Abstract:To examine the divergence response of earlywood (EW), latewood (LW) width indicators of Pinus massoniana to climate factors and to determine what effects of radial growth of PM will be affected in different subtropical regions in the context of global climate change, we selected five study areas with typical spatial representations which are located in eastern, western, central, southern and northern areas of PM distribution approximate range respectively.The dendrochronologies series of EW and LW width were established in each area to analyze the correlation between the three types of ring width indicators chronologies and local climatic variables.The results showed that (1) The mean sensitivities of EW and LW width chronologies in all regions were higher.Most of significant correlations between both two types of chronologies and the climatic factors in each area were highly coincident.(2) Earlywood and latewood chronologies are very similar in all areas.However, the sensitivity of EW chronologies are more sensitive to climate factors.(3)The dendroclimatical relationships of Pinus massoniana have some differences and connections in different areas.In the early stage of growing season, the increase of temperature was helpful to the radial growth of Pinus massoniana in the areas with ample water.But in the northern area where water was relative deficient, the temperature increasing would be negative to the radial growth of Pinus massoniana.(4)Without distinguishing the previous year or the current year, summer precipitation has a restriction on the radial growth of Pinus massoniana in five sample areas, and autumn and winter precipitation has a favorable effect on the radial growth of Pinus massoniana.