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20 September 2022, Volume 31 Issue 9
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  • Study on Spatial Coupling Characteristics of Regional Development and Resource-Environment Carrying Capacity and Path of High-Quality Development in Yangtze River Economic Belt
    MA Zhi-yuan, DUAN Xue-jun, WANG Lei, WANG Ya-zhu
    2022, (9):  1873-1883.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209001
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    High-quality development is a strategic initiative and basic path to solve the contradictory problems of regional development and resource-environment carrying capacity. Reconstructing the index system of regional development and resource-environment carrying capacity, with the help of coupled and coordinated development type analysis framework, using CRITIC-EWM combination weighting method, coupled and coordinated degree model, MCO and other methods, coupled and coordinated degree model, Markov chain and other methods, we analyzed the spatial and temporal patterns, simultaneous development, coupled and coordinated characteristics and development types of regional development and resource-environment carrying capacity of Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2010 to 2018. The results show that: (1) Regional development and resource-environment carrying capacity are mainly driven by sharing and resource-environment governance capabilities; the spatial match between them is high, with “double synchronization” and “lagging carrying capacity” types predominating in the downstream, and “lagging development” and “double lagging” types in the middle and upper reaches, respectively. (2) The degree of coupling coordination is rising at a low level, with spatial diffusion and concentration in upstream and downstream, and in midstream and upstream respectively; the grade evolution shows stable characteristics, and it is difficult to achieve leapfrog transfer, with active grade transformation in downstream and midstream cities, and the phenomenon of “club convergence” in upstream cities. (3) Based on the analytical framework, cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt are classified into 20 types of coupled and coordinated development in terms of dynamic factors, relative and absolute development levels. It is suggested that in the future, effectiveness, innovativeness, and resource-environment utilization efficiency are important grips to adopt regulatory instruments and policies to help promote high-quality development according to local conditions.
    Analysis on Relationship Between Economic Development and Eco-environmental Carrying Capacity of Yangtze River Economic Zone Based on Nighttime Light Data
    ZHANG Dan-dan, SHEN Ju-qin
    2022, (9):  1884-1894.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209002
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    By extracting and correcting DMSP/OLS and NPP/VIIRS nighttime light data, this paper measures the economic development level of the Yangtze River Economic Zone in a long time series. The coupling coordination degree model is used to calculate the coupling coordination between economic development and eco-environmental carrying capacity of the Yangtze River Economic Zone, and its spatial-temporal variation, regional difference and spatial spillover effect are analyzed. The results show that the degree of coupling coordination increases steadily from moderate imbalance stage to antagonistic stage from 1998 to 2019. In terms of regional difference, the overall spatial difference of coupling coordination level is in the process of continuous adjustment of “convergence-differentiation-convergence”. The overall spatial difference is mainly derived from the inter-regional differences, and the inter-regional differences are mainly from the differences between upstream and downstream of the Yangtze River Economic Zone. In the spatial pattern, the coupling coordination level shows a significant spatial agglomeration effect, and 11 provinces show a trend of multi-polar differentiation. By analyzing the spillover effect of coupling coordination level, it is found that the degree of wealth, innovation investment, foreign investment and environmental regulation are beneficial to the improvement of local coupling coordination level, and industrial structure and population scale have a significant inhibitory effect on the local coupling coordination level. Industrial structure, foreign investment and population scale promote the coupling coordination level of adjacent areas through positive spillover effect.
    Evaluation and Temporal-spatial Dynamic Evolution of Tourism Industry Ecoefficiency in Yangtze River Economic Belt
    WANG Zhao-feng, LI Qin
    2022, (9):  1895-1905.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209003
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    As an important development axis of tourism in China, the improvement of tourism quality and efficiency has become the focus of attention of the whole society. Based on the panel data of 110 cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from 2002 to 2019, this paper uses DEA model to measure the efficiency of tourism industry in each city. On the basis of time series analysis and spatial correlation analysis, the spatial and temporal dynamic evolution characteristics of tourism industry efficiency of cities in the Yangtze River Economic Belt are discussed by using traditional and spatial Markov chains. The results show that:(1)On the whole, the tourism industry efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is at a low level and shows a trend of slow decline in fluctuation. There is still a great space for technological progress and resource conservation in the process of tourism development. On the whole, the spatial pattern of tourism industry efficiency in the Yangtze River Economic Belt shows the characteristics of “zhou high, middle and low”, and the efficiency of tourism industry in the eastern and western regions is higher than that in the central region.(2)The efficiency of the tourism industry in the Yangtze River Economic Belt has the stability of maintaining the original state, and the probability of transferring to the low level is slightly higher than the probability of transferring to the high level on the whole, and the probability of leapfrog transfer is extremely low.(3)Geographical background of the tourism industry in the Yangtze River Economic Belt had a great effect on efficiency of dynamic evolution, drive the surrounding city tourism industry due to its high efficiency city upward shift probability increases, and the tourism industry efficiency low cities around inhibits shift upwards, and gradually formed the high concentration, high drive low “club convergence” phenomenon.
    Current Status of Fish Community and Its Diversity in Lake Taihu, China
    LIU Yan-shan, LI Da-ming, ZHU Ming-sheng, LU Jian-ming, JIA Wen-fang, ZHANG Feng-xia, SHEN Dong-dong, ZHANG Zeng, WU Tian-zhu, ZHANG Tong-qing
    2022, (9):  1906-1917.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209004
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    A field survey in Lake Taihu was performed from May 2019 to September 2020 before a full fishing ban was implemented. We analyzed the community structure and diversity of fish by using Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Margalef’s species richness index, Pielou’s evenness index, analysis of similarity and abundance-biomass comparison curves. In total, 65 species were collected, belonging to 51 genera, 17 families, and 9 orders. Cyprinidae had the largest number of species, accounting for 55.38% of the total species captured. Tridentiger trigonocephalus and Anguilla marmorata were first recorded in Lake Taihu. Settled fish species were the most frequent of the three ecological groups, and pelagic fish species were the most frequent of the three habitat types, whereas carnivore and omnivore fish species were the most frequent of the five feeding functional groups. The catch per unit effort (CPUE) using gill net and cage net were 4 287.03±515.94 and 626.32±91.24 g·net-1·12h-1, respectively. Coilia nasus, Carassius auratus, and Cultrichthys erythropterus were the dominant species. The mean values of Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Margalef’s species richness index, and Pielou’s evenness index were 2.34, 2.10 and 0.68, indicating that its fish diversity level was moderate, with the fact of miniaturization of fish. ANOSIM (analysis of similarity) revealed that the fish species composition of Lake Taihu varied significantly in spatio-temporal distribution patterns (P<0.05). Abundance-biomass curves (ABC) of fish community indicated that the community was seriously disturbed. The study can provide a scientific basis for protection and management of fishery resources in Lake Taihu.
    Hydrostatic Settling Characteristics of Drifting Fish Eggs in Main Stream of Yangtze River from Yibin to Fengdu
    ZHANG Xian-bing, ZHANG Kan-rui, YANG Wei, WANG Li, YANG Sheng-fa, LI Wen-jie, ZHANG Peng
    2022, (9):  1918-1925.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209005
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    The incubation of drifting fish eggs is synchronized with their migration in water, and the success of the incubation also closely related to the fish eggs’ movement behavior in water. To study the settling characteristics of drifting fish eggs in static water, five sampling sites were chosen for drifting fish eggs collection in the Yibin-Fengdu river steam of the Yangtze River main stream from June 16 to July 18, 2021. A total of 848 drifting fish eggs were collected and 399 of them were randomly selected for their hydrostatic settling studied. The results show that: (1) the diameter of the drifting fish eggs is 4.0-8.0 mm, and 88% of the fish eggs’ diameter is 5.0-7.0 mm. (2) The density of the drifting eggs is 1.001 2-1.003 4 g/cm3, and 78.9% of the fish eggs’ density is 1.002 2-1.003 2 g/cm3. (3) The terminal settling velocity of those drifting eggs is 3.0-12.0 mm/s (with average velocity was 7.16 mm/s). The following reasons are the main factors that affect the terminal settling velocity of the drifting fish eggs: movement of fish eggs in static water will lead to slight water turbulence behind the eggs, irregular autonomous movement of fish egg embryo, fish egg membrane deformation and changes in density due to compression by water. The hydrostatic settling coefficient (k=0.609), which is related to disturbance resistance, was obtained by combining the hydrostatic settling equation and experimental data with the force analysis of drifting fish eggs in static water in the upper Yibin-Fengdu river stream of the Yangtze River.
    Sustainable Use of Land Natural Capital and Decoupling Effect in Shaanxi Province Based on Three-dimensional Ecological Footprint
    DAI Ya-ting, ZHU Dao-lin, ZHANG Hui, GUO Lu-lu
    2022, (9):  1926-1937.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209006
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    Shaanxi Province is an important economic hub in central and western China and is located in an ecologically fragile area. In order to promote regional sustainable development, based on the improved three-dimensional footprint model, this paper measures the use of land natural capital in Shaanxi Province over two decades from the product-land class-region triple scale using the national hectare method, and further analyzes its decoupling effect with economic development. The results show that: (1) the per capita land footprint of Shaanxi Province from 2000 to 2019 basically shows a trend of increasing all the time, while the per capita land bearing capacity shows a slow decreasing trend, and the regional ecological deficit shows a change trend of increasing first and then decreasing. (2) Both footprint size and footprint depth in Shaanxi Province show an overall increasing trend from 2000 to 2019, and except for Yanan and Yulin, all other eight cities in Shaanxi Province have a footprint depth larger than 1, indicating serious depletion of natural capital stock. (3) After 2010, the proportion of municipalities with strong decoupling status has increased, the traditional economic development model is being transformed, and ecological management measures have achieved initial results. However, the Gini coefficient of footprint size is increasing, and the inequity of natural capital flow utilization within the region is intensifying.
    Cooling Effect of Urban Wetlands and Its Influencing Factors Under Different Meteorological Conditions in Wuhan,China
    ZHANG Li-wen, Chen Ying-yi, Wang Kai., LIANG Zhi-chen, LIANG Yi-Tong
    2022, (9):  1938-1952.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209007
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    Understanding climatic effect characteristics and influencing factors of urban wetlands assists construction scheme drafting of waterfront city climatic carrying capacity and adaptability optimization. In this study,Landsat-8 OLI/TIRS and high resolution GF-1 satellite images covering 18 typical urban wetland patches in Wuhan,China were collected to retrieve land surface temperature and other parameters during midsummer period of 2013-2020, in order to quantitatively evaluate the cooling effect of urban wetland patches including main river, small rivers, lakes and waterscape parks using cooling range (Lmax), amplitude of temperature drop (△Tmax),temperature gradient (Gtemp) and area efficiency of cooling intensity(Earea)based on GIS buffer analysis. In addition , potentials impacts of climatic characteristics and synoptic conditions on cooling effect were analyzed using Meiyu precipitation, midsummer extreme high temperature and urban summer dominant wind. The results show below: (1) Different types of urban wetlands have different optimal forms of cooling effect. The main river such as Yangtze River is strongest in Lmax and △Tmax, the lakes are largest in Gtemp, while the small rivers and waterscape parks are largest in Earea. (2)The cooling effect of rivers is mainly determined by their own feathers such as river length and surface water temperature, while the cooling effect of lakes and waterscape parks are mainly determined by the shape index, surface temperature, water and vegetation coverage and surrounded construction land. (3) The disparity of meteorological conditions is one of the most important causes of annual urban wetland cooling effect variances, but it has different influences on different kinds of wetlands and cooling effect indexes. The more precipitation in Meiyu period or higher temperature in midsummer period, the more prominent cooling effects of urban wetlands of the year are. Abundant precipitation and high temperature conditions promote greater improvements in △Tmax,Gtemp and Earea than Lmax and have larger influences on small rivers and waterscape parks than that of major river and lake wetlands. Only rivers that are parallel to the prevailing wind direction have broaden Lmax.
    Research on Construction and Evaluation of Forest Land Ecological Network in Three Gorges Reservoir Area Based on MSPA and MCR Model
    YAO Cai-yun, AN Rui, DOU Chao, LIU Yao-lin
    2022, (9):  1953-1962.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209008
    Abstract ( 408 )   PDF (7376KB) ( 131 )   Save
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    The Three Gorges Reservoir Area(TGRA) is an important ecological barrier area and an ecologically fragile area on the Yangtze River Economic Belt. It is of great research value and significance to construct an ecological safety network by extracting important ecological sources, constructing comprehensive ecological resistance surface, identifying important ecological corridors and ecological nodes in the TGRA. Taking the TGRA as the study area, morphological spatial pattern analysis (MSPA) was used to identify forest ecological source patches, and the importance of patches was evaluated by landscape connectivity index. Combined with the resistance factors of land use type, DEM, slope, distance from river, distance from road and NDVI, the comprehensive ecological resistance surface was constructed.The minimum cumulative resistance model(MCR) was used to construct the ecological corridor, and the important ecological nodes were extracted to form the forest ecological safety network in the TGRA. The results of the study showed: (1) There are 38 ecological sources of forest land in the TGRA, accounting for 59.55% of the forest area and 27.95% of the total area of the region. They are mainly distributed among the Daba-Wushan-Wuling Mountains in Hubei and Jinyun-Zhongliang-Tongluo -Mingyue -Yunwu Mountains in Chongqing.(2) High resistance areas are mainly distributed in urban construction areas, the highest value of resistance is located in the main urban area of Chongqing; low resistance areas are mainly distributed in woodland and water areas, and the lowest value of resistance is located in the Wushan mountainous area in the Hubei section of the TGRA. (3) There are 79 ecological corridors, including 3 important corridors and 76 general corridors. The total length of the corridors is 1 326.37 km. (4) The average resistance of ecological corridors is 2.50, and the total cumulative resistance of corridors between ecological patches is 197.36; α index, β index, and γ index are 0.52, 2.08, and 0.73 respectively; cultivated land, woodland, and grassland are the main landscape type of corridors. The results of the research present an ecological network spatial pattern of “three screens, multiple corridors, multiple spots, and multiple patches”, providing scientific guidance for protecting biodiversity, improving ecosystem functions, and maintaining regional ecological security patterns.
    Using Benefit Transfer for Ecosystem Services Valuation: Research Progress, Challenges and Prospects 
    HU Xiao-yan, YU Fa-wen, XU Xiang-bo
    2022, (9):  1963-1974.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209009
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    Compared with valuation on specific ecosystem services by traditionally independent empirical research, it is faster and cost saving using benefit transfer method. At present, the benefit transfer method has been widely used abroad, which could provide a significant reference for using this method into the ecosystem services valuation and related policies in China. Therefore, the article conducts a thorough study the definition, classification and selection principles of benefit transfer method, then the research progress of using this method to evaluate the ecosystem services, the accuracy challenges and the source and control of transfer error. Furthermore, three aspects of prospect are proposed here as follow: (1)the benefit transfer method should be used more for the domestic ecosystem services valuation and online valuation databases should be built. (2)how to figure out the international problem of transfer error reduction from theory and demonstration should be further studied.(3)the empirical research on ecosystem service valuation should be enhanced and the data on biophysical characteristics should be provided as much as possible in the research, so as to serve the ecological protection and related policies better.
    Spatial-temporal Analysis and Influencing Factors of Ecological Resilience in Yangtze River Delta
    TAO Jie-yi, DONG Ping, LU Yu-qi
    2022, (9):  1975-1987.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209010
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    Urban ecological resilience construction is the key for the high-quality integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. This paper constructs an ecological resilience evaluation model from the three dimensions of resistance, adaptability and recovery to study the spatial- temporal evolution characteristics of urban ecological resilience in the Yangtze River Delta from 2011 to 2019; and analyzes the spatial-temporal heterogeneity of ecological resilience influencing factors by using the geographically and temporally weighted regression (GTWR) and STIRPAT (the Stochastic Impacts by Regression on Population, Affluence, and Technology) extended models. The results show that: (1) From 2011 to 2019, the ecological resilience index of Yangtze River Delta cties showed an overall fluctuating upward trend, with the number of fluctuating declining or stagnant cities accounting for a small proportion and the fluctuating low-rate rising cities dominating; the resistance of ecological resilience of cities was higher than the adaptability and recovery, and the resistance of ecological resilience showed a fluctuating downward trend during the study period while the adaptability and recovery fluctuated upward. (2) The ecological resilience high value zone of the Yangtze River Delta experienced the evolution process of “overall dispersion and partial agglomeration-small agglomeration and large dispersion-small agglomeration and large dispersion strengthening-Multi-location clustering”. (3) The results of the GTWR model showed that there were obvious spatial and temporal differences among the influencing factors, and the intensity and fluctuation direction of the influencing factors varied in different regions.
    Analysis on Spatio-temporal Evolution and Relevance of Urban Flood Disaster Resilience in Yangtze River Delta
    HE Shan-feng, LIANG Shuang, WU Shao-hong, GUO Hao
    2022, (9):  1988-1999.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209011
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    Flooding is one of the main meteorological disasters in the Yangtze River Delta. Studies on urban flood disaster resilience can provide strong support for accelerating the construction of resilient cities and realizing high-quality regional integration development in the Yangtze River Delta. Using mandatory judgment method, entropy method and spatial autocorrelation analysis, the spatio-temporal evolution characteristics and their relevance of urban flood disaster resilience in the Yangtze River Delta were analyzed by considering four aspects (ie. society, economy, infrastructure and environment) from 2008 to 2018. The main results show that: in terms of time series, the resilience level of urban flood disaster in Yangtze River Delta showed an upward trend, and the mean value of urban resilience index increased from 0256 5 to 0354 2. The difference of resilience index among cities has increased, and the resilience level is in the stage of unbalanced development. In terms of spatial evolution pattern, the resilience level of each city in the Yangtze River Delta is obviously different, declining from center to periphery; the quantity structure of each resilience level changes from single-core distribution mode to olive-type distribution mode. Based on global spatial autocorrelation, except for 2009, the regional urban flood disaster resilience index has a positive spatial autocorrelation, but the global Moran coefficient is low, the spatial agglomeration effect is not obvious, and has experienced the change process of “dispersion-concentration-dispersion”. According to the local spatial autocorrelation, the number of cities with significant local spatial agglomeration phenomenon in urban flood disaster resilience index in the research stage accounts for about 20%, and the “low-low” type area has been dominant in the local spatial agglomeration type, and the development of regional integration needs to be improved.
    Spatio-temporal Differentiation of Ecological Environment Quality in the Yangtze-to-Huaihe River Water Diversion Project Area:  A Case Study of the Lujiang Section
    GUO Bei-bei, CUI Ying-xue, FANG Ye-lin, ZHANG Yu
    2022, (9):  2000-2010.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209012
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    The Yangtze-to-Huaihe river water diversion (YHRWD) project is an inter-basin water transfer project. The construction of the water transfer project has a significant impact on the ecological environmental quality (EEQ) within the project area and the surroundings. To quantitatively assess, monitor, and analyze the temporal and spatial differences of impacts of the YHRWD project on regional EEQ, this study calculates greenness, humidity, heat, and dryness indexes and uses principal component analysis. Eight Landsat OLI_TIRS images are based on the least amount of cloud and during the harvest season from 2013 to 2021 which download from the USGS and Geospatial Data Cloud website. The spatiotemporal change monitoring is determined by comparing the changes of EEQ before, during, and after the construction period of YHRWD project. Respective comparisons are also made with the surrounding areas. The results show that: (1) The mean of RSEI of Lujiang County is 0.739 5 during the study period, and the EEQ is generally good, stable, but slightly decreased. The construction of the project does not significantly affect the EEQ of the whole Lujiang County. (2) The RSEI value of the YHRWD project area during the construction period is 38.70% lower than before the construction period. It still does not improve significantly after construction and back to 84.13%. (3) The RSEI value of the surrounding area (within the 1km buffer zone) decrease by 17.11% on average during the construction period. After the construction, the EEQ gradually recover to 88.28%, which will continue to affect the surrounding ecological environment and the eco-system of the project area has not recovered yet. Although the EEQ in the YHRWD project area is affected by the construction, it has little impact on the surroundings, and the environmental recovery degree after the construction is better. The Lujiang section project not only has a certain guiding significance for the construction, management, and regulation of other sections of the YHRWD project, but also guides the ecological management and regulation of other project areas. This study can provide a reference for ecological environment protection in the process of major project construction and regional spatial planning.

    Study on the Influence of Smart Water and Public Participation on Water Environment Governance: Based on the Investigation of “Five Water Joint Governance” in Zhejiang Province
    ZHANG Ning, ZHANG Lan, LIU Cong, LU Wen-cong
    2022, (9):  2011-2021.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209013
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    As a new management mode of "wisdom + cooperative governance", due to the lack of public participation, there is still a big gap between the services of intelligent water management and the demands of the public, and the expected effect of intelligent water environment governance has not been achieved. At the same time, there is a big gap between the public's willingness to participate and the actual behavior. Based on the social survey of "five-water joint governance" in Zhejiang province, Multiple Logistic model is used to empirically analyze the public's willingness to participate in water environmental governance and its influencing factors in the context of intelligent water governance from the perspectives of individual, family, occupation and community behavioral environment characteristics. Through the effective integration of intelligent water control and social management, the information sharing mechanism of water environment governance can be fully realized. The final research results show: (1) The higher the education level, the higher the support for the intelligent information platform, the stronger the public's willingness to participate in the smart water. (2) The influence of household water dependence and household information service consumption index on public participation intention was significantly positively correlated, but the change of household living environment was negatively correlated. (3) The public working in government agencies, public institutions and more networked industries, such as the water industry, is the main force to participate in water environment governance. (4) The district economic level is inversely proportional to the public's willingness to participate, and the communication mode of community water control culture has a greater impact on the public's willingness to participate. On the basis of this conclusion, it is proposed to actively publicize the culture of smart water management, explore the smart ways of public participation, improve the data sharing mechanism of smart water management, and guarantee the fairness of public participation in water management through the market embedding of smart water management.
    Holocene Spatiotemporal Distribution of Sites and Its Response to Environmental Changes in Qiantang River Basin
    ZHANG Ya-wei, ZENG Meng-xiu, ZHANG Qian-hui, YE Danyi, YANG Cui-ting, XU Ping-ping, REN Xin-yu, JIANG Run-qi, LI Feng-quan
    2022, (9):  2022-2034.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209014
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    The Qiantang River Basin is one of the most important regions for early human cultural activities in eastern China. Meanwhile, this region has a relatively complete sequence of archaeological cultural development and is an important origin of Chinese civilization. At present, scholars have extensively explored the past man-land relationship between the Yellow River Basin and the Yangtze River Basin, while the research on the Qiantang River Basin is relatively weak. Based on the data of archaeological sites and the natural environmental background since the Holocene, in combination of ArcGIS analysis technology, this paper is aims to estimate the kernel density of the sites, to extract the topographic and geomorphological factors and to analyze their directionality to carry out quantitative analysis of the spatiotemporal evolution characteristics and rules of sites during different archaeological cultural periods. The relationship between archaeological sites and environmental changes is also conducted out. The results suggests that: (1) Natural factors and human factors affected the number and continuity of sites to varying degrees, among which sea level fluctuation and climate change are the dominant factors of cultural vicissitudes in the Qiantang River Basin, which exerting great influence on the distribution, expansion and transmutation of ancient culture. (2) From the early Neolithic Age to Xia-Shang Dynasties, the number of sites in the Qiantang River Basin changed in an inverted "N" type. In the vertical space, the sites were concentrated in the areas with an elevation below 200 m; in the horizontal space, showing significant spatial aggregation characteristics and the distribution center is near the main stream of the Qiantang River. (3) The responses of sites to environmental changes through their slope, slope direction, distance from the rivers and other elements in the Qiantang River Basin during different periods. The sites were mainly distributed in the areas with slope between 0° and 7°, aspect towards the southeast, and distance of less than 7 km from the rivers. With the increase of productivity, the dependency on water resources increased, but the limitation of natural environment on human activities decreased.

    Spatialotemporal Evolution of PM2.5 Population  Exposure Risk and Correlation With Landscape Patterns in Southwest China
    LI Chen, WU Ying-mei, GAO Bin-pin, QIAN Jing
    2022, (9):  2035-2047.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209015
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    Atmospheric PM2.5 pollution is one of the major ecological and environmental problems in China. It is important to investigate the spatial and temporal evolution characteristics of PM2.5 pollution and its population exposure risk, and to reveal the influence of landscape pattern on atmospheric PM2.5 pollution, in order to reveal the atmospheric pollution pattern and then improve the human living environment. Based on PM2.5 and population grid data, exposure risk model and trend analysis model were used to explore the spatialotemporal evolution characteristics of PM2.5 population exposure risk in southwest China from 2000 to 2020. In this study, the landscape pattern index was measured based on the best moving window using 3-period land use data, and the correlation coefficient method was used to reveal the relationship between the landscape pattern and PM2.5 and its population exposure risk in the study area. The results show that:(1) The overall annual average PM2.5 concentration in the southwest region and provinces showed a slow increase and then a rapid decrease during the study period, and there were significant east-west differences in its spatial distribution.(2) The spatial distribution pattern of PM2.5 population exposure risk was relatively similar in all years, and the high, higher and very high risk areas were mostly distributed in urban areas with concentrated population. In terms of spatial variation, the areas with very significant decrease in PM2.5 population exposure risk were mostly found in the central urban areas of prefecture-level cities, and the areas with very significant increase were mostly found in the urban fringe and small and medium-sized towns.(3) Among the landscape pattern characteristics in Southwest China, the proportion of landscape has a significant effect on PM2.5 concentration, but the edge density, shape index and average patch area also play different roles in different landscapes. Within the overall landscape pattern characteristics, increases in landscape fragmentation, patch shape complexity and sprawl would lead to higher annual average PM2.5 concentrations and their enhanced risk with population exposure.
    Extreme Environmental Risk Assessmentof Human Activities on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
    JIN Sun-mei, HOU Guang-liang, XU Chang-jun, WEN DE zhuo-ma, GAO Jing-yi
    2022, (9):  2048-2059.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209016
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    This paper used altitude, relief degree of land surface, land cover index, river network density index, temperature-humidity index, wind-chill index, degree of comfort and absolute oxygen content, for these indicators regulate biological pressures and subsistence. This paper used geographical detectors and geographically weighted regression to weigh the indicators above, and then constructed 1 km×1 km grid of the extreme environment index zone of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, also Identified the coordinated relationship between extreme environments and human activities. The results show that:(1)Among the indicators that have a greater impact on the distribution of villages are the land cover index, river network density index,altitude,absolute oxygen content.The comfortable period of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is August, and January is not suitable for human activities.(2)The results of both models present similar trend in extreme environmental index and show a trend from southeast to northwest. According to the variation of extreme environmental index, Qinghai-Tibetan plateau was categorized into the least, less, average, more, and most environmentally extreme areas. The least environmentally extreme area is the Tibet-South Valley and it accounts for the smallest area size. The less environmentally extreme areas include valleys on thefringes of high plateau and in the Hengduan Mountain areas. The areas of average extreme environmental condition include the Qaidam basin, western Sichuanplateau and southern part of the Qinghai Province. The more environmentally extreme areas are mostly the mountainous areas and account for thelargest area size. The most environmentally extreme area is the Changtang Plateau.(3)The environment and human activities in the least-less environmentally extreme areas are highly coordinated.The contradiction between the environment and human activities in average-most environmentally extreme areas is related to grazing activities, construction of engineering facilities and urbanization.
    Quantitative Analysis of Mitigation Effect of Urban Blue-Green Spaces on Urban Heat Island
    JIANG Yun-fang , HUANG Jing
    2022, (9):  2060-2072.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209017
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    Under the background that urban heat island affects urban thermal comfort, blue-green space has become an important way to effectively mitigate urban heat island effect. Selecting 18 river riparian buffer in Shanghai, the marginal effect of various indices of waterfront green spaces on the distribution of LST was quantitatively analyzed by the boosted regression tree(BRT) model. The results showed that: the cooling island effect of green spaces was the strongest in the urban periphery, followed by the suburb, and the worst was in the central area. In the aspect of spatial morphological factors of green spaces, the index of Fv and area were the dominant impacting factors on the LST. The marginal effect threshold of Fv, area, landscape shape index and albedo were 0.3, 50 hm2, 2 and 0.16, respectively. In the aspect of spatial structure factors among blue spaces and green spaces, the influence of the index of water surface ratio and the distance to riverbank were larger on the LST. The higher water surface ratio is, the more obvious the cooling island effect is. The marginal effect threshold of the distance to riverbank and cohesion value were 400 m and 75/100, respectively. The study can provide useful guidance for the development of blue-green space coping with global climate change.
    Influence of Heterogeneous Farmer’s Livelihood Capital on Decision-making of Farmland Transfer: A Case Study of Jianghan Plain and the Eco-cultural Tourism Circle in Western Hubei 
    CHEN Ying-rong, ZHANG Bei, ZHU Qing-ying
    2022, (9):  2073-2085.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209018
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    Study on the influence of heterogeneous of farmer’s livelihood capital on decision-making of farmland transfer is of great significance to promote farmland transfer and optimize farmland transfer performance. The article takes 1 017 rural households in the Jianghan Plain and the Eco-cultural Tourism Circle in Western Hubei as an example, based on the evaluation of rural households’ livelihood capital, multiple logistic regression models are used to analyze the influence of the heterogeneity of livelihood capital on the transfer decision. The results show that the level of social capital of farmers in the Jianghan Plain is relatively low, while the levels of natural capital, material capital, human capital and financial capital are relatively high. The financial capital of farmers does not affect farmers' decision-making on farmland transfer. atural capital, material capital, human capital and social capital have regional differences in the impact of farmland transfer decisions. The quality of farmland, the area of contracted land, the number of fixed assets, the proportion of household labor force, the number of non-agricultural labor force, and the annual family favor expenditure of rural households in the western Hubei circle have a positive impact on the transfer of farmland, and the irrigation conditions of farmland. And the highest degree of family labor has a negative impact on the transfer of farmland. The area of contracted land, the number of types of fixed assets, the number of types of family livestock, and the family’s annual spending on the family’s affections in Jianghan Plain all have a positive impact on the transfer of farmland. Therefore, both regions should do a good job in the protection of farmland and improve the natural capital level of farmers, improve the quality of labor force and improve the level of labor capital of farmers; Jianghan Plain should encourage qualified farmers to raise a certain number of livestock and strengthen financial support; Western Hubei should Continue to improve infrastructure construction, improve transportation convenience, enhance the social capital of villagers, vigorously develop regional economy, and improve the level of financial capital of farmers. 

    Cultivated Land Value Accounting Based on Economic-Social-Ecological Value:A Case Study of Y City
    ZHU Wen-juan, LI Jian-bing, GAO Yang, ZOU Ni, LI Fa-zhi, YU Bo, SUN Hua
    2022, (9):  2086-2095.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209019
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    In order to establish the connection between the dimensionless cultivated land quality grade and the monetary quantifiable cultivated land value, we explored the value of cultivated land of different quality grades based on the evaluation result of the cultivated land quality grade in Y city.Research methods: The present value of earnings method, shadow price method,and equivalent factor method. Research results:(1)The average comprehensive value range of cultivated land of different grades in Y city was 35.37-158.53 ten thousand yuan/hm2, of which the average land economic value range was 4.60-21.59 ten thousand yuan/hm2, and the average social value range was 30.35-134.67 ten thousand yuan/hm2, the average ecological value of land ranges from 0.43-2.27 ten thousand yuan/hm2. The value of cultivated land decreased with the decrease of land grade.(2)In the comprehensive value of cultivated land, social value accounts for more than economic value and becomes an important part that cannot be ignored in the calculation of cultivated land value. The proportion of social, economic, and ecological values decreases in turn.(3)There is a significant difference in the average comprehensive value of cultivated land of different grades. The greater the difference in the quality of cultivated land, the greater the difference in value.The difference in value of cultivated land between six to ten adjacent grades is much higher than that of cultivated land at grades one to five, that is, the difference in value of cultivated land between adjacent low grades is greater than that of high grades.Research conclusion: This article attempts to break the inherent assumption of the homogeneity of regional cultivated land in the original cultivated land value accounting research, and manifests the quality grade value of cultivated land.In the future, it is necessary to explore and formulate compensation mechanisms that consider the differentiation of comprehensive value dimensions such as society, economy, and ecology according to different quality levels of cultivated land, and establish scientific and reasonable cultivated land compensation standards.At the same time, the focus is on improving the quality of cultivated land of grades five to ten, which can maximize the potential of regional cultivated land value.In addition, it is very important to make up for the shortcomings of low-quality cultivated land, to effectively improve the quality of regional cultivated land, and to implement normalized protection of the quantity and quality of cultivated land.

    Evaluation of Ecological Protection and High Quality Development of Agricultural Industry in the Yellow River Basin
    ZHAO Min, XIA Tong-shui, MA Zong-guo
    2022, (9):  2096-2107.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202209020
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    The high-quality development of agricultural industry is of great significance to promote the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin. Based on the five dimensions of "innovation, coordination, green, opening and sharing", this paper constructs the evaluation system of high-quality development of agricultural industry in the Yellow River Basin, and measures the high-quality development level of agricultural industry in the Yellow River Basin from 2010 to 2019 from two aspects of spatial pattern and time evolution. The results show that: the overall high-quality development level of agricultural industry in the Yellow River Basin is low, and with internal imbalance, showing a spatial pattern of "high on both sides, low in the middle", but showing a significant upward trend. All provinces and regions have strengths and weaknesses that match the regional characteristics. Shandong, Henan and Sichuan play a leading role in the dimension of innovation, opening and sharing development, the agricultural industrial structure of Gansu and Shanxi is more reasonable, while Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi and Ningxia have more advantages in green development. The contribution of each dimension to the overall high-quality development level is different, innovation and green development play the most important role, and opening development is the short board. The ecological protection and high-quality development of agricultural industry in the Yellow River Basin should seize the policy dividend, adhere to the ecological priority, continue to promote high-level opening to the outside world, and promote the coordinated development of all provinces and regions.

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