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20 October 2019, Volume 28 Issue 10
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  • Study on Spatial-Temporal Pattern and Driving Factors of Urban Innovation Efficiency of Urban Agglomeration in the Middle Reaches of Yangtze River
    ZHU Li-xia, , HE Rong, ZHENG Wen-sheng, WANG Song , HAN Lei
    2019, (10):  2279-2288.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910001
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    Innovation efficiency is the core element of urban innovation competitiveness. This paper constructs the assessment system of innovation efficiency based on input-output perspective and measures the innovation efficiency by DEA and Malmquist index models. Then the spatial and temporal evolution of innovation efficiency of the urban agglomerations in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River from 2006 to 2016 is analyzed. The GMM estimation is used to discover the spatial heterogeneity of the driving factors. The results show that: (1) In terms of the comprehensive technology efficiency of innovation, on one hand the innovation efficiency temporally increased from 0.731 in 2006 to 0.807 in 2016 with 2011 as the turning point, which shows the two-stage characteristics of stable development and fluctuation period. On the other hand, the gradient differentiation pattern of “ Weak East and Strong West” is significant spatially. However, the dual spatial pattern is gradually weakened since the innovation efficiency has been descending from the west to the east. (2) In terms of productivity of urban innovation activities, the Malmquist index increased from 6.2% in 2006 to 18.4% in 2016 indicates that the growth trend is relatively stable, while the generally unobvious spatial differentiation indicates the three-stage evolutionary characteristics of “divergence-convergence-divergence”. (3) GMM regression results show that the driving factors have different spatial effects on both of the whole urban agglomeration and the three sub-urban groups in the middle reaches of Yangtze River. The informationization process, the economic foundation, and the foreign business activity positively help to inspire urban innovation efficiency; the financial scale has a significantly negative effect; the tertiary industry scale, innovation platform of university and government support have heterogenous effects obviously. This study has the contribution to improve the regional innovation environment for the local governments.
    Spatio-temporal Evolution and Influencing Factors of Tourism Eco-efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt
    WANG Zhao-feng, LIU Qing-fang
    2019, (10):  2289-2298.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910002
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    Tourism eco-efficiency is an important index to measure the sustainable development of tourism with the core goal of “minimum resource input and environmental damage, maximum economic and social output”. The Super-SBM model of non-expected output, geospatial analysis method and Panel Tobit regression model are comprehensively applied to explore the spatio-temporal evolution characteristics and influencing factors of tourism eco-efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2007 to 2016. The results show that: (1) During the study period, the high-efficiency provinces are mainly distributed in the eastern region. The less efficient provinces are widely distributed, the number of which increased after decreasing; however, the number of inefficient provinces is fairly minor, and their distribution ranges migrate from the east to the west in the Yangtze River Economic Belt generally. (2) Regional differences and agglomeration of tourism eco-efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt are shrinking, and the interval differences in the eastern, central and western regions are smaller than internal differences, which are the major contributors to regional differences in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. During the study period, the tourism eco-efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt gradually  formes  an “I-shaped” structure with high value agglomeration in the east and west and low value agglomeration in the middle. (3) The tourism eco-efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is controlled by multiple influencing factors. The spatial heterogeneity of the impact of tourism economy scale, tourism industry structure, scientific and technological development level, urbanization development level and government regulation of tourism eco-efficiency on the spatial and temporal evolution in various provinces and regions is strong.
    China’s High-speed Rail Network Space Efficiency and Study on the Relationship Between the Supply and Demand in Perspective of Accessibility
    JIANG Hai-bing
    2019, (10):  2299-2308.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910003
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    The paper analyzed the China’s high-speed rail network space efficiency and study on the relationship between the supply and demand in perspective of accessibility. Firstly we utilized the daily accessibility (DA) and person-weighted accessibility (PWA) indictor to measure the accessibility increment from the high speed rail (HSR). Then combined with mileage data of the main HSR network, we described the spatial pattern and evolvement characteristics of China’s high-speed rail line efficiency. Secondly we explored the spatial difference of the supply level of high-speed rail network through PWA index. Thirdly the relationship between the supply and demand for HSR accessibility by using the factor overlay and regression methodology was described. The result showed that in PWA increment and its efficiency, the main HSR line’s was high, the feeder’s was low, the lines in central area was high and the lines’ in periphery and at the end of the HSR network was low. The overall PWA increment and efficiency diminishes from east to west. HSR network PWA space efficiency presents the tree structure, core-periphery structure and regional gradient differences. PWA increment and its efficiency decreases year by year. (2) High demand lines mainly existed in central area, low demand lines in the Midwest. (3) HSR network supply-demand matching degree was high. Double-high type lines were the backbone, Double-low type lines included lines in the west of China regional and network peripheral circuit. (4) City PWA increment was key driving factor of HSR passenger Numbers, which can be used to predict the passenger scale of the city along the planning HSR line.
    Study on the Spatial Pattern and Coupling Degree of Highway Transportation and Economic Development of County Region in Anhui Province
    SHEN Fei, HUANG Wei-wei, LI Da-wei, REN Ya-ru, HUANG Yan-ping
    2019, (10):  2309-2318.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910004
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    As two interactive and cooperative systems, the positive feedback and circulation of the transportation and economy are the guarantee of regional coordinated and balanced development. In this study, 77 counties (cities) in Anhui province were selected as research units. Based on the highway transportation network and socioeconomic data, the spatial pattern of highway transportation and economic development of county region as well as their coupling-coordination characteristics in Anhui Province were analyzed by using relevant models for evaluation of the transportation superiority, economic development level and coupling-coordination development. Results show that the county level transportation network density of Anhui Province is generally well, higher in the north and lower in the south. The transportation accessibility and the regional superiority show a circle distribution of “single core” and “multi-core” respectively, while the distribution of the transportation superiority transfers from the “multi-core” to the “single core” circle.The economic development level of each county and city generally shows a “pyramid type” distribution, and the amount of counties (cities) with low-level development is relatively larger. The more developed counties or cities are located in the Wanjiang City Belt and the economy of prefecture-level cities is generally developed better than that of surrounding counties and cities. The overall coordination level of the county highway transportation and economic development is somewhat low in spite of their good coupling relationship. The highway transportation in most counties (cities) is developed much better than their economies. Our results indicate that how to accelerate the economic development of county region based on their existing highway transportation support is critical to the construction of the new spatial pattern of coordinated development between highway transportation and economy.
    Temporal and Spatial Difference of Land Resource Carrying Capacity of Jangjin District in Chongqing
    CHENG Xiao-yu, YANG Qing-yuan, BI Guo-hua,
    2019, (10):  2319-2330.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910005
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    In view of the fragile ecological environment and land use characteristics of Jiangjin district in Chongqing, the evaluation index system is established from three aspects: carrying strength, carrying efficiency and carrying potential. The comprehensive evaluation method is used to evaluate the land resource carrying capacity of Jiangjin from 2007 to 2016, and the obstruction model is used to analyse obstacle factors of land resource carrying capacity in each township. The results show that: (1) During 2007 to 2016, the land resource carrying capacity of Jiangjin shows an overall upward trend, but the increase rate is small. The carrying capacity is still low, and none of townships has got a good state. Various measures are needed to continuously improve the land resource carrying capacity. The regional gap of the carrying capacity has decreased in recent years, which presents a spatial pattern of higher in the south and lower in the north. (2) The contribution of each subsystem varies. Carrying strength contributes the most, and then carrying potential. Carrying efficiency contributes the least, so carrying efficiency is the key to improve carrying capacity. (3) The main obstacle factors of land resource carrying capacity in Jiangjin are fixed asset investment density, unit construction land output, forest land proportion, per capita ecological land area, environment protection investment index, and per capita arable land area. The obstacle factors of each township are quite different. (4) Different measures should be taken in areas with different obstacle factors. The major urban areas and industrial parks should appropriately control population and strictly limit the conversion of agricultural land into construction land. The fragile ecological areas should vigorously implement the policies of arable land fallow and conversion of cropland to forest to promote the transformation of farmers’ livelihoods. Areas where economic development are restricted by ecological protection should transform the economic development mode and land use patterns.
    Research on the Measurement of Industrial Ecologization Level and Its Influencing Factors
    ZHANG Yuan-yuan, YUAN Fen-qiang, LIU Dong-huang, CHEN Li-fu
    2019, (10):  2331-2339.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910006
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    In recent years, the transformation and upgrading of industrial ecologization have become a hot issue. This paper builds an evaluation index system of industrial ecologization level, and uses factor analysis method to measure the level of industrial ecologization in China’s each provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions). Then it analyses industrial ecologization level statically and dynamically. Finally, the truncated regression method is used to find out the main factors affecting the level of industrial ecologization in China. The empirical results show that all China’s provinces can be divided into four types based on the different industrial ecologization level , which include leading area, developed area, medium area and backward area. Although the industrial ecologization level of each province has improved, the gap is significant. And the main factors affecting the level of industrial ecologization are per capita GDP, industrial structure, investment in environmental pollution control, R&D expenditure, industrial solid waste production, and comprehensive utilization of industrial solid waste. Finally, the policy recommendations for accelerating the transformation and upgrading of industrial ecologization are proposed from the internal and external aspects of the industrial system.
    Analysis of Landscape Ecological Pattern Evolution and Ecological Network Structure Optimization for Shanghai
    LIU Xing-po, LI Jing, ZHOU Yi-yun, CHEN Zi-wei, DING Yong-sheng,
    2019, (10):  2340-2352.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910007
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    In order to optimize urban ecological network structure of Shanghai city, some ways to improve urban ecological quality are proposed incorporating landscape pattern, landscape pattern index and landscape ecological network analysis. First, landscape types such as construction land, agricultural land, water area and green land during 2008 and 2015 was obtained by using object-oriented remote sensing image classification method, and the landscape pattern index are calculated using Fragstats software. The evolution of urban landscape pattern and landscape pattern index in the above two years were compared and analyzed. Then, the least cost path method is used to develop the urban ecological network and overlap analysis between the ecological network and the urban road network is used to determine the break points of the ecological network structure. Finally, compared with the plan of Shanghai Basic Ecological Network Planning, the suggestions for the future development of the urban ecological network are put forward. The conclusions are as follows: (1) The proportion of Shanghai construction land, agricultural land, green land and water area changed from 38:51:5:6 to 46:39:7:8. (2)  The landscape pattern of Shanghai is becoming fragmented and complicated, and the connectivity is declining; the dominant landscape type of construction land is strengthened; the suburban construction land is fragmented; the agricultural land is reduced and fragmented; the green land is enlarged, but the connectivity is insufficient, and the structure needs to be optimized. (3) 105 potential eco-corridor lines in Shanghai were obtained by the least resistance analysis, which had better circularity in Pudong New District, Fengxian District, Jinshan District, Songjiang District and Qingpu District, and 62 break points of the main eco-corridor in Shanghai were identified by overlay analysis, mainly distributed in Qingpu District, Songjiang District, Pudong New District and Fengxian District. (4) Through comparative analysis, it is found that the framework of the ecological network of Shanghai Basic Ecological Network Planning has basically been maintained, but the local ecological network structure is facing problems. The space of the ecological corridors in the northwest and north of Shanghai is shrinking, and the ecological space in the southeast is fragmented.
    Study on Spatial Distribution Characteristics and Accessibility of Scenic Villages in Zhejiang Province
    SONG Nan-nan, ZHANG Jian-guo
    2019, (10):  2353-2363.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910008
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    We choosed the first batch of 3A-level scenic villages in Zhejiang Province as the research objects, and analyzed spatial distribution and accessibility from different scenic villages by mathematical model and Arcgis to provides a scientific basis for site selection and construction of scenic villages. The results showed that all villages on the whole are uniformly distributed in space. Different village types have obvious features respectively,and density areas tend to be towards central cities, and finally forms three patterns of large, medium-sized and small core.The villages have good accessibility on the whole and the average time is 31.6 min,The average accessibility has obvious regional difference, which is greatly affected by the natural environment and traffic network. The counties accessibility of different villages display significant agglomeration pattern.The hot spots of accessibility are mainly distributed in the North Zhejiang with Huzhou and Jiaxing city as the majoy cities and the East Zhejiang with Shaoxing and Ningbo as the main cities,while the cold spot area are mainly located in Eastern Zhejiang with Lishui as majoy city and Zhoushan Islands.The spatial distribution pattern and accessibility of scenic villages are mainly related to the two associated conditions of basic texture and economic policy.
    Analysis and Forecast on Dynamic Response of Grain Production to Cropland Use Changes in Taihu Lake Basin
    PAN Pei-pei, YANG Gui-shan, WANG Xiao-meng, WANG Li-yan, , WANG Xue-ran, GE Jing-feng,
    2019, (10):  2364-2375.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910009
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    Understanding the coupling law between cropland use and grain production is the basis for food security and sustainable development. Based on model simulation, GIS, multi-objective scenario simulation and quantitative analysis on the response of grain production to cropland use changes,this study explored the key driving factors of grain production changes and potential of grain production.The study can provide a reference for decision-making on the dynamic control of cropland use and food security in Taihu Lake Basin.The results are as follows:(1) Spatial aggregation of cropland use and grain production changes was significant.The changing rate of cropland quantity and quality(CQQ) , cropland structure,and cropland pattern were 39.2%,23.6% and 19.3% respectively from 1985 to 2015. Affected by cropland changes, changing rate of grain production was 44.1%.(2)The contribution of CQQ changes to decline in grain production was 50.7% from 1985 to 2015,and the contribution of cropland structure and CQQ changes to decline in grain production were 43.4% and 76.3 % respectively in the first 15 years and next 15 years. The CQQ changes were the main factor that affected grain production in counties accounting for 56.8% which located in the north of Taihu Lake Basin. Cropland structure change were the main factor that affected grain production in counties accounting for 24.3% which located in the southeast of Taihu Lake Basin, and counties accounting for 18.9% which were along Hangzhou-Tongxiang-Jiashan were mainly effected by cropland structure changes.With the evolution of time, the decline in grain production and influence degree of CQQ changes on grain production increased significantly. (3)Cropland decrease and food security pressure will continue in the future.With the changes of scenarios from trend growth to cropland protection, the counties whose grain production are mainly effected by CQQ changes reduce by 53.5%, the counties whose grain production are mainly effected by cropland structure and cropland pattern increase by two times and 1.25 times respectively,and regions with grain increase grow from 5.4% to 54.1%.It is concluded that the response patterns are different in different region and the sensitive counties of grain production change to scenario changes will become the main potential area of grain recovery and cropland adjustment in the future.
    Differences in Comprehensive Technical Efficiency of Scale Management Organizations and Their Influencing Factors: A Case Study of Rice Production in Jiangsu Province
    GAO Shan, XU Yuan-ming, JIN Gao-feng, CAO Ming-xia
    2019, (10):  2376-2285.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910010
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    In order to revitalize Chinese countryside, it has become an unavoidable trend to develop new management entities of grain scale management in rural China. Based on the rice scale management organization’s questionnaire micro-survey, the DEA-Tobit model and quantitative analysis included subject diversity, factor allocation and management in Jiangsu Province, the paper analyzed the differences and influencing factors of the comprehensive technical efficiency. It was discovered that, the comprehensive production efficiency was in a medium level at the present stage. The efficiency of technology application and scale expansion needed to be improved. The scale management brought about a simultaneous increase in rice input costs,gross income and labor productivity. There were obvious regional differences of production characteristics. The results showed as follows: (1) Compared to the attribute diversity, the scale diversity had the more profound impact on the comprehensive technical efficiency and its decomposable efficiency. The impact of family farms, cooperatives and enterprises on comprehensive production efficiency has increased in turn. The moderate scale management of various entities needs to match their production capacity. Raising the price of rice products will promote the comprehensive technical efficiency of various entities. (2) The capacity of elements allocation and management had a significant positive effect on the comprehensive technical efficiency and its decomposable efficiency. In order to improve the comprehensive technical efficiency, it is critical to enhance the professional skills of labor and stabilize land transfer. (3) Taking other factors into consideration, such as improving the price market, land integration, expanding the new technology by government, and etc., they also had a positive effect on the comprehensive technical efficiency and its decomposable efficiency. Therefore, it is necessary vital to cultivate various agricultural scale operators in China, which will be helpful to establish a modern agricultural management system.
    Spatial and Temporal Dynamic Evolution and Coupling Relationship of Regional Tourism Development Scale and Efficiency:A Case Study of 14 Cities and Municipalities in Hunan Province
    ZHAO Song-song, WANG Zhao-feng
    2019, (10):  2386-2396.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910011
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    This thesis structures a regional tourism development scale and efficiency evaluation index system, using linear weighting method, DEA-Malmquist index, gravity evolution trajectory and coupling coordination degree model, studying the dynamic evolution characteristics and coupling relationship of regional tourism from the dimensions of scale and efficiency by taking 14 cities and municipalities in Hunan Province as an example. The results show that: (1)In the regions with higher average annual growth rate of tourism development in Hunan province, the total factor productivity was also higher, that the temporal evolution characteristics were coupled. The spatial pattern of tourism development efficiency was different from the “unipolar-point” spatial pattern of tourism development scale by taking Changsha as the pole, which was relatively stable. The spatial pattern of tourism development efficiency was relatively balanced, its evolution was more active and frequent, and the regional units of hotspots were still gradually fixed. (2)The path of gravity movement of tourism development scale showed a characteristic of scattered movements, yet the gravity movement of tourism development efficiency was dominated by agglomeration movements, both showed a tendency that moved to the southeast direction. Based on the results that spatial overlap shortened and consistency enhanced, which shows the spatial coupling characteristic of the center of gravity changes were enhanced. (3)With the clustering of tourism development scale and efficiency hotspots, the spatial pattern of coupling coordination degree had a certain stratigraphic differentiation, but the units of medium-high coupling coordination tended to be fixed and concentrated, which rendered vertically from the Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration to the north and south sides.
    Spatial Differentiation of Habitat Quality in Typical Tourist City and their Influencing Factors Mechanisms: A Case Study of Huangshan City
    PENG Jian, XU Feng-xiong , WU Jian, DENG Kai, HU Ting
    2019, (10):  2397-2409.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910012
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    The spatial distribution characteristics of habitat quality in Huangshan city, a typical tourist city, and their influencing factors mechanisms were analyzed in this paper by using remote sensing image classification and interpretation data, meteorological data, statistical yearbook data, Baidu map data and other multi-source data in 2017, comprehensive models of ecosystem service value, Habitat quality index consisting of NPP and NDVI, InVEST habitat quality assessment model based on external threats and geo-detector. The results show that: (1) The total value of habitat quality in Huangshan City in 2017 was 1.84×1010 yuan , and the average value of habitat quality was 14694 yuan/hm2. The habitat quality in the west and north of Huangshan city was overall higher than that in the east and south. (2) The habitat quality of Qimen County was the best in Huangshan city, while the Tunxi District was the worst. The average value of habitat quality in Longmen Township adjacent to Taiping Lake was the highest in all towns in Huangshan, and the lowest was Yuzhong Street. (3) Topography was an important basic factor affecting the spatial distribution of habitat quality. The interpretation of altitude, terrain fluctuation, slope and slope difference on spatial differentiation of habitat quality were all above 0.6, and the slope had more influence on habitat quality than altitude. (4) Tourism activity was an important external driving force for the spatial differentiation of habitat quality in huangshan city, and the correlation between habitat quality and potential determinants was higher in tourist areas than in other areas. The area with High-level tourism resources gather, convenient traffic, and flat terrain, as a large tourist reception and distribution center, became a low-value area of habitat quality. The area with high-quality tourism resources gather, but limited by traffic, location, terrain and resource protection, became a medium quality habitat area. While the area where tourism resources were scattered, and the transportation was inconvenient, the quality of habitat was less affected by human, became a high quality habitat area. And space theory can be used to explain the spatial differentiation mechanism of habitat quality.
    Identifying Potential Land Use Conflict Based on Land Use Tendency Evaluation in Dongping Village,Xixia
    DAI Ya-qiang, CHEN Wei-qiang, GAO han, MA Yue-hong
    2019, (10):  2410-2418.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910013
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    Accurate identification of potential land use conflicts in rural areas is an important basis for pre-balancing and coordinating conflict land and guiding the harmonious development of rural areas. In order to identify land use conflict and manage land efficiently, we select Dongping Village of Xixia County as a case, build a land use tendency evaluation system of construction, agricultural and ecological land. An identification matrix was established to identify potential land use conflict areas. The result show that 47% of the total land area has potential land use conflicts, including moderate conflict areas and intense conflict areas, accounting for 20.61% and 26.39% of the total land area, respectively. J1 accounts for the largest area of J, accounting for 18.84% of the total land area, which is the key issue in the subsequent land use work. In addition, the dominant area and the weak conflict area accounted for 48.13% and 4.87% of the total land area, respectively.Overall, the potential land use conflicts in Dongping Village are more serious.
    Susceptibility Assessment of Debris Flow in Nujiang Befecture Based on the Catchment
    LI Yi-min, YANG Lei, WEI Su-hang,
    2019, (10):  2419-2428.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910014
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    In order to learn the overall characteristics and spatial heterogeneity of regional debris flow, this article investigates the susceptibility of debris flow based on catchments and 434 debris flows point in NuJiang Prefecture. Firstly, the study area is devided into 1 414 catchments. Secondly, 11 feature factors including distance to fracture, melton rate, catchment elongation, catchment relief ratio, river tortuosity, drainage density of catchment, average VFC, Annual average precipitation, distance to road and villages are selcected to Certainly Factor model(CF) and CF-based multi-factor overlay method to assessment the susceptibility of debris. And then, the susceptibility assessment results be dividied into five grades and verified it by independent validation samples(20% historical debris flow points in the study area). The results shows that 8.31% of the study area is the extremely high-prone area involving 29.75% debris flow points and 12.29% of the study area is high-prone area involving 22.59% debris flow points. Finally ,the model predicted well (AUC=0.742) through the test of independent validation samples. Therefore, the susceptibility evaluation results is similar to debris flow’s spatial distribution in NuJiang Prefecture that indicates the evaluation index and evaluation method are feasible, and the evaluation results is a reference for the disaster prevention and mitigation work in Nujiang Prefecture.
    Study on the Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Habitat Quality and Its Terrain Gradient Effects of the Middle of the Yangtze River Economic Belt Based on InVEST Model
    LIU Yuan, ZHOU Yong, DU Yue-tian ,
    2019, (10):  2429-2440.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910015
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    Based on Digital Elevation Model(DEM)and land use data of 1995,2005 and 2015, this paper revealed spatio-temporal patterns and terrain gradient effects of habitat quality in the middle of the Yangtze River Economic Belt by InVEST Model,GIS spatial analysis,terrain index and regression analysis method. The results showed that:(1)The spatial distribution of habitat quality in the middle of the Yangtze River Economic Belt was quite different,and the overall level was relatively high. High-quality habitats were primarily in mountainous hilly areas and waters,while low-quality habitats were mainly distributed in agricultural and urban areas.(2)From 1995 to 2015,the high-quality habitats tended to deteriorate to low quality,with the average habitat quality decreasing slightly.(3)The level of habitat quality change showed a spatial pattern of “northern and eastern improvement-central and southern decline”. The habitat quality in Jianghan Plain and the eastern Jiangxi Province had improved,and the areas of habitat quality decline were mainly located in the ring belt connected by the central important cities.(4)Significant topographic gradient effect existed in habitat quality. With the elevation of topography,the number of county-level units of high level habitat quality gradually increased. And the average habitat quality correspondingly increased. From 1995 to 2015,the habitat quality of the 1st terrain improved,while the habitat quality of the others was declining. The results are conducive to revealing the spatio-temporal changes of habitat quality in the middle of the Yangtze River Economic Belt,and they can also provide theoretical support for biodiversity conservation and land use planning in the middle of the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
    Recent Sedimentary Characteristics and Impact Mechanism of Tidal Flats in Chongming Island, the Yangtze Estuary
    ZHU Sheng-zhu, ZHANG Guo-an, ZHANG Wei-guo, LI Mao-tian, GE Jian-zhong
    2019, (10):  2441-2451.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910016
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    Estuary sand islands are often developed in the estuaries of large rivers due to massive sediment accumulation and tidal action. Chongming Island is a typical estuary sand island in the world. In recent years, with the sharp decrease of sediment discharging in the Yangtze River Basin and the construction of many large-scale water conservancy projects, the sedimentary environment around Chongming Island have been profoundly affected. Based on the sampling data of surfaced sediment of 14 beaches’ cross sections between September 2015 and April 2018, we analyzed the characteristics of the tidal flat sedimentary environment around Chongming Island and its differences between regions and discussed the processes of sedimentation and mechanisms of different tidal flat sections. The results are shown as follow: The tidal flat sediment around Chongming Island is dominated by sandy silt and silty sand. The average of the median size of sediment is 48 μm, which displayed that the size sediments in south coast are largest while those in east coast are the smallest, and the sediment in north coast is between the above. In general, the south and north coasts have steep slope and narrow beach, and the slope of tidal flat on the north coast is slower than that of the south coast whose sediments become finer from west to east. The slope of the north coast is slow, and the area in the south coast between Chongtou and Miaozhen exists fine sediment. However, the east coast has slow slopes and wide beaches whose sediments become finer from the south to north. On the tidal flat profile, the content of clay components at high tidal flat is relatively high, and the sediments become finer with the water depth decreases. The river regime evolution of the Yangtze Estuary forms the sedimentary environment of the tidal flat in the north and south coasts of Chongming Island. It is obvious to influence the distribution of sediments because of runoff and tidal current. The wind wave has a strong sorting effect on the sediments of the Eastern Chongming Island. Tidal vegetation mainly affects the distribution of fine sediments in the intertidal zone. The decrease of sediment discharging has a significant impact on the sedimentary environment in the Eastern Chongming Island.
    Dynamic Change and Driving Factors Analysis of Taihu Islands, 1984-2017
    ZHANG Dong, LUAN Zhao-qing, XU Dan-dan,
    2019, (10):  2452-2460.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910017
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    In the past decades, anthropogenic activities, including cofferdam, interregional water transfer and dredging, have significant influences on the dynamic change of the boundary and area for Taihu islands. This study aims to research the total area change and boundary swift of the main Taihu islands using Landsat imagery, which reveal the impact of human disturbance on Taihu islands and will provide fundamental information for the governance of Taihu lake. To achieve this goal, the authors extract the area and boundary of Taihu islands via band analysis, unsupervised classification and post-classification analysis from Landsat imagery, analyze the dynamic trend of the total area and boundary of the islands, and then evaluate the driving factors for the dynamic change of the island area and boundary based on the information of anthropogenic activities organized from pervious literature, census and other Taihu offfical reports. The results show that the total area of Xiaogongshan、Manshandao and Sanshandao islands are all on downward trend, while the decrease amplitude and inter-annual fluctuation are different. The anthropogenic driving factors are summarized as dredging and tourism, while environmental factor is water erosion; the swifts of island boundaries show significant relationship with the governance policy such as “prohibition of seine aquaculture” and “wetland park construction”, and more importantly there is a time lag between the actual happening of island change and the policy promulgation.
    Influence of Landscape Pattern Change of Shengjin Lake Wetland on the Geographical Distribution of Overwintering Cranes
    ZHANG Shuang-shuang, DONG Bin, YANG Fei, XU Wen-rui, CUI Yang-lin, FENG Li-li, CHEN Lin-na
    2019, (10):  2461-2470.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910018
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    Shengjin Lake Wetland is the only National Nature Reserve aiming at protecting the wintering cranes in Anhui province. It has an important reference value to study the effect of wetland landscape pattern change on the geographical distribution of wintering cranes for restoring wetland ecosystem, protecting the crane population, etc. This paper analyzes the geographical distribution characteristics of the wintering cranes including Hooded Crane, Snow Crane, Common Crane and White-naped Crane in Shengjin Lake Wetland. Based on the eight periods of remote sensing images of Shengjin Lake Wetland from 1986 to 2017, we analyze the landscape pattern change characteristics and discuss the influence of landscape pattern change on the geographical distribution characteristics of wintering cranes. The results indicate that from 1986 to 2017, the landscape pattern of Shengjin Lake Wetland changed significantly: the number of patches increased, and the landscape fragmentation was serious. On the whole, the mudflats, grasslands, construction land, and paddy field area increased, while dry land, forest, reed beach, and water area decreased, which give rise to the decrease of the number of the four species cranes. And the main geographical distribution areas of cranes are water area, paddy field, reed beach, mudflats, and grasslands. The fragmentation of landscape in Shengjin Lake Wetland has been continuously intensified, and cranes’ geographical distribution area has been gradually reduced on the whole and habitat areas which are suitable for cranes have decreased, thus directly leading to the gradual decrease of crane population in the past 30 years.

    Hydrological Conditions and the Mutual Supporting Effects at the Intersection Area of Dongting Lake and Yangtze River Under the Operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir
    DUAN Yun-xin, LI Jing-bao, LV Dian-qing, WANG Dan-yang, DAI Wen, LIU Wen
    2019, (10):  2471-2483.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910019
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    Based on the water level and flow data of Jianli, Chenglingji and Luoshan stations from 1990 to 2017, this article analyzed the hydrological conditions and the mutual supporting effects of the intersection area between The Dongting Lake and the Yangtze River under the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir by using the methods of difference, flow anomaly and correlation coefficient analysis. Compared with the pre-operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir we have the following results: (1) The water level and flow of Jianli, Chenglingji and Luoshan stations in the river-lake junction area have changed after the operation of the reservoir under different flow and water level. The water level decreases more than 0.50 m under different flow rates, more than 2 000 m3/s in the different water levels during the pre-discharge period, more than 1 000 m3/s in the different water levels in the recharge period. The rising range of water level is between 0.50-1.00 m; (2)After the operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir, the correlation coefficients between river level and flow at all the three stations are between 0.50-0.96; and the correlation coefficients are increased by 0.1 to 0.35, which indicates that the mutual supporting strength between water level and flow in the intersection area is weakened.  (3) In the four operation periods of pre-discharge, discharge, water storage and low flow of the Three Gorges Reservoir, the variation ranges of correlation coefficients of Jianli, Chenglingji, Luoshan during flood diversion and recharge periods are 0.04-0.35 and 0.1-0.39 respectively, the variation ranges of correlation coefficients between pre-discharge period and impoundment period are 0.01-0.1 and 0.005-0.4, respectively. Generally, the strength of hydrological mutual support in the river-lake junction area is weakened.
    China’s Practice and Theory of Ecological Protection Red Line
    MO Zhang-qin
    2019, (10):  2484-2490.  doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910020
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    Now is a critical period of the red lines for ecological protection that from the policy to law. It is urgent to study deeply the internal mechanism and the legalization path of the red lines for ecological protection especially under the background of the new era. It also provides the decision-making basis for the ecological civilization system reforming, thereby to ensuring the national and regional ecological security. The red lines for ecological protection is guided by the comprehensive ecosystem method theory and is the specific application of the theory. It is mainly embodied in the ecological spatial planning management degree, the ecological space classification and classification control system and the effectiveness evaluation system. From the perspective of the overall of the ecosystem, the spatial control of the ecological space planning should be established in a unified framework, which is include the relevant departments to supervise and implement of the natural resources, to distribute and adjust the benefits. According to the flexibility analysis of the ecosystem management method, it adopts the policy of establishing a classification control system through the adaptive management and mitigation measures which is based on the flexibility of the ecological space and the carrying capacity. On the opinion of analysis the dynamism of the ecosystems, the structure and function of ecosystems change with time. Setting up an effective evaluation mechanism must consider the impacts of the short and long-term ecosystem structure and function.
    Spatial Difference of Extreme High Temperature Intensity in China Under 1.5℃ Temperature Control Target
    KONG Feng,
    2019, (10):  2491-2503.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910021
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    Under the background of global warming, extreme high temperature and heat waves occur frequently, which has become one of the meteorological disasters seriously affecting human health and social sustainable development. Based on the daily maximum temperature and average temperature datasets of from 2020 to 2099 in climate engineering (G4 test) and non-climate engineering (RCP4.5) scenarios of BNU-ESM model, the extreme high temperature intensity regions difference characteristics in China during and after the implementation of climate engineering (2020-2069) are analyzed by Weibull extreme value distribution theory. The results show that: Firstly, the comparison between the two scenarios shows that climate engineering has not fundamentally changed the spatial variability of extreme high temperature intensity in different return periods in China. In both scenarios, the extreme high temperature intensity is characterized by the spatial differentiation of low in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and high in the East China and Northwest China. Secondly, the comparison between the two scenarios shows that climate engineering can help to mitigate the extreme high temperature intensity in different return periods in China, and the mitigation effect during the implementation period is significantly higher than that after the completion. Thirdly, the results of comparison between 2020-2069 and 2070-2099 under the climate engineering scenario show that there is no strong rebound of extreme high temperature after the implementation of climate engineering, and the mitigation effect of extreme high temperature intensity during the implementation of climate engineering is significantly higher than that after the completion. Fourthly, at the same time, comparing the changes of the average temperature in China during and after the implementation of climate engineering, the results show that the average temperature in China has been reduced by at least 1.25℃, which effectively alleviates global warming and is conducive to the realization of the Paris Accord temperature control target of 1.5℃. Under the current temperature control target of 1.5℃, the decrease of average temperature will help to reduce and mitigate the frequency and intensity of more extreme high temperature events, and deepen the understanding of the impact of climate engineering on extreme high temperature events.
    Spatio-temporal Evolution of PM2.5 in the Yangtze River Economic Belt during 1998-2016 by Multiscale Analysis
    WAN Qing, CHEN Zhu, WANG Yuan, FENG Bing
    2019, (10):  2504-2512.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910022
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    Based on the raster dataset of annual average concentration of global atmospheric PM2.5, using the gravity model, coefficient of variation and exploratory spatial data analysis method, the paper systematically analyzes the spatio-temporal evolution of PM2.5 in Yangtze River Economic Belt, at regional, provincial, prefectural, county and grid scales. The results show that: (1) From 1998 to 2016, the average annual concentration of PM2.5 in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is higher than the national average, and the trend of PM2.5 concentration changes in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is generally inverted U-shaped. 2005 is an important turning point for the change of PM2.5 concentration in the Yangtze River Economic Belt.; (2) The spatial and temporal evolution of PM2.5 in the Yangtze River Economic Belt shows significant spatial scale effects. At different spatial scales, the spatial differentiation characteristics of annual average concentration of PM2.5 in the Yangtze River Economic Belt have obvious differences, but the spatial differences get enlarged; (3) There is a significant spatial positive correlation of annual average concentration of PM2.5 in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, and it is mainly characterized by high-value agglomeration.
    Non-stationary Characteristic of Extreme Temperature and Climate-related Impacts, Circulation Character in the Huai River Basin
    WEN Qing-zhi, SUN Peng, ZHANG Qiang, YAO Rui, WANG You-zhen, BU Fan-rui, XIA Min
    2019, (10):  2513-2526.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910023
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    Based on daily maximum and minimum temperatures at 149 stations during 1961-2016, Pacific climatic factor and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data were analyzed based on Transformed-Stationary analysis method, hierarchical clustering with spatial constraints, MM-K (Modified Mann-Kendall) trend analysis and EOF (empirical orthogonal function). In this study the spatial and temporal characteristics of extreme temperature in the Huai river basin were analysed and revealed the impact of extreme temperature. Results indicated that: (1) The annual maximum temperature (AHT) have an increasing trend in 1960s and 2000s, but the AHT was decrease trend from the 1970s to the 1980s. However, the annual minimum temperature (ALT) in 1960s showed a decreasing trend, and The ALT are in increasing trend after 1970 (the increasing trend is significant at >95% confidence level after 2000). (2) AHT of return period in zone 1 and zone 3 show the stationary characteristics, and AHT of return period in other stations increased by 1.5℃. The ALT of return period had an increasing trend from 1978. The closer the AHT is to the ocean, the more significant the increase trend will be. (3) In the northeast and southeast of the Huai river baisn, the increasing trend of AHT are mainly distributed in the central and western. While the spatial distribution of ALT is the opposite of that of the central and western regions. (4) The North Pacific sea level temperature anomaly (STA) changes significantly affect the Huai river basin in Summer. Extreme temperatures of the non-stationary change have positive related to the western Pacific and north Pacific and negative correlated with the eastern Pacific. From Winter, the land temperature anomalies (LTA) synchronized with the STA in the Bohai Sea and with the changes of El Nino or La Nina. The LTA in Summer were contrary to those in Winter. The analysis of circulation characteristics shows that Winter warming in the Basin is affected by the warming in northeast China and change in Summer in the Basin is affected by the depression of Qinghai-Tibet plateau and Mongolia.
    Analysis on the Spatial-temporal Variation Characteristics of  Beginning and Ending Date of Rainstorm and Rainstorm Days in Henan Province from 1961 to 2018
    LI Feng-xiu, JI Xin-jie
    2019, (10):  2527-2583.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201910024
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    Based on the daily precipitation data from 111 meteorological stations between 1961 and 2018, the spatial-temporal variation characteristics of the beginning and ending date of rainstorm and rainstorm days in Henan Province were analyzed in this study using the mathematical statistics methods that included climate tendency rate, correlation analysis and multiple stepwise regression. The results showed as follows: (1)The average beginning date of rainstorm was from May 19 to July 16 and the earliest date of rainstorm was from January 28 to May 25 in Henan Province. Both of them were significantly delayed from south to north with the increase of latitude and from plain to mountains with the increase of altitude, but from west to east the date were significantly advanced due to the increase of longitude. (2) The average ending date of rainstorm was from August 5 to August 30 and latest ending date of rainstorm was from September 9 to November 29. Both of them were significantly advanced from south to north and delayed from west to east, the latest ending dates of rainstorm were significantly advanced from plain to mountains. (3)The average rainstorm days in Henan Province were 0.7-4.3 days, the days were significantly decreased from south to north and from plain to mountains and significantly increased from west to east. (4) As a whole, both the average beginning and ending dates of rainstorm in Henan Province showed an advanced trend, and the climate tendency rates were 1.2 d·(10 a)-1 and 0.2 d·(10 a)-1 , respectively; the average rainstorm days varied with year, especially after 2000, it presented an obvious decreasing trend; the climate tendency rate of beginning date, ending date and rainstorm days in each station were between -9.3-9.3 d· (10 a)-1, -2.4-5.4 d· (10 a)-1 and -3.0-3.2 d· (10 a)-1, but only a few stations showed obvious trends.

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