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20 March 2024, Volume 33 Issue 3
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  • Spatiotemporal Evolution of Green Innovation Efficiency in  Cities of the Yangtze River Delta and the Driving Effect of Green Innovation Network
    WU Qi-yu , ZENG Gang , YANG Yang, CHEN Peng-xin
    2024, (3):  461-471.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403001
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    Improving the efficiency of urban green innovation is a key measure for the Yangtze River Delta region to move towards higher quality integration and achieve the "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals". The spatial pattern and driving mechanism of green innovation efficiency have attracted the attention of economic geography scholars. However, current research on this topic rarely considered the driving role of green innovation network. This paper constructed an analytical framework for the impact of innovation network on regional green innovation, and calculated the green innovation efficiency of various cities in the Yangtze River Delta from 2007 to 2017 using the window DEA analysis method based on the super efficiency SBM model. This work also depicted their spatial and temporal patterns, and discussed the impact of urban green innovation network status on their green innovation efficiency. The research found that: (1)The green innovation efficiency of cities in the Yangtze River Delta showed a fluctuating upward trend in the time series. (2)The spatial pattern of green innovation efficiency in the cities of the Yangtze River Delta had undergone an evolution from "high in the southeast and low in the northwest" in 2007 to "high in the east and low in the west" in 2012, and then to "high in the northeast and low in the northwest" in 2017. There was a positive correlation with the centrality of the green innovation network. (3)Overall, the improvement of the status of cities in the green innovation network improved the efficiency of green innovation in cities, but the regression coefficient was small. The green innovation network in the Yangtze River Delta region still needs further improvement.
    Evaluation of Green Innovation Efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt:  Based on the Double Heterogeneity Dea Interval Cross-Efficiency Model
    XIANG Xiao-dong, CHEN Yan-guang
    2024, (3):  472-486.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403002
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    To evaluate the green innovation efficiency of the Yangtze River Economic Belt accurately, this paper took environmental heterogeneity, decision-making unit heterogeneity, and all optimal weighting schemes into consideration. We constructed a double heterogeneity DEA interval cross-efficiency model and proposed the concept of a single heterogeneity DEA interval cross-efficiency evaluation. The green innovation efficiency of 95 cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2013 to 2020 was evaluated. The results were shown as follows: (1) During the period of inspection, no matter whether under double heterogeneity or single heterogeneity, the Yangtze River Economic Belt's overall green innovation efficiency had not yet reached a state of effectiveness. If examined in single heterogeneity, a clear upward trend and stage characteristics were shown. (2) In the event of double heterogeneity, the green innovation efficiency of the downstream areas needed to be more compatible with the levels of urban development. (3) Under single heterogeneity, the efficiency of green innovation had a significant spatial distribution, which displayed that the downstream areas were better than the midstream areas, and the midstream areas were better than the upstream areas. (4) Under dual heterogeneity, the green innovation efficiency of Suining was ranked as the first in the upstream areas. The performance of the green innovation efficiency of Shaoyang was the best in the midstream areas. Meanwhile, in the downstream areas, Bozhou had the best green innovation efficiency. In the station of single heterogeneity, Suining's green innovation efficiency was the highest. Finally, based on the above conclusions as well as the Yangtze River Economic Belt's regional locations and stages of urban development, certain suggestions were put forward to improve the efficiency of green innovation in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
    Space-time Evolution and Shortcomings on the Green Transformation Capabilities of Urban Clusters in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
    WENG Yi-jing, YANG Yue, XU Fei
    2024, (3):  487-497.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403003
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    We employed the four primary entities driving urban transformation: the government, corporations, industries, and local residents, and established an indicator system to evaluate urban green transformation capabilities. The TOPSIS model was applied to assess the green transformation capability of urban clusters in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) during the decade from 2010 to 2020. With the application of tools such as regional imbalance indices, dynamic change indices, and exploratory spatial data analysis, we recognized space-time evolutions, patterns of cluster and potential shortcomings within the green transformation capabilities of various urban clusters in the YREB. The results indicated that: (1) For the studied period, the green transformation capabilities of urban clusters in the YREB exhibited a general stable growth. On average, the capability hierarchy was "Yangtze River Delta > Central Guizhou > Middle Reaches of Yangtze River > Chengdu-Chongqing > Central Yunnan Urban Cluster". The regional imbalance index demonstrated the "N" shaped oscillation, following a "growth - decline - growth" trajectory. The overall level of dynamic changes remained relatively low, with cities exhibiting higher dynamic change indices predominantly positioned within the central and western urban clusters. There was noticeable spatial clustering of urban green transformation capabilities, although this phenomenon showed a slight reduction in 2020. (2) The business-industry axis was the principal shortcoming in all urban clusters' green transformation capability. The green transformation capability of businesses was the foremost shortcoming across all urban clusters, with the green transformation capability of industries being the secondary shortcoming in the Middle Reaches of Yangtze River, Chengdu-Chongqing, Central Guizhou, and Central Yunnan Urban Cluster. Simultaneously, the influence of the government and residents' green transformation capabilities on the overall performance of the Yangtze River Delta Urban Cluster had been progressively enhanced.
    Impact of Water Ecological Civilization City Construction Pilot Policy on Green Water Resource Utilization Efficiency
    KAN Da-xue, LV Lian-ju
    2024, (3):  498-509.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403004
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    How to improve the green water resource utilization efficiency is very important for China to realize comprehensive green transformation in the new development stage. Based on the panel data of cities in China from 2008 to 2020, this study found that the green water resource utilization efficiency in the sample period showed an upward trend by using EBM model, and the green water resource utilization efficiency in the pilot construction period increased at the highest rate. The empirical study showed that under the control of urbanization level, population density, opening up level and water use structure, the pilot policy of water ecological civilization city construction had improved the green water resource utilization efficiency by using difference-in-differences method. The above results passed a series of robustness tests. In terms of heterogeneity, there was time heterogeneity in the impact of pilot policies on green water resource utilization efficiency, and the impact had regional heterogeneity in cities with different levels of economic development, water resources endowment and environmental regulation intensity. Mechanism analysis showed that the impact was achieved by increasing sewage treatment, promoting technological progress, optimizing the industrial structure, speeding up water price reform and promoting water recycling.
    Study on the Relationship Between Tidal Creek Development and Typical Landscape Pattern Evolution in Jiuduansha Wetland of Yangtze Estuary
    WANG Yan, ZHENG Guang-hui, ZHAO Cheng-yi
    2024, (3):  510-524.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403005
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    Jiuduansha, the mouth of the Yangtze River, is one of the most important wetlands in China and is a national nature reserve. Based on GF-2, Landsat and GoogleEarth remote sensing image data, this study interpreted the spatial distribution of Jiuduansha tidal creeks and landscape types. Ten tidal creek characteristic parameters including tidal creek length and curvature, and four landscape pattern indexes including patch area ratio and patch density were selected to explore the relationship between Jiuduansha tidal creek characteristic parameters and typical landscape patterns. The results showed that: The overall accuracy of U-Net convolutional neural network of extracting typical landscapes was 93.15%, and the Kappa coefficient was 0.94.The Jiuduansha area was less affected by human activities. From 2011 to 2021, the tidal channel network continued to develop, expand and become complicated. The length of the upper sand and upper sand tidal channels increased by 52.821 km and 133.467 km, respectively. Compared with the lower sand, the upper sand tidal channel development network demonstrated a better connectivity.In the absence of alien species and human disturbance, Phragmites australis was the dominant species of sand on Jiuduansha, and the area ratio of Phragmites australis patch was at a high value. Spartina alterniflora was the dominant species of sand under Jiuduansha, and the area ratio of Spartina alterniflora patch was at a high value.There existed a strong positive correlation between the length of tidal creek, the density of tidal creek, the curvature of tidal creek and the area ratio of reed patches (p≤0.05). The curvature of tidal creek was generally positively correlated with the degree of fragmentation of Scirpus mariqueter, and negatively correlated with the area ratio of Scirpus mariqueter patches.The curvature of the lower sand tidal channel was generally negatively correlated with the degree of reed fragmentation, and was strongly positively correlated with the area ratio of reed patches. The γ index was strongly negatively correlated with the area ratio of spartina alterniflora patches. The curvature of the tidal channel was significantly positively correlated with the area ratio of S.alterniflora patches (p≤0.01).By exploring the relationship between tidal creek development and wetland landscape pattern evolution, this research can provide a theoretical basis for the protection of Jiuduansha wetland.
    Influencing Mechanisms of Energy Utilization on Urban Land Green Utilization Efficiency:A Spatial Econometric Analysis Based on the Yangtze River Economic Belt
    REN Wen-qin, LU Xin-hai, YANG Hao, KE Shan-gan
    2024, (3):  525-536.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403006
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    Exploring the impacts of energy utilization on urban land green use efficiency is of great practical significance for promoting sustainable regional resource utilization and achieving the transformation of land green use. This study analyzed the influencing mechanism from the perspectives of industrial transfer, technological innovation, and investment expansion. By using the entropy method and the non-desirable output super-efficiency SBM, the energy utilization and urban land green use efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2006 to 2020 were calculated. Furthermore, the spatial Durbin model was employed to analyze the influence of energy utilization on urban land green use efficiency. The results were as follows: (1) During the study period, the overall land green use efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt showed a fluctuating upward trend, with the average efficiency increasing from 0.535 to 0.784. The number of high-efficiency cities not only increased significantly but also showed an apparent trend of concentration and contiguous distribution. (2) There was a spatial interaction between energy utilization and urban land green use efficiency. The direct effect coefficient was 0.136, and the spatial spillover effect coefficient was -0.203. This indicated that energy utilization had a promoting effect on the land green use efficiency of central cities but significantly inhibited the improvement of land green use efficiency in surrounding cities. (3) Policy supply strengthened the direct impact of energy utilization on land green use efficiency, but weakened the negative effect of spatial spillover of energy utilization. Therefore, it was necessary to actively adjust the local industrial structure to reduce production energy consumption. It was also essential to promote the transformation of energy utilization through technological innovation to achieve synchronized improvement of urban land green use efficiency, based on optimizing the energy structure and utilization efficiency.
    Impacts of Land Uses on Water Quality at Multi-scales in Yangtze River Delta Area 
    LU Xin-yu, SONG Zheng-shan, LI Jian
    2024, (3):  537-546.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403007
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    This study aimed to explore the relationship between the spatial distribution of water quality and land use types in the Yangtze River Delta region. Monthly average data for nine key water quality indicators, including dissolved oxygen concentration, pH value, total nitrogen concentration, total phosphorus concentration, permanganate index, water temperature, ammonia nitrogen concentration, conductivity, and turbidity, were collected from 316 monitoring stations in 2021. Buffer zones of 500 meters and 2000 meters, as well as sub-basin buffers centered around the stations, were established for analysis. The research employed a combination of methods including the comprehensive factor evaluation approach, Pearson correlation analysis, and redundancy analysis. The findings of this study revealed the following: (1) The overall water quality in the Yangtze River Delta region was of high quality, categorized as Grade II. Key pollutants included nitrogen, phosphorus, and organic matter. Notably, total phosphorus concentration exhibited regional variations, with higher levels observed in the southwest and lower levels in the northeast. (2) Distinct variations between dry and wet seasons were evident, with conductivity, total nitrogen, and dissolved oxygen concentrations being higher during the dry seasons compared to the wet seasons. (3) Land use types exerted a significant influence on water quality. At a smaller scale, agricultural land was identified as the primary driver of water quality variations. Additionally, the impact of forested land on water quality was more pronounced during the dry seasons than the wet seasons. At a larger scale, forested areas played a substantial role in regional water quality. In light of these insights, this study underscored the positive implications of implementing both targeted agricultural management practices at the local scales and broader measures such as afforestation and wetland restoration at the regional scales for effective water ecological management in the Yangtze River Delta region.

    Impact of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Service Values in Guizhou Province from 2000 to 2020
    SUN Ding-zhao, LIANG You-jia, LIU Li-jun
    2024, (3):  547-560.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403008
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    Guizhou province is located in the typical karst landform area with a fragile ecology. It is of significance to analyze the influence of land use change caused by multiple driving factors on the value of regional ecosystem service for ecological construction and land management. Based on GlobeLand30 land use/cover dataset, grain production and price, we calculated the dynamic degree of land use, degree of utilization, transfer matrix and spatial autocorrelation index and corrected the service value coefficient of ecosystem in Guizhou Province. The change of land use and ecosystem service value in Guizhou Province from 2000 to 2020 was analyzed, and the influence and interaction of driver factors were quantified by geographical detectors. This study found that: (1) During the study period, forest land and grassland decreased by 1 148.79 km2 and 1 600.36 km2, respectively, while water and artificial surface increased by 496.54 km2 and 2 315.81 km2, respectively. The comprehensive land use dynamic degree reached 45.16%, and the artificial surface dynamic degree was 32.75%; The spatial displacement process of cultivated land, forest and grassland, and artificial surface was significant, and there was a trade-off between artificial surface and cultivated land; (2) The high value of land use degree of utilization mainly revolved around the distribution of urban areas in Guiyang, Anshun, and Zunyi, and the distribution of land use exhibited spatial clustering, with global Moran′s I values greater than 0. The artificial surface exhibited significant high-high clustering (H-H) characteristics; (3) Population and road network had a sustained impact on the spatial pattern of land use, while precipitation was associated with the distribution of arable land and forest land. The driving factors had a synergistic effect on the spatial pattern of land use; (4) In the past 20 years, the value of ecosystem services in Guizhou Province decreased first and then increased. The value of forest and grass ecosystem services accounted for over 80% of the total value, and regulation and support services were the main types of ecosystem services. In 29 counties in Guizhou Province, the value of ecosystem services shifted from loss to gain. For future ecological construction, it is necessary to strengthen the construction and management of forest and grass ecosystems.
    Research on the Characteristics of Soil Macrofauna Community in Urban Greenway Ecosystems 
    HUANG Yu-mei, XU Wei-chao, ZENG Qian, ZHANG Dan-ju, XIAO Fei-fei, XIAO Jiu-jin, XIE Wen-feng
    2024, (3):  561-571.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403009
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    With the acceleration of urbanization, the area of high-rise buildings and impervious pavement has been continuously expanded to meet the demand of the rapidly growing urban population, resulting in a physical separation between urban green spaces. Urban greenway, as an open linear green space in cities, not only provides social functions such as landscape and recreation, but also acts as an ecological corridor, connecting separated urban green spaces. It is an important green infrastructure for urban ecological environment protection and biodiversity conservation. Soil macrofauna, such as earthworms, beetles, and ants, which live in litter layer or soil layer, have important effects on soil ecological process. The abundance and richness of soil macrofauna community are usually regarded as a good indicator of soil quality. To assess the environmental quality of urban greenway ecosystem, the effects of greenway habitat type, width of corridor, plant configuration, and soil properties on the conservation of soil faunal diversity were implored through field investigation and lab analyses in summer and autumn. In general, the individual density, taxonomic group number, diversity indices of macrofauna in WG habitat were significantly higher than in RG habitat. The indicator organisms of macrofauna in WG habitat were Geophilus and Porcellio, which is suitable for living in relatively humid environment. The indicator organism of macrofauna in RG was Brachyponera, suitable for living in relatively hot and dry environment. The environmental factors including soil temperature (ST), soil bulk density (SBD), soil water content (SWC), available N (AN), available K (AK), tree species richness index (TR), and deciduous tree ratio (DTR) had significant effects on the distribution of macrofauna community. The function of biodiversity conservation in urban greenway ecosystem can be improved through widening green corridor along greenways, raising the ratio of deciduous tree, increasing the application of organic fertilizer, and retaining plant litter in appropriate locations. The results provided helpful suggestions for the construction of ecological and effective urban greenway ecosystems in a natural way.
    Coupling Coordination and Driving Factors of New Urbanization and Water Environment in Yangtze River Economic Belt
    ZHANG Ning, WANG Yu-qian
    2024, (3):  572-583.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403010
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    The process of new urbanization not only promotes rapid socio-economic development, but also leads to increasingly severe water environment problems. This study took 11 provinces (municipalities directly under the central government) in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) as the research objects, and adopted entropy method and coupling coordination degree model to measure the coupling coordination degree of new urbanization and water environment. Spatial autocorrelation model and grey correlation degree model were used to explore the spatio-temporal evolution and the driving factors. The results showed that: (1) From 2009 to 2020, the comprehensive level index of water environment in the YREB remained stable, and the overall development trend of new urbanization and the coupling coordination of new urbanization and water environment was good. From the perspective of spatial evolution, the coupling coordination degree showed a pattern of "downstream>midstream>upstream". The regional differences slowed down, and the overall growth rate was relatively slow. (2) The coupling coordination of new urbanization and water environment had a significant positive spatial autocorrelation, and the local spatial autocorrelation exhibited clustering convergence characteristic, with a strong spatial correlation. (3) The factors that affected the coupling coordination of new urbanization and water environment in descending order of intensity were: industrial structure, population aggregation, technological innovation, economic drive, and government capacity. The degree of influence of each factor on the coupling coordination degree had significant regional differences. Therefore, it is necessary to pay full attentions to the regional resource advantages of the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, to promote the coordinated development of new urbanization and water environment.
    Evaluation of Eutrophication and Analysis of Pollution Factors in Eutrophication and Pollution Factors in Typical Seasonal Rivers of Upper Yangtze River
    GAO Dong-dong, ZHANG Han, REN Xing-nian, TIAN Xiao-gang, GUO Ming-kun, ZHANG Wan-ping, YANG Chang-jun
    2024, (3):  584-595.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403011
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    Comprehensive understanding of the current state of water body eutrophication is crucial for long-term water environmental management. However, there have been few reports on the analysis of the spatiotemporal variations and causes of pollution in seasonal rivers with regards to eutrophication. Based on monitoring data of 13 water quality indicators in the Meishan section of the Minjiang River Basin from January 2019 to December 2020, this study used eutrophication indices, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, and multivariate statistical methods to elucidate the spatial and temporal characteristics of nutrient salts, the state of eutrophication, and the main polluting factors of the main stem and major tributaries of Minjiang River in the basin. The results indicated that: (1) Temporally, total nitrogen (TN) concentrations were highest in summer, reaching 5.33 mg/L. Total phosphorus (TP) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) were highest in spring, at 0.22 and 0.65 mg/L, respectively. Spatially, TN concentrations were highest in the Simeng River, reaching 7.09 mg/L. TP and NH3-N concentrations were highest in the Tiquan River, at 0.27 and 0.96 mg/L, respectively; (2) The eutrophication index ranked as follows: spring (69.10) > summer (67.06) > winter (65.93) > autumn (65.91); Tiquan River (76.06) > Simeng River (70.39) > Mao River (70.02) > Jinniu River (63.14) > main stem of the Minjiang River (62.19); (3) Principal component analysis extracted 4 principal components, cumulatively explaining 71.11% of the variance, identifying the primary factors influencing water quality were industrial and domestic wastewater, agricultural activities and urban non-point source pollution, seasonal factors, and soil erosion. The results of this study provided guidance for eutrophication control and water quality improvement in the Meishan section of the Minjiang River Basin and provided a scientific basis for the management of water environment in similar seasonal rivers.
    Study on Cyanobacteria, Bacteria Community and Vertical Migration in Water Source Area of Jinshugang, Taihu Lake
    LIN Yi-wen, JING Ming, LI Ji-ying, WU Zhi-jie, WANG Zi-bo
    2024, (3):  596-604.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403012
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    This study took cyanobacteria form water source area of Jinshugang in Taihu Lake as the example, the cyanobacterial community composition in water and sediment was analyzed by high-throughput sequencing technology, and the effect of physicochemical parameters on the changes of cyanobacteria was also examined. The results showed that the composition of bacterial communities in water was similar with that in sediment, and the community structure of cyanobacteria in water changed greatly with the seasons, while the community structure of cyanobacteria in sediment changed little. The dominant families of cyanobacteria were Microcystaceae and Synechococcales, and the Microcystaceae was the largest families during the cyanobacteria bloom. Water temperature, dissolved oxygen, total nitrogen and total phosphorus were the main physicochemical factors affecting the change of cyanobacterial community structure. There were 12 genera of algae-dissolving bacteria detected in Jinshugang throughout the whole year, and the main bacteria were Pseudomonas and Flavobaeteria. The proportion of algae-dissolving bacteria was opposite to cyanobacteria bloom, the proportion of cyanobacteria in bacteria was low during cyanobacterial outbreaks and high at the beginning and ending of the outbreak. Besides, it was found that the cyanobacterial bloom in sediment took precedence over the cyanobacterial bloom in water as the air temperature increased. The phenomenon of migration and enrichment from water to sediment occurred when the proportion of cyanobacteria in water was high during the cyanobacterial bloom.
    Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics of Cyanobacteria and the Driving Factors in Poyang Lake
    HU Fang, LIU Ju-tao, YANG Ping, WEN Chun-yun, ZHANG Lan-ting, ZHANG Jie
    2024, (3):  605-614.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403013
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    The problem of cyanobacteria bloom caused by eutrophication was a challenge to the protection of aquatic environment of Poyang Lake.In order to clarify the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of cyanobacteria in Poyang Lake and the influencing factors, cyanobacteria were monitored in the eastern lake, main lake and inlet channel of Poyang Lake from 2019 to 2020.The redundancy analysis (RDA) was used for data analysis.Results showed that, a total of 128 species from 7 phyla were detected, including 15 species of cyanobacteria, accounting for 11.72% of the total number of species.The number of phytoplankton species and cyanobacteria species showed the distribution pattern of wet season > flat season > dry season, and the main lake > inlet channel > eastern lake.The number of cyanobacterial density ranged from 0 to 2.19×107cells/L in Poyang Lake, with the proportion of cyanobacteria at each site ranged from 0% to 83.98%.Among them, the densities of cyanobacteria showed a distribution pattern of the main lake > eastern lake> inlet channel , wet season > flat season > dry season, and 2020 >2019.Pseudanabaena sp.was the dominant cyanobacterial species in the eastern lake area, Microcystis sp.and Pseudanabaena sp.were the dominant cyanobacterial species in the main lake area and the inlet channel.Water temperature, suspended solids, permanganate index, wind speed and the particular lake current and wind field were the main factors affecting the distribution of cyanobacterial communities in the main lake.Transparency, suspended solids and permanganate index were the main factors affecting the distribution of cyanobacteria in the inlet channel.The distribution of cyanobacterial community in the eastern lake was the result of the combined influence of all factors.Phosphorus was no longer the limiting nutrient for cyanobacterial outbreak in Poyang Lake, which implied that reducing phosphorus pollution load was also an important means to prevent cyanobacterial bloom in Poyang Lake.
    Discharge Characteristics of the Rural Domestic Sewage and Its Influencing Factors  in Different Terrains of Jiangxi Province
    HU Fei-chao, YAO Jian-feng, LIU Lu, ZHANG Wen-qiang, WANG Gong-ting, PANG Kuo, GUO Ya-li, ZHANG Ting, LI Min,
    2024, (3):  615-624.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403014
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    To analyze the discharge characteristics of rural domestic sewage in different terrains of Jiangxi Province, three terrains including mountainous, hilly and plain, were selected to monitor the gray water and black water of rural residents' domestic sewage.The characteristics of rural residents' domestic sewage discharge, the correlation between each index and the factors affecting the discharge characteristics were studied.The results indicated that per capita water consumption of rural residents in mountainous, hilly and plain areas was 100.08, 96.89 and 94.52 L/(d·cap), respectively.The peak pollutant concentrations in a day were between 10:00-14:00 (gray water) and 14:00-18:00 (black water), and the maximum pollutant concentrations occurred in winter and the minimum occurred in summer.The median concentrations of COD, SS, NH4+N, TN and TP in effluent were 487.5, 67.5, 3.49, 33.85, 6.36 mg/L (gray water) and 481, 76, 97.6, 146, 13.1 mg/L (black water).A highly significant positive correlation was found between NH4+-N, TN, and TP for two of the three terrains sewage, and the correlations between COD and TN and TP were all significant.Terrain demonstrated a larger significance of level of influence on wastewater quality than the factors of income level and average household size.This study can provide reference for the management of rural domestic sewage in Jiangxi Province and ecological environmental protection in Poyang Lake basin.
    Characteristics of Extreme Precipitation in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region During 1961~2020
    AI Wan-xiu, ZHAO Shan-shan, CHEN Xian-yan, YANG Ming-zhu
    2024, (3):  625-633.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403015
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    Extreme precipitation plays an important role in the regulation, storage, and flood control of the Three Gorges Reservoir.The changing characteristics of extreme precipitation in the Three Gorges Reservoir region (TGRR) under the background of global warming are worth studying.Based on the observational precipitation data of 33 meteorological stations in TGRR from 1961 to 2020, the spatial-temporal characteristics of extreme precipitation events for hourly, daily and consecutive precipitation in TGRR were analyzed.The results showed that the spatial distribution of the maximum hourly precipitation, daily precipitation, and consecutive precipitation was greater in southeastern TGRR than in other areas, and less in southwestern and northeastern TGRR than in other areas.However, the spatial distributions of the trend of the annual maximum hourly precipitation, daily precipitation and process precipitation were different from each other.The threshold values of extreme hourly precipitation, daily precipitation, and consecutive precipitation events in TGRR were all large in eastern TGRR and small in western TGRR.The maximum threshold value of daily precipitation and consecutive precipitation extreme event occurred at Hefeng in Hubei province.Under the background of global warming, the frequency of extreme daily precipitation events in TGRR increased in summer, especially in June and July.The distribution of monthly frequency of extreme consecutive precipitation events was bimodal during 1961~1990, with the main peak in June and secondary peak in September, respectively.During 1991~2020, the monthly frequency of extreme consecutive precipitation events was more concentrated in summer, with the peak in June.The annual frequency of extreme hourly precipitation, daily precipitation events showed an increasing trend, while that of extreme consecutive precipitation events had a decreasing trend during 1961~2020.However, the increasing trends were found for all since 2001, and the trends of extreme hourly precipitation and daily precipitation events were significant at the significance level of 0.05.Our findings suggested that more attention should be paid to extreme precipitation observation, which may raise the risk of rainstorm and flood disasters in TGRR, in flood seasons.
    Study on Inversion Characteristics and Its Influence on PM2.5 in Sichuan Basin
    WAN Chaoyue, XU Tingting, WANG Yan, LIU Shenlan, PENGZhouhao , JIANG Shuqiao
    2024, (3):  634-645.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403016
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    This study examined the temporal and spatial changes of temperature inversion characteristics in the Sichuan Basin based on ERA5 hourly temperature profile data from 2000 to 2020.The temperature inversion's contribution to PM2.5 was quantified and temperature inversion characteristics and boundary layer structure were examined, during periods of high pollution in Chengdu and Yibin.Geographically, the eastern and southern regions had the highest frequency of temperature inversions (15%–25%), followed by the middle basin, while the northwest and southwest regions had the lowest frequency.The overall concentration of the seasonal change in temperature inversion thickness in the basin was between 200 and 350 m, with little variations in geographic distribution.The highest temperature inversion strength in the central region reached about 0.45  °C/100 m during the winter.The frequency, thickness, and intensity of temperature inversions at stations in the Sichuan Basin were all positively connected with PM2.5, with the correlation coefficients of 0.3, 0.28, and 0.25, respectively.When the temperature inversion thickness in Chengdu and Yibin was 376 m and 374 m, respectively, the average PM2.5 concentration reached about 75 μg/m3, and the fitting curve between temperature inversion intensity and PM2.5 concentration was parabolic, according to the fitting relationship between temperature inversion characteristics and PM2.5.In most cases, a continuous deep inversion layer was linked to high pollutant concentrations during periods of heavy air pollution.The PM2.5 concentration in Chengdu reached 163 μg/m3 and 157 μg/m3 on February 16 and 19, respectively, and the frequency and thickness of temperature inversions reached 70% and greater than 300 m.Additionally, there were double-layer temperature inversions.On January 19, 2017, the maximum concentration of PM2.5 in Yibin was 228μg/m3, and the temperature inversion frequency, thickness and intensity were 100%, 727.5m and 0.37  °C/100 m, respectively.In Chengdu and Yibin, relative humidity under the inversion layer reached 80–99% during this period of high air pollution, while the wind speed was less than 2 m/s near the surface.The formation of secondary fine particles and the buildup of primary PM2.5 were both influenced by the robust, stable boundary layer structure and high humidity.
    Coordinated Development between Agricultural Modernization and Agricultural Insurance and the Influencing Factors in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
    ZHANG Qi-wen, WANG Si-yi, LIU Chang
    2024, (3):  646-657.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403017
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    Agricultural modernization (AM) is a necessary precondition for the development of agricultural insurance (AI).AI is an important guarantee for AM.The coordinated development of the two is conducive to accelerating the construction of a strong agricultural country.On the basis of identifying the mechanism of coupling coordination between AM and AI, a comprehensive evaluation system was constructed.The entropy value method, coupling and coordination model and panel Tobit model were used to measure and analyze the level of coupling coordinated development between AM and AI in the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB) from 2008 to 2020.This study showed that: (1) From 2008 to 2020, the development level of AM and AI in the YREB showed a fluctuating growth trend and had a large spatial difference.The development level of Shanghai, Hunan and Sichuan was higher than the average level of YREB, while the development level of Guizhou and Chongqing was relatively backward.(2) The coupling and coordinated development level of AM and AI in the YREB changed from on the verge of dislocation to barely coordinated development, showing that AM development was superior to AI development, implying that the high-quality development of AI might become the key direction for the future coordinated development of the two systems in the YREB.(3) The degree of coupling and coordination between AM and AI in the YREB was influenced by the government financial support, technological innovation and Internet development.Based on this, the government should promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional agriculture, clarify the functions of agricultural insurance, improve the benign interaction mechanism, and promote the coordinated development of AM and AI quality.
     Livelihood Risk and Strategic Choice of Fishermen Retreated from the Yangtze River
    PANG Jie , CHEN Jie, BAI Shanshan
    2024, (3):  658-669.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202403018
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    The livelihood placement of retreated fishermen is the key to the smooth implementation of the ten-year ban on fishing in the Yangtze River.How to prevent and avoid the tendency of poverty and return to poverty in the livelihood transformation and realize the sustainable development of retreated fishermen is of great practical significance.Based on the field survey data of fishermen in the Yangtze River basin,the livelihood risks of different areas and types of fishermen in the Yangtze River basin were identified and evaluated by establishing a livelihood risk index system.The Binary Logistic model was used to analyze the impact mechanism of livelihood risk on response strategy to providing support for formulating an effective livelihood risk prevention system and guarantee mechanism.The research showed that:(1) The livelihood mode of retreated fishermen in the Yangtze River area was mainly part-time,and the income source was mainly non-agricultural income; (2) After the implementation of the fishing ban policy,the livelihood diversification index of fishermen in the Yangtze River region showed an overall downward trend, facing higher livelihood risks, with a livelihood risk multiplicity index of 8.5; (3) Retreated fishermen were faced with multiple risk factors.Natural risk,ecological risk and policy risk were the three main risks.Differences existed for the livelihood risks of different areas and different types of fishermen.(4) Finding alternative work and borrowing money were the most important strategic choices for the fishermen to cope with risks.The follow-up assistance policy should further build the livelihood capital foundation of the retreated fishermen,reduce their livelihood risks,and ensure the realization of "retreat,stability and prosperity".

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