamics on regional economy from the perspective of relatedness. Based on the data of enterprise registration information in 2018, this study employed spatial analysis and social network analysis methods to investigate the spatial reconstruction and regional relatedness of the manufacturing industry in the YRD. Utilizing spatial econometric models, the impact on economic performance was assessed. The main findings were as follows: (1) The spatial reconstruction and regional relatedness of the manufacturing industry in YRD exhibited significant spatial characteristics and pronounced industry heterogeneity. General manufacturing served as the main component of spatial reconstruction and regional relatedness, with Shanghai, southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang as the core areas of these processes. (2) The diversified agglomeration and industrial upgrading of manufacturing had a significant positive impact on economic performance. The effect of industrial transfer and regional relatedness on economic performance depended on the stage of industrial development. For industries in the stage of dispersed industrial advantages, the outflow of industries and the increase in network in-degree contributed to economic growth. Conversely, for industries in the stage of concentrated industrial advantages, the inflow of industries was beneficial to economic performance.
Spatial Transfer of Ecosystem Service Value and Ecological Compensation in the Hanjiang Eco-economic Belt
ZHANG Jing, SONG Xiao-ling, HU Yi-yuan, XU Zeng-rang, WANG Peng-tao
2025, (2): 320-330. doi:
(1952KB) (
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Hanjiang Eco-economic Belt is the water source of the Middle Route Project of South-to-North Water Transfer in China. It is helpful for promoting the construction of regional ecological civilization and the value transformation of ecological products to strengthen the research on the spatial transfer of ecosystem service value and ecological compensation in the economic belt. The methods of ecosystem service equivalent, ecological compensation priority index and spatial autocorrelation analysis were used to evaluate ecosystem service value, the priority of ecological compensation, ecological compensation amount and comparative ecological radiation in Hanjiang Eco-economic belt. The results showed: (1) the multi-year average value of ecosystem service value per unit area of counties and districts was 826.4-4 911.9 thousand yuan/km2, with large internal spatial differences. (2) At the county level, the spatial agglomeration of ecosystem service value per unit area showed a slight downward trend, while local agglomeration was significant. (3) The theoretical value of the total ecological compensation amount was 23.534 billion yuan, accounting for 0.97% of the gross domestic product in the Hanjiang Economic Belt. In the areas of Hanzhong, Ankang, Shangluo, Shiyan, and Shennongjia Forest Area, the total ecological compensation amount accounted for 80.97% of the total compensation amount. (4) Shiyan city had a relatively large ecological radiation force and a high ecological contribution to the middle and lower reaches of the research area. Therefore, a horizontal ecological compensation mechanism should be established to promote the formation of collaborative governance and coordinated development in the upstream and downstream. Overall, there were significant internal differences in the ecosystem service value of Hanjiang Eco-economic Belt. The model of ecological compensation priority was used to identify the ecological compensation space and the determination of ecological compensation amount. The method could be used as a reference to guide the ecological compensation of the watershed, and provided theoretical basis and practical guidance for establishing a horizontal ecological compensation mechanism.
Spatial Networks and Collaborative Governance Paths of Urban Construction Land Use Efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
ZHANG Hong-wei, LI Jia-ni, CHAI Ji, WANG Zhan-qi
2025, (2): 331-342. doi:
(3887KB) (
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In order to realizing regional collaboration of spatial governance, it is important to explore the spatial network characteristics of urban construction land use efficiency and to develop cross-regional collaborative governance paths based on them. Therefore, this paper explored the theory of the spatial networks about urban construction land use efficiency; took 110 prefecture-level cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt as the research units and measured urban construction land use efficiency from 2008 to 2019 using stochastic frontier analysis (SFA); select improved gravity model and social network analysis (SNA) to mine the spatial network characteristics of urban construction land use efficiency; and finally based on the theoretical path of collaborative governance of urban construction land use efficiency by block model analysis, differentiated collaborative governance paths of urban construction land use efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt was constructed. The results showed that: (1) urban construction land use efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt has been increasing year by year, but the uneven characteristics of different units have been existing; (2) urban construction land use efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt has significant characteristics of spatial network and well-connected network structure, but the strength of the networks tend to decrease over time; (3) the core-edge structure of the spatial networks are clear, and the role and influence of each node city in the spatial networks of urban construction land use efficiency is complex and diverse; (4) spatial networks in urban construction land use efficiency show clear spatial clustering patterns, and are divided into "Net spillover plate", "Main beneficiary plate" and "Broker plate", collaborative governance of urban construction land use efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt needs to be carried out according to the connotations of different plates. The study can provide reference for the formulation of collaborative governance paths to improve urban construction land use efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt or other regions.
Relationship of Soil Organic Carbon and Influencing Factors at Multi-Scales in Hunan Province
YANG Li-hong, OU YANG Ning-xiang, XIE Hong-xia, ZHOU Qing, ZHANG Yang-zhu
2025, (2): 343-351. doi:
(1855KB) (
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The effects of different environmental factors on the spatial variation of soil organic carbon are scale-dependent. Based on soil profile sample data collected from the soil series survey in Hunan Province,soil organic carbon content of the surface layer was obtained by normalizing the soil thickness. The correlations between soil organic carbon content and the influencing factors at different representation scales in were analyzed. The soil organic carbon contents at the sampling scale in Hunan Province was predicted using mathematical statistics and multivariate empirical mode decomposition (MEMD) methods. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the multi-scale spatial relationships between soil organic carbon content and the influencing factors. The results were as follows:(1) MEMD decomposed soil organic carbon into six intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) and one residual. The dominant scale was IMF1,followed by IMF2,and IMF3. The sum of variance contribution rates of these three scales to soil organic carbon accounted for more than 70%. The main representation scales of soil organic carbon and its influencing factors were 133 km (IMF1),188 km (IMF2) and 355 km (IMF3). (2) The multi-scale analysis indicated that the relationship between soil organic carbon and elevation was mainly manifested at large scales. The correlation between soil organic carbon and its influencing factors became significantly stronger with an increasing scale. (3) The accuracy of soil organic carbon prediction based on the MEMD method was higher than that of using the multiple stepwise regression fitting method,which indicated that multi-scale analysis was more comprehensively in revealing the complex relationship between organic carbon and the influencing factors. The results of this study provided a theoretical basis for the planning and management of soil organic carbon and the improvement of soil quality at different scales.
Comparison Study of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution Control Technology for Plain River-net Area
LI Ming-wei, MA Li, NING Xin , HAO Fang-hua, PENG Li, YIN Guo-dong, ZHANG Xuan
2025, (2): 352-363. doi:
(1045KB) (
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Agricultural non-point source pollution has become one of the serious threats to the water ecological environment in the Plain River-net Area of China. Strengthening the prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution is fundamental to fostering high-quality development in this region. Considering the unique environmental dynamics and characteristics of agricultural non-point source pollution in the Plain River-net Area, the implementation of appropriate technologies is necessary for effectively mitigating non-point source pollution. This study examines the pollution characteristics and challenges related to controlling agricultural non-point source pollution in China's Plain River-net Area, taking into account the region's landform characteristics and development of agriculture. Specifically, it analyzes pollution issues associated with the planting industry, livestock and poultry breeding industry, aquaculture industry, and rural domestic sewage. Emphasizing the importance of safeguarding water environment security, the study particularly focuses on understanding the processes of nitrogen and phosphorus loss. Subsequently, various agricultural non-point source pollution control technologies were introduced and compared for various pollution stages within planting industry, livestock and poultry breeding industry, aquaculture industry, and rural domestic sewage in the plain river network areas. Using a typical agricultural region in the Plain River-net Area as a case study, this study proposed a technical route for selecting appropriate technology and comprehensive governance schemes for pollution control, with an assessment of environmental and economic benefits. Finally, the study provides recommendations and future prospects for the control of agricultural non-point source pollution in the Plain River-net Area, including the reinforcement of monitoring, expansion of research, and innovation in technologies for the prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution.
Identification of Key Areas for Ecological Restoration in Jiangnan Water Town Area: A Case Study of Jintan District, Changzhou
WANG Qi-qi, PU Li-jie, GAO Gen-hong, WANG Yu-jun, SONG Ke, YANG Lei
2025, (2): 364-373. doi:
(2938KB) (
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The ecosystem in the water towns of Jiangnan is facing threats in the process of high urbanization. Identifying key areas for ecological protection, restoration and protecting is important. This study selected Jintan district of Changzhou City as a typical case of the Jiangnan water town area. We used island biogeography theory to identify ecological sources. The ecological corridors were extracted based on the minimum cumulative resistance model (MCR). Combined with gravity model, the importance of the ecological corridors was graded. The regional ecological bottlenecks and obstacles were then identified. Based on these, an ecological security pattern was constructed to provide strategies for ecological restoration. The results showed that: (1) the area of regional ecological source was 152km2. There were 44 terrestrial ecological sources with a total area of 49.3 km2, which were concentrated in Maoshan; There were 77 ecological water sources with a total area of 102.7 km2, which were distributed in Changdang Lake. (2) The total length of ecological corridors was 432.4km, and the land ecological corridors were distributed in a "horizontal umbrella" pattern, while the water ecological corridors were distributed in a "double-loop" pattern. The extremely important ecological corridor was 93.2km, the important ecological corridor was 157.8km, and the generally important ecological corridor was 181.4km. (3) There were 16 ecological spots including 9 important ecological spots, which was mainly located in Maoshan and Tianhuang Lake in the west of Jintan District; There were 14 ecological obstacle points including 6 major ecological obstacle points, which were distributed in the main urban area of high building density and the intersection between high-grade roads and ecological corridors. (4) Based on the principles of effective connection of major habitat patches, protection of key pinch points and restoration of key obstacles, we proposed that a national spatial ecological security pattern of "one core, three areas, and five belts" be built in Jintan District. This study provided reference for carrying out land spatial ecological protection and restoration in the Jiangnan water towns in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
Spatio-temporal Variations of Chlorophyll a and Turbidity in Honghu Wetland Based on Multi-source Data and Machine Learning
LIU Xi, ZHANG Meng, XIE Ting-ting, CAO Liang, HUANG Xiao-long, ZHANG Lei, WANG Xue-lei, ZHOU Zheng
2025, (2): 374-382. doi:
(2471KB) (
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A remote sensing inversion model was developed using a random forest machine learning model to study the spatio-temporal variations of chlorophyll a and turbidity in Honghu Wetland, the largest lake in Hubei Province.The inversion models for chlorophyll a and turbidity showed a satisfactory fit, with R2 values of 0.888 and 0.878, respectively.Mean chlorophyll concentrations in Honghu Lake increased from 2020 to 2022, with values of 58.127, 61.847, and 82.017 μg/L. The mean turbidity levels were 50.180 NTU, 47.379 NTU, and 85.377 NTU for the same period.The significant increase in chlorophyll a and turbidity over the three years indicated a continuous deterioration in the water quality. Factors such as long-term cage aquaculture, extreme climate events, external pollution load, and endogenous pollution release contributed to these changes.This study provided valuable insights into the spatio-temporal variation of chlorophyll a and turbidity in Honghu Lake to help take early warning and effective management efforts.
Analysis of Phosphorus Loading Sources and Environmental Risk Assessment at Sub-basin Scale in Fuxian Lake Basin
WANG Yan-jie, LIANG Qi-bin, WANG Yan-xia, HOU Lei, CHEN Qi-bo, LI Xiao-lin, WANG Wei, GAO Jun-shu
2025, (2): 383-394. doi:
(2826KB) (
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Precise quantification of sources of total phosphorus is important for assessing environmental risk in lake basins. In this study, we selected the Fuxian Lake Basin as an example and applied TP pollution load models to analyze the sources of TP at sub-basin scales from 1990 to 2020. We further used entropy weight fuzzy model to evaluate the dynamic pattern of environmental risk of TP pollution at the whole basin scale and sub-basin scale. The results showed that: (1)The TP pollution loads were from 59.38~239.05 t during the period of 1990~2020. Point pollution increased over time, whereas non-point pollution was still the dominant source. TP pollution was mainly from synthetic fertilizer and animal manure application on the crop land. Synthetic fertilizer was the dominant source in the Fucheng River and the Hewaizhigou River sub-basins, and animal manure application on crop land was the main source in Datikanqing River and the Dajing River sub-basins. (2)The environmental risk in the whole basin increased from 1990 to 2005 and reached a peak in 2005. Afterwards, the risk decreased from 0.56~0.06 during 2005 to 2020. The Hewaizhigouhe River and the Fuchenghe River sub-basins were always at a higher environmental risk level from 2000 to 2010 with the high evaluation value of above 0.55. Due to the closure of mining operations, a significant reduction in environmental risk was shown in the Dongdahe River sub-basin from 2005 to 2010. Compared to the whole-basin scale, environmental risk assessment at sub-basin scales provided more accurate information on lake management. Analysis of pollution sources and assessment of environmental risks at sub-basin scales can provide scientific basis and technical support for decision-makers in plateau lakes areas.
Vegetation Disturbance and Spillover of Hydropower Stations with Different Regulation Periods in the Middle Jinsha River
ZHANG Jia-zheng, , NIE Jun-cheng, ZHU Da-ming, DAI Zuo-min, , WANG De-zhi, , ZHANG Quan-fa,
2025, (2): 395-409. doi:
(4690KB) (
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Hydropower is a crucial source of clean energy, yet the long construction period and broad impact range of hydropower stations result in significant uncertainties regarding their effects on surrounding vegetation. Based on MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the utilization of the Google Earth Engine (GEE) as a computational platform, this study employed the LandTrendr algorithm to analyze the timing and magnitude of vegetation disturbance. Additionally, the Theil-Sen Median and Hurst index were combined to investigate the dynamic impacts of hydropower stations with different regulation modes on regional vegetation from 2000 to 2022 in the middle Jinsha River. The results revealed that: (1) The major change points in NDVI aligned with the respective dam's impoundment years (Guanyinyan: 2015; Rudila: 2013; Dragon's Mouth: 2013; Ah Hai: 2013). The influence range of weekly-regulated hydropower stations (0~13 km) was wider than that of daily-regulated stations (0~9 km), with a larger positive change area (37.21~54.53%) compared to daily-regulated stations (22.35~38.07%), which gradually diminished in intensity away from the riverbank; (2) From 2000 to 2022, NDVI of the four major hydropower stations generally exhibited an upward trend (0.001~0.004 per year), showing a cycle of "rise - fall - rise" before, during, and after the construction. The operation of hydropower stations facilitated the restoration of surrounding vegetation. The weekly-regulated stations demonstrated a greater positive impact on vegetation (NDVI increase rate of 0.007~0.008 per year) compared to the daily-regulated stations (NDVI increase rate of 0.005~0.007 per year); (3) Changes in vegetation around hydropower stations were influenced by both climate and station operation, and the latter having a more significant impact on vegetation than the former; (4) The impact of hydropower stations on surrounding vegetation displayed a spillover effect, indicating outward diffusion of negative impacts of spreading in the future, albeit with a delayed effect. This study provided a reliable scientific foundation and theoretical support for the sustainability of regional vegetation and the sustainable operation of hydropower stations.
Impact of Diversified Planting Adoption on Farmer′s Net Plantation Income: An Empirical Study in China's Major Grain-Producing Regions
CHI Shu-yao, PEI Xiao-han, LU Wei-nan, ZHAO Min-juan
2025, (2): 410-422. doi:
(881KB) (
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Diversified planting emerges as a pivotal strategy in ensuring effective food provision and addressing the challenges of climate change. Based on data from 1 201 farmers in China’s major grain-producing regions of China, this study empirically explored the impacts of diversified planting implementation on farmer′s net plantation income, by employing the endogenous switching regression and quantile regression models. The results showed that: (1) Farmers that adopted diversified planting experienced a significant increase in net plantation income, compared to the non-adopters. (2) Variations existed in the income effects of diversified planting implementation among the farmers with different degrees of net plantation income. Specifically, the farmers with a lower net plantation income witnessed a substantial increase in net plantation income following the diversified planting, while the ones with higher net plantation income counterparts did not have significantly benefits. (3) The extent to which diversified planting might enhance farmer′s net plantation income varied depending on the degree of diversification. The efficacy of diversified planting in enhancing farmer′s net plantation income initially strengthened and subsequently diminished as the degree of diversification increased. When the diversification index (SID) was in the range of (0.4,0.5\], the enhancing effect was notably strong. Based on the above conclusions, it was imperative for relevant governments to develop tailored promotional strategies that matched the farmers with varying levels of net plantation income. There should be a particular emphasis on guiding and encouraging farmers with lower levels of net plantation income to engage in diversified planting. Furthermore, it was essential for the government to assist farmers in selecting the appropriate degree of diversification to enhance their net plantation income.
Mechanism and Effect of Digitalization of Rural Circulation on the Resilience of Grain System
WANG Yan-fei, YE Ju, CAO Jie
2025, (2): 423-436. doi:
(991KB) (
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Revealing the inherent logic of the impact of digitalization of rural circulation on the resilience of the grain system is of great significance for accelerating the process of digitalization of rural circulation and helping to empower the resilience and security level of the grain system with digitalization.
On the basis of theoretical mechanism analysis, based on provincial panel data from 2011 to 2021, this paper empirically tested the impact of rural circulation digitalization on grain system resilience. The main conclusions were: (1) Benchmark regression showed that digitalization of rural circulation could significantly enhance the resilience of China's grain system. After a series of robustness tests and elimination of endogeneity issues, this conclusion still held. (2) Heterogeneity testing showed that digitalization of rural circulation had a more significant promoting effect on the resilience of the grain system in the central and western regions, as well as the main grain producing areas. (3) The intermediary model test showed that industrial integration and agricultural technology innovation played mediating roles in the positive impact of rural circulation digitization on the resilience of the grain system. (4) The threshold effect test showed that agricultural labor productivity played a threshold role in the impact of digitalization of rural circulation on the resilience of the grain system.
Therefore, in the future, we should accelerate the digital transformation of the rural circulation system. We should further consider the importance of the intermediary roles of industrial integration and agricultural technology innovation and the threshold impact of labor productivity. The empowering effect of rural circulation digitization on the resilience of the grain system should also be stimulated, according to local conditions.
#br# Impact of Climate Change on Yields of Early-middle-late Rice and System Adaptation in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River
WANG Ya-jie, LI Xiao-yun, XU Zong-bing, LIU Chu-jie
2025, (2): 437-452. doi:
(2150KB) (
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Meteorological and socio-economic data from 124 rice-producing counties in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River from 1996 to 2020 were used in this study. A two-way fixed-effect model was adopted to investigate the impact of climate changes on rice yield in this region. The findings were as follows: (1) The increase of effective accumulated temperature had a significant positive impact on the yield of all three types of rice, while the accumulated hot damage temperature had no significant impact. There was an inverted U-shaped nonlinear relationship between radiation duration and early rice yield, as well as a similar inverted U-shaped nonlinear relationship between precipitation and the yield of middle and late rice. (2) The analysis by growth stages found that the increase in harmful accumulated temperature during the concurrent vegetative and reproductive growth stages of middle rice and the vegetative growth stage of late rice had a significant negative impact on yield. The long difference test indicated that the production systems of middle and late rice had been adapted to the changes in accumulated hot damage temperature during these two stages. (3) By simulating the adjustment of transplanting dates and considering the constraints of the safe transplanting period, it was found that advancing the transplanting date of early and late rice to April 8th was most conducive to rice production. This study provided empirical support for the cultivation management of different types of rice in different growth stages in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River.
Measurement and Evolution of Modernization Development Level of Chinese-Style Agriculture and Rural Areas in Counties of Zhejiang Province
WANG Wei-xin , YIN Xu-kang, WANG Chen-guang
2025, (2): 453-466. doi:
(2016KB) (
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As an essential component of Chinese-style modernization, the process of modernizing agriculture and rural areas directly relates to the progress and quality of Chinese-style modernization goals. Taking the 50 county-level administrative regions in Zhejiang province as the research objects, this paper established a comprehensive evaluation index system for Chinese-style agricultural and rural modernization. The index system consisted of six dimensions: grassroots governance, population size, common prosperity, material civilization, spiritual civilization, and the relationship between humans and nature. Calculations were conducted to reveal the spatiotemporal evolution characteristics, regional development differences, and major obstacles from 2012 to 2021. It was indicated that: (1) The overall level of Chinese-style agricultural and rural modernization in Zhejiang province's counties showed a rising trend. The development speed was relatively fast, but there existed significant differences among the dimensions. (2) There were evident spatial clustering and correlation features in the development level, highlighting the prominent issue of regional development imbalance. (3) The proportion of rural population, intensity of chemical fertilizer application, and the level of agricultural mechanical cultivation had consistently been the main obstacles in the process of Chinese-style agricultural and rural modernization. Therefore, it was necessary to further promote the orderly transfer of agricultural population to cities, implement the “Two Mountains” theory, strengthen “mountain-sea collaboration,” promote “mechanized agriculture,” and achieve comprehensive and balanced development of Chinese-style agricultural and rural modernization in the counties of Zhejiang province.
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