长江流域资源与环境 >> 2013, Vol. 22 >> Issue (8): 1195-.

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇

三峡库区172 m蓄水位实现后干流水体溶解态重金属含量变化特征

王图锦| 杨清伟| 刘雪莲   

  1. (重庆交通大学河海学院|重庆 400074)
  • 出版日期:2013-09-20


WANG Tujin, YANG Qingwei, LIU Xuelian   

  1. (School of River and Ocean Engineering|Chongqing Jiaotong University|Chongqing 400074|China)
  • Online:2013-09-20


从2008年至2010年连续两年,对三峡库区涪陵至巴东段水体溶解态重金属含量进行监测,分析三峡水库自2008年首次以172 m高水位试验性蓄水以来水体溶解态重金属含量变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:水体溶解态重金属含量在丰水期低水位时含量较高,而在平水期和枯水期高水位蓄水时,水体重金属含量较低,丰水期时水体溶解态重金属含量虽然相对较高,但仍然达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 38382002)Ⅰ类水域标准。重金属在水体与沉积物和消落带土壤中含量并无明显相关性,沉积物和消落带土壤重金属对水体溶解态重金属含量分布影响较小。库区水环境因素在丰水期和平水期、枯水期呈现出明显差异特征,特别是汛后水体悬浮物SS含量远低于丰水期。三峡水库水环境因素的变化对重金属的分配有着重要作用,丰水期过后三峡库区水体pH值和DO升高,水温和Eh降低,SS含量显著下降,水环境因素、气象条件、水位调度等因素的变化致使水体溶解态重金属含量降低


In order to study the impact of 172 m trial impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) on soluble heavy metals,heavy metal concentration (Cu,Pb,Cd and Cr) of eleven sections in the Yangtze River within the Three Gorges Reservoir was monitored between 2008 and 2010.According to the spatial distribution of TGR,a total of eleven stations from Fuling to Badong covering the upstream and downstream sites of TGR,were selected for this study.The main focus was to examine patterns in spatial distribution and seasonal variability.The influence of water environmental condition on soluble heavy metal concentrations was discussed.The results indicated that the concentration of soluble heavy metals in wet season was higher than that in even and dry season,and the concentration of heavy metals still met the GradeⅠof Environmental Quality Standard for Surface Water (GB38382002).Thus,soluble heavy metal concentration in river water was low,and no apparent pollution was observed. Spatial distributions of heavy metals in sediments and soils showed the decrease in Cu,Pb,Cd,and Cr from upstream to downstream,which was due to an intensification of agricultural and urban industrial practices in upstream area.No significant relationship was found between the heavy metal concentration in water body and that in soil/sediments,and heavy metals of soil/sediments had little effect on water body.Water environmental conditions changed after wet season,especially SS concentration decreased significantly.Soil erosion was considered related to the high SS concentration in wet season.Soil erosion was recognized as one of the major environmental problems in the Three Gorges Region,which had an average annual soil loss of approximately 157 million tons equivalent to a loss of 25 tons of soil per hectare.Soil erosion was one of the main factors for heavy metal transport.In addition to soil erosion,flow rate also affected heavy metal concentrations in the dissolved phase.There were significant seasonal changes in pH levels,dissolved oxygen,water temperature and oxidation reduction potential values except SS concentration.After wet season,water temperature and Eh dropped,but pH and DO increased.pH,dissolved oxygen,water temperature and oxidationreduction potential values were known to be the most important parameters that influence heavy metals removal and transform in water environment system.Water environmental condition had significant effect on distribution patterns of soluble heavy metal in wet season and after that.Overall,the distribution of soluble heavy metal concentrations in the TGR varied in different seasons due to factors such as soil erosion,hydrodynamic conditions,pH,ORP,temperature,SS and so on.These results provide fundamental information for developing better water pollution control strategies for the Three Gorges Reservoir

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