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20 October 2022, Volume 31 Issue 10
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  • Spatial Pattern and Driving Factors of Consumer Service Industry Development in Yangtze River Economic Belt
    WANG Lei, LI Xiang-yang, WANG Xue-li, LI Feng-bo
    2022, (10):  2109-2121.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210001
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    Studying the spatial pattern of urban consumer service industry development has important practical significance for increasing consumption demand, transforming the urban economic growth mode and promoting the high-quality development of the city. Based on POI data, the evaluation system of consumer service industry level was constructed. And then, the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of consumer service industry level in 130 cities of the Yangtze River Economic Belt were analyzed by using variation coefficient, Theil index, ESDA and spatial Durbin model. The results show that: (1) the overall level of consumer services industry in the Yangtze River Economic Belt is not high, showing a distribution pattern of “high in the east and low in the west”; there are significant differences in the level of domestic consumer service industry among the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, which are the lower, middle and upper reaches from strong to weak. (2) The consumer service industry has significant global and local spatial autocorrelation characteristics, and the types of H-H and L-L clusters are more prominent, spatially expressing as “the high is constantly high, the low is constantly low”. (3) There are also obvious differences in the level of consumer service industry between and within urban agglomerations; the average level of consumer service industry in descending order is the Yangtze River Delta, Chengdu-Chongqing, Central Yunnan, Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River and Central Guizhou urban agglomeration; and the internal difference in descending order is the Chengdu-Chongqing, Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River, Yangtze River Delta, Central Yunnan and Central Guizhou urban agglomeration. (4) The enhancement of regional economic development, improvement of urbanization rate, optimization of industrial structure and increase of government financial expenditure exert positive effects on the improvement of consumer service industry level, and the rise of residents’ consumption level can effectively promote the development of consumer service industry in surrounding cities. (5) In the process of future urban development, it is necessary to not only actively implement urban renewal actions to improve the quality and efficiency of consumer service, but also to promote the market-oriented reform of consumer service to make the flow of various resources unimpeded.
    Research on the Influence of Variety and External Innovation Cooperation on Urban Atypical Knowledge Combination Output in the Yangtze River Delta
    QIN Liu-ting, WANG Qiu-yu, ZENG Gang
    2022, (10):  2122-2133.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210002
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    In the era of knowledge economy, innovation is key for countries and cities to pursue high-quality development and enhance international competitiveness. Atypical knowledge combination, which is novel, exploratory and forward-looking, is considered to be one of the constituent elements of breakthrough innovation and is gradually paid increasing attention by geographers. Under the background of high-quality development in China, the identification of atypical knowledge combination and understanding its driving factors have great practical significance for cities to formulate innovation strategies, improve innovation level and decision-making efficiency. By using the panel regression model of patent data from 2000 to 20018, this research investigates the effects of technology related variety, technology unrelated variety and external innovation cooperation on the output of atypical knowledge combination in the Yangtze River Delta region. The main analysis is based on city-level patent application data issued by China National Intellectual Property Administration and the Z-value method is applied to determine the atypical knowledge combination, and the entropy index first introduced by Castaldi and Frenken is used to measure related variety and unrelated variety. The results show that: (1) The atypical knowledge combinations of Yangtze River Delta region are concentrated in three major technology fields including “Performing Operations & Transporting”, “Chemistry & Metallurgy” and “Human Necessities”, especially in strategic emerging industries. (2) Related variety has a significant positive effect on the output of atypical knowledge combination in cities. In contrast, unrelated variety has no influence on the output of atypical knowledge combination in high hierarchy cities, unrelated variety has an inverted “U” relationship with the output of atypical knowledge combination in general hierarchy cities. (3)There is a significant inverted “U” relationship between external innovation cooperation and the output of atypical knowledge combination in cities. Unrelated variety and external innovation cooperation weaken each other’s positive impact on the output of atypical knowledge combination.
    Analysis on Network Structure Characteristics and Its Influencing Factors in Hubei Province Based on the Perspective of Multi-dimensional Feature Flow
    XING Li-jun, DU Sai-nan, SUN Gui-ying, CHEN Quan
    2022, (10):  2134-2145.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210003
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    Based on the urban connection intensity matrix constructed by Baidu migration, Baidu Index, banks and logistics enterprises, the study measures the characteristics and correlation of urban network structure and its correlation characteristics under multi-dimensional flow in Hubei Province from the perspective of network node, network connection hierarchy and core-edge structure. Five influencing factors including enterprise development, transportation accessibility, industrial structure, economic development and social service are selected to construct regression analysis model to further explore the comprehensive factors affecting the multi-dimensional network structure of Hubei Province. The results show that: (1) Under the effect of different factors, the node levels of the urban network are obviously differentiated. Wuhan is in the independent core position, and Tianmen, Qianjiang, Xiantao and Shennongjia forest areas are in the lower level. Besides, the overall connection density of different connection networks is information flow>logistics>capital flow>comprehensive flow> people flow; (2)Capital network has strong correlation with other networks, and has great commonality with logistics network in the quantity and spatial distribution of core edge cities, while information network has little correlation with people network; (3) Enterprise development and industrial structure are the main reasons for the generality of multidimensional network. Transportation accessibility, economic development and social service factors are the main reasons for the difference of multi-dimensional network. Among them, economic development factors have the most significant influence, while social service factors have the weakest influence. Finally, the paper puts forward some discussions on the key directions of hubei provincial spatial planning based on the conclusion of this study.
    Applying A Gradient Boosted Decision Tree Model to Estimate the Effects of Poverty Alleviation of Road Infrastructure
    CHEN Fang, LI Wu, JI Xiao-feng , QIN Wen-wen , LU Meng-yuan
    2022, (10):  2146-2154.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210004
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    This study aims at estimating the effects of road infrastructure investment on rural poverty incidence. Using the panel data of 31 provincial administrative regions in China from 2013 to 2018, we apply a Gradient Boosted Decision Tree (GBDT) model to explore the possible non-linear relationship between road infrastructure and rural poverty incidence in the perspective of the spatial-temporal heterogeneity. In our model, the rural poverty incidence was taken as a response variable, and scale, density, investment, and hardening of road infrastructure were set explanatory variables. The results show that factors with higher relative importance include the hardening township, and village roads, the length of village roads and the expressway, spatial-temporal heterogeneity, and road density. The effects of poverty alleviation of the road infrastructure overall rely on the improvement of road density and the hardening and construction of county, township, and village roads. The partial dependence plots illustrate that the length of highway and village road, road density, rural road investment, and hardening road length is positively related to poverty alleviation. These factors present significant marginal diminishing effects on both two different periods. The length of highway and village roads present threshold effects on rural poverty incidence, which means poverty alleviation occurs only when they reach a certain scale. The performance of road density, rural road investment, and hardening road length are also like the length of highway and village roads. The poverty alleviation effects will keep stable if the above indicators exceed their thresholds. These findings provide helpful references for the planning and construction of rural roads during the transition period between comprehensive poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and they also assist to establish a persistent mechanism to monitor and alleviate the rural poverty incidence.
    Formation Mechanism and Evolution of Stage-area Hysteretic Relationships in Floodplain System of Poyang Lake
    WU Juan, ZHANG Qi, LI Yun-liang, YE Xu-chun
    2022, (10):  2155-2165.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210005
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    Poyang Lake is a typical alternately filled lake that connects to the Yangtze River. Flooding characteristics of the lake are obvious with lake water level and inundation area vary significantly in season and space, showing highly nonlinearity. Based on the observed water levels and reconstructed high spatial-temporal resolution inundation dataset of the Poyang Lake according to multi-source remote sensing data from 2000 to 2018 by adopting the ESTARFM model (Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Adaptive reflection fusion model), this study explored the formation mechanism and evolution of stage-area hysteretic relationships in the lake. The results show that the hysteresis of stage-area varied significantly across the lake. Both clockwise and counterclockwise hysteretic functions can be observed in the Poyang Lake. The formation mechanism of the two hysteretic functions is mainly attributes to the different flooding characteristics of river and lake facies and the differences of converge and drainage processes in the upstream and downstream of Poyang Lake-floodplain system. Duchang station in the middle of the lake shows the smallest stage-area hysteresis across the whole Poyang Lake, while the Kangshan station at the southernmost of the lake shows the largest stage-area hysteresis. Seasonal lakes that widely exist in the floodplain settings of Poyang Lake have important impact on increasing the hysteresis of upstream stations and reducing the hysteresis of downstream stations in the lake. In recent years, the stage-area hysteresis of different stations in the Poyang Lake have changed significantly due to the alteration of the lake outflow capacity and catchment inflow caused by regional climate change, sand mining activities in the lake and the operation of Three Gorges Project. Before and after the multi-stage experimental impoundment of the Three Gorges project, the hysteresis of stage-area in the northern Lake area represented by Hukou, Xingzi and Duchang stations experienced a process of first increasing and then decreasing during the periods of 2000-2003, 2004-2009 and 2010-2018, respectively, while opposite process was observed in the southern lake area represented by Tangyin and Kangshan stations.
    Characteristics of Precipitation Extremes in Three Gorges Reservoir Intervening Basin During 1961-2020
    LI Shuai, CHEN Xian-yan, GONG Wen-ting, SHEN Zhao-yong, ZHU Wen-li
    2022, (10):  2166-2175.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210006
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    In order to explore the characteristics of precipitation extremes in the Three Gorges Reservoir Intervening Basin (TGRIB), based on the daily precipitation data (18 rain gauge stations) in the TGRIB during 1961-2020, seven extreme precipitation indices were firstly selected in this paper to investigate the tempo-spatial variations of extreme precipitation in the TGRIB. Two extreme precipitation series were then filtered from the 60 years of precipitation data at 18 stations using the annual maximum (AM) and peak-over-threshold (POT) method, and the generalized extreme distribution (GEV) and generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) were used to fit the two precipitation series and to investigate their statistic characteristics. The best distribution was determined by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and then the best distribution was used to estimate the precipitation extremes in different return periods.  The results showed that: (1) the precipitation extremes in the north bank of the Yangtze River were greater than those in the south bank, the Kaizhou station is the peak of extreme precipitation in the TGRIB. (2) the optimal distribution for the AM series were GEV distribution, and the best distribution for the POT series were GPD distribution. The distributions of precipitation extremes in different return periods derived from two combinations of GEV-AM and GPD-POT were similar, but the estimated precipitation amounts by the GEV-AM combination were larger than that of the GPD-POT combination in the different return periods. It provides a certain reference for the flood control operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir and the prevention and control of geological disasters in the TGRIB.
    Hydrological Variation Characteristics of Cuntan in Dry Period After Operation of Cascade Reservoirs
    ZHANG Ran-gang, HU Jiang, XU Wei, YANG Sheng-fa, ZHANG Peng
    2022, (10):  2176-2185.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210007
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    In order to analyse the hydrological variation characteristics of Cuntan station in dry period (November to April) after the operation of the cascade reservoirs, This study use the Indicators of Hydrologic Alteration and Range of Variability Approach (IHA/RVA) method to analyse the hydrological variation characteristics of the daily average flow series of Cuntan station from 1954 to 2021, and analyzed the trend of the IHA indicators by the Rescaled Range (R/S) method. The results as follows: (1) There are 11 indicators had height changes, 4 indicators had moderate changes, 9 indicators had low changes, mainly reflected in the increasing of the average monthly flow and minimum flow in dry period, the initial maximum flow occurrence time shrinks from 1-22 th November to 1-8 th November, the minimum flow occurrence times advanced nearly 20 days, and the flow reversal times increased. (2) All the trends of IHA indicators reflected in the unbiased random walk and mean-recoverting process before influenced by the reservoirs, but 9 indicators changed to biased walk after reservoirs operation. (3) In the future, the flow in January and February, the minimum 30 day flow and the flow reversal times will continue to increase, the maximum and minimum flow occurrence times will be the trend of mean-reverting process in dry period.
    Spatio-temporal Variations Characteristics and Differences of Water Temperature in  Upper and Middle Reaches of Lancang-Nujiang River
    QIU Si-qian, XU You, XU Ya-qian, ZHAO Xing-xing, LONG Liang-hong, JI Dao-bin, YANG Zheng-jian,
    2022, (10):  2186-2196.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210008
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    In order to explore the differences of water temperature variation in the natural-section and cascade reservoirs section of the Lancang River and the Nujiang River, the along-track rate of water temperature (RWT), reservoir renewal times (α number), water residence time and temperature continuation evaluation index are calculated by the field data at 32 monitoring sites from 2016-2020. The spatial distribution characteristics of water temperature were analyzed. The results indicate that: the longitudinal variation of water temperature in Nujiang River and Lancang River before the construction of the reservoir is relatively regular, which is basically consistent with the variation of air temperature along the river. The mean value of water temperature continuation evaluation index is only 0.04, indicating that the natural factors have limited influence on the spatial continuity of water temperature. Affected by meteorological conditions, the RWT of Nujiang River in different periods is slightly different, the maximum is 1.32℃·100  km-1 in January and the minimum is 1.02℃·100  km-1 in October. The average RWT of Nujiang River is higher than that of Lancang River in the natural state, which are (1.17±0.12℃·100  km-1)and(0.58±0.11℃·100  km-1), respectively. The analysis suggests that the river flow may be the main factor causing the difference. Cascade reservoirs has significantly changed the natural variation characteristics of water temperature along the middle and upper reaches of the Lancang River. Affected by the lagged effect of water temperature in the reservoir, the water temperature has an obvious drop and fluctuates sharply along the river. The water temperature continuation evaluation index of Huangdeng Reservoir is significantly higher than that of other reservoirs, while the water temperature continuation evaluation index of Wunonglong, Lidi and Dahuaqiao reservoir is at a lower level, close to the state of natural rivers. The effect of cascade reservoirs on the spatial continuity of water temperature is complicated. Due to the combined operation of cascade reservoirs, the scale of single reservoir, and the regulation performance, the influence of different types of reservoirs is different.
    Impact of Position of West Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet in Summer on Runoff over Tuotuo River Basin in Source Region of Yangtze River
    HUANG Xiao-mei, QIN Ning-sheng, LUO Yu, XIAO Ding-mu, WANG Shu, PANG Yi-shu
    2022, (10):  2197-2206.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210009
    Abstract ( 79 )   PDF (3877KB) ( 28 )   Save
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    Based on the runoff data from Tuotuo River hydrological station, the precipitation and temperature data from the Tuotuo River meteorological station, the ERA-interim reanalysis data in summer from 1979 to 2016, the influence of the position of West Asian Subtropical Westerly Jet (WASWJ) in summer on the runoff over Tuotuo River Basin in the source region of Yangtze River and the corresponding physical mechanism have been investigated, using the methods of correlation, regression, and EOF analysis. Results show that the latitudinal position of the WASWJ has a significant influence on runoff of theTuotuo River Basin in summer. In detail, the southward (northward) WASWJ axis could result in more (less) runoff over there by modulating the change of precipitation. When the jet position is further south, the South Asian high inclines to more eastward position, and the anomalous negative geopotential height and significant ascending movement over the Tuotuo River Basin is conductive to the development of the plateau low-value system, resulting in more precipitation. Meanwhile, the anomalous southwesterly flow is favorable for the water vapor transport from the lower latitudes into the study region, leading to increased precipitation and more runoff formation, and vice versa. Further analysis shows that the Arctic Oscillation (AO) in summer can significantly affect the latitudinal position of WASWJ by affecting the temperature variations in the upper and middle troposphere from West Asia to Central Asia, and there is significant negative correlation between them. The results of this research have important implications for the water resources management in the source region of Yangtze River under global warming.
     Pattern and Influence Factors of Phytoplankton Community Structure in Middle of Huaihe River#br#
    YANG Xiao-xi, LIU Kai, LIU Yan, GONG Jiang, ZHOU Yan-feng
    2022, (10):  2207-2217.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210010
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    In order to investigate the spatiotemporal pattern of phytoplankton communities and the determining factors in the middle of the Huaihe River, phytoplankton and environmental factors in 28 sections of the mid-stream river were collected and analyzed in June 2019 (flat-water period), September (high -water period) and February 2020 (dry-water period). The results showed that phytoplankton species were detected as 8 Phylum, 128 species in the middle of the Huaihe River. The densities of phytoplankton were 0.06×106~16.04×106, 0.47×106~41.62×106 and 0.43×106~10.79×106 cell·L-1 in the three water periods. The biomass of phytoplankton was 0.03~3.54, 0.12~14.99 and 0.14~25.48 mg·L-1. Microcystis, Microcystis, Cyclotella meneghiniana were main dominant species in three water period. In spatially, density of up-gate presented significantly higher than mid-gate, biomass of up-gate presented significantly higher than under-gate. Total phosphorus, temperature and permanganate index were significantly positively correlated with phytoplankton density through Pearson correlation analysis. Temperature was the main environmental factor correlate with phytoplankton community structures through CCA analysis.
    River Health Assessment Based on Macroinvertebrates in Huangbai River, A Tributary of Yangtze River, China
    ZHANG Kun, LI Wei-ming, CHEN Sheng-sheng, XIONG Wei-wei, ZHANG Xu-tong, LIU Zi-jian
    2022, (10):  2218-2229.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210011
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    To understand the community structure of macroinvertebrates and health status in Huangbai River, we set up 13 sites to to investigate the physical and chemical factors of macroinvertebrates and the water body. Shannon-Wiener diversity index, FBI, B-IBI and QHEI were used to evaluate Huangbai River's ecological health comprehensively, Also, the four evaluation methods and their relationship with environmental factors were compared. The results showed that 31 taxa of macroinvertebrates were collected, belonging to 3 phyla, 6 classes, 14 orders, and 27 families, mainly aquatic insects and mollusks. There is spatial heterogeneity in the health status of the Huangbai River. There are differences among the evaluation results of Shannon-Wiener, FBI, B-IBI, and QHEI. Still, the performance of the whole basin is the same. The health status of the west branch is the best, the east branch is general, and the mainstream is the worst. The relationship with environmental factors shows that the Shannon-Wiener and FBI can indicate dissolved oxygen, the B-IBI can indicate water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and conductivity. QHEI can indicate water temperature, conductivity, and the proportion of forest manufactured surface. The comparative analysis shows that Shannon-Wiener is not suitable for oligotrophic river sections. The FBI can express most of the information of macrobenthos communities and characterize the habitat quality. Compared with the FBI, B-IBI is more closely related to other evaluation methods. The B-IBI can contain more community information and more comprehensively reflect the health status of the Huangbai River.
    Impact of Different Electron Acceptors on Methane Oxidation and the Key Microbial Players in the Soil of the Jialing River Riparian Wetland
    LIU Dan, MO Yong-liang, PENG Chao, WANG Bao-zhan, WANG Jia-jia, TANG Yun, LU Lu
    2022, (10):  2230-2245.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210012
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    The aim of the study was to explore the methane oxidation processes in the soil of riparian wetland zone. The role of different electron acceptors in differentiating the methane oxidation potentials and the key microbial players under oxygen-deficiency condition were also determined. The soil collected from the riparian wetland zone of the Jialing River was chosen to reveal the soil methane oxidation rates under aerobic and oxygen-deficiency condition, and the impacts of electron acceptors (NO3-, SO42-, ferrihydrite, goethite) on the methane oxidation rates and the key methane oxidation microorganisms. The microcosm experiment coupled with high-throughput sequencing and chemical analysis was employed in this study. The results showed that the methane oxidation rate under aerobic condition was significantly higher than that under oxygen-deficiency condition (P<0.05). The addition of NO3-, SO42-, and ferrihydrite significantly stimulated the methane oxidation under oxygen-deficiency condition. The order of the stimulation extent was as follows: NO3-≈ferrihydrite > SO42-. In contrast, the addition of the goethite inhibited the methane oxidation. In parallel, the concentration of the electron acceptors NO3-, SO42- decreased with the methane oxidation (P<0.05), and the Fe(Ⅱ) content increased with the methane oxidation under oxygen-deficiency condition. The content changes of all the electron significantly correlated with the methane concentration. Methylocystis (accounting for 37.03% of the total methanotrophs) and Methylomicrobium (27.36%) were the dominant methane oxidizers under the aerobic condition. The aerobic methane oxidizers Methylomonas (39.60%) and Methylocystis (21.78%)were the key methane oxidizers under oxygen-deficiency condition. The addition of NO3-significantly stimulated the growth of Methylobacter (16.25%), whereas the addition of SO42-and Fe(Ⅲ) stimulated the growth of Methylomonas. The result of the network analysis revealed that 50% of core microorganisms were potentially involved in the biochemical cycle of carbon, nitrogen, and iron. The methane oxidation processes under aerobic and oxygen-deficiency were driven by different microbial groups, and different electron acceptors significantly influenced the anerobic methane oxidation potentials and their key methane oxidizers. This study provides new ideas and data for unveiling the methane oxidation mechanisms in watershed wetland environments.
     Spatial-temporal Evolution of Land Ecological Risk in #br# Hubei Province, China from 1980 to 2018
    HU Hai, ZHOU Yong, XU Tao
    2022, (10):  2246-2258.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210013
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    Studying land ecological risk is of great significance for guiding the rational use of land and promoting the construction of ecological civilization. Based on the land use / cover data of Hubei Province in 1980, 2000 and 2018, this study simulated and analyzed the temporal-spatial evolution of land ecological risk in Hubei Province from 1980 to 2018 by constructing a comprehensive land ecological risk index and using ordinary Kriging method. The results showed that:(1) The average value of land ecological risk in Hubei Province decreased from 0.434 9 in 1980 to 0.434 1 in 2000 but increased to 0.441 0 in 2018, exhibiting the characteristics of first decreasing and then increasing. (2) On the 10 km×10 km spatial scale, the structure of spatial autocorrelation was the dominant factor for the spatial variation of land ecological risk in Hubei Province, and it presented a very strong anisotropy in 1980 and 2000, while isotropy in 2018. (3) During the study period, the probability of risk grades’ increase was much higher than that of decrease. The risk grades’ transformation occurred almost only between adjacent levels, and the possibility of the risk grades changed in a jumping type was very low. The high-risk areas increased by 7 785 square kilometers, and the others all showed a decreasing trend. The areas of low, low- medium, medium and medium-high risk decreased by 283, 6 539, 339 and 625 square kilometers, respectively.(4) The spatial distribution pattern of the land ecological risk in Hubei Province showed a characteristics of high in the east and low in the west. The low-risk core area was situated in Shennongjia Forestry District, while the high-risk core area was situated in Jianghan Plain and Wuhan district. Besides, there was a smaller high-risk concentration area in the north of Xiangyang City, which gradually spread to the Jianghan Plain in the two derections of Zaoyang-Jingmen and Suizhou-Xiaogan.
    Characteristics of Chemical Fertilizer Application and Environmental Risk Assessment in the Core Water Source Area of the Danjiangkou Reservoir
    GONG Shi-fei, XIAO Neng-wu, DING Wu-han, GUO Yuan-ping, YE Qing-song, WANG Wei, LI Hu
    2022, (10):  2259-2271.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210014
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    Danjiangkou reservoir area was the core water source area of the middle route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, It was the premise to strengthen the risk control of chemical fertilizer application to comprehensively understand the spatial difference of chemical fertilizer application and its potential threat to ecological environment. This paper used environmental risk assessment model to evaluate the environmental risk of chemical fertilizer application of main crops in different areas of Shiyan city in 2020. The results showed that the total amount of chemical fertilizer applied to main crops reached 8.97×104 t in 2020 and compound fertilizer was the largest type. The comprehensive fertilizer application amount of corn and potato accounted for 50.37% of the total input of the city, which were the largest fertilizer consumption crop type. wheat and rapeseed followed, while rice, peanuts and pulses accounted for a relatively small proportion. The environmental risk of chemical fertilizer application among demonstrated significant different patterns of spatial distribution in Shiyan. The two areas with the largest amount of fertilizer input were Yunyang and Zhushan, while the two smallest were Zhangwan and Maojian. The distribution characteristics of chemical fertilizer on crops were not consistent in different regions, which could be roughly divide into three types: wheat-corn rotation system dominant type, corn+potato intercropping system dominant type and corn-rape rotation system dominant type. The average intensity of fertilizer application per unit sown area in Shiyan city was 343.07 kg·hm-2, which had exceeded the standard of fertilizer application for China’ ecological county constructions(250 kg·hm-2) and was 1.52 times of the upper limit of environmental safety standard of fertilizer application in developed countries. The risk level of fertilizer application in most areas of Shiyan were “medium”, but it has entered serious state. in Zhushan and Zhangwan. The overall risk index of fertilizer application was 0.697, which was still at the medium risk level, but there were hidden dangers that might change into severe risk. And the environmental risk of nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer application had entered a severe risk level, while it was at a lower level of medium risk of potassium fertilizer. Excessive intensity of chemical fertilizer application in the water source area was caused by a wide range of sources. The relevant government departments should take effective measures based on the load sources of fertilizer in different regions from the aspects of fertilization techniques, policy guidance, mechanism incentive and concept renewal, so as to achieve the dual goals of “reducing fertilizer application and improving efficiency” and “preventing and controlling environmental risks” simultaneously.

    Synergistic Effects of Rainfall and Conservation Practices on Slope Land Soil and Water Loss in Three Gorges Reservoir Area
    YAO Zu-jun, WANG Na-na, HUANG Xue-ying, DING Shu-wen
    2022, (10):  2272-2281.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210015
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    Abundant rainfall and human disturbance have influenced slope land soil erosion in the Three Gorges reservoir area. At Zhangjiachong runoff monitoring point in Zigui County, Hubei Province, runoff plots with different types of land use and soil and water conservation measures (specific measures are hedgerow + citrus (soil ridge level terrace), Hedgerow + rape and peanut rotation, Hedgerow + tea, Hedgerow + citrus, rape and peanut rotation and citrus) are selected to study the characteristics of runoff and sediment as affected by multi-years rainfall (13 years). The results showed that II type heavy rainfall was the dominant type to induce soil erosion due to its high rainfall erosivity and secondly high frequency of occurrence. Extremely heavy rain resulted in the most soil and water loss, but was not representative type of rain due to its one-time occurrence. Under the same rainfall type, different soil conservation practices reduced runoff rate in different degree compared with the bare land, and the runoff reduction rate was above 30%, 20%-30%, and below 10% for “hedgerows+economic forest+engineering practice” , “hedgerows + crops / economic forest” and single vegetation, respectively. At the same time, soil conservation practices also significantly reduced the sediment yield, and the sediment reduction rate displayed in an order of tea (more than 50%)> citrus (40%-50%)> crop (30%-40%). Correlation analysis further confirmed that rainfall erosivity was significantly correlated with runoff and sediment yield (r >0.8), and the effect of rainfall erosivity on runoff and sediment yield was regulated by soil conservation practices. Therefore, it is important to investigate the synergistic effects of rainfall and soil conservation practices on soil erosion in the Three Gorges Reservoir area for the purpose of ecological restoration.
    Spatial-temporal Variability of Coupling Coordination Between Intensive Use of Cultivated Land and Ecological Efficiency in China
    HU XIAN-hui, LIU Meng-ba, WEN Gao-hui
    2022, (10):  2282-2294.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210016
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    Accurately grasp the coupling and coordination relationship between intensive use of cultivated land and ecological efficiency and its temporal and spatial differentiation characteristics, On the one hand, it can better coordinate the relationship between the intensive use of cultivated land and the ecological environment of cultivated land use, and provide a supporting basis for the ecological and green sustainable use of cultivated land within the region; On the other hand, it helps to clarify the evolution law of the coupling and coordination level of the two in the geographical space, and can provide a policy basis for formulating the improvement of the overall coordination of the coordinated area. Based on the analysis of the connotation and coupling mechanism of cultivated land intensive use and ecological efficiency, the level of cultivated land intensive use and the ecological efficiency were estimated by multi-factor comprehensive analysis method and SBM-Undesirable model. The coupling coordination degree model and spatial autocorrelation model were used to explore the coupling coordination level and its Spatio-temporal evolution characteristics. Results show that: (1) From 2007 to 2019, the intensive use of cultivated land in China and the level of eco-efficiency are increasing to varying degrees, and the coupling and coordination of the two are also gradually increasing. On the whole, the coupling coordination degree of cultivated land intensive use and ecological efficiency gradually stepped into the primary coordination stage from the reluctantly coordinated stage in the early stage of the study; (2) There is a spatial positive correlation between the coupling coordination degree of cultivated land intensive use and ecological efficiency in geographical space, but the spatial positive correlation changes from strong correlation to weak correlation over time, the degree of agglomeration is gradually weakened, the discrete characteristics are increasingly prominent, and the spatial differences among provinces are gradually enhanced; Therefore, we should strengthen the intensive utilization of cultivated land is reasonable, enhance the level of cultivated land use of green development, and based on scientific zoning and region-specific policies, actively construct the mechanism of synergy between neighboring provincial to promote cultivated land-intensive utilization and ecological efficiency between the coupling coordination level.
    Farmers’ Entrepreneurship and Green Production Technology #br# Adoption: Evidence from Jiangsu#br#
    JI Xing, ZHANG Hong-xiao
    2022, (10):  2295-2307.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210017
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    Based on the micro-survey data of 2 628 farmers in 26 districts and counties in Jiangsu Province in 2020, the effect and mechanism of the adoption of green production technology influenced by farmers' entrepreneurship were empirically tested by measuring methods such as poisson regression with endogenous treatment effects, endogenous switching regression and intermediary effect model. The results show that: (1) Farmer entrepreneurship can significantly promote the adoption of green production technology by farmers, and this conclusion is still supported after eliminating endogenous and selective bias problems. (2) Farmers' entrepreneurship can promote the adoption of green production technology by expanding social capital, strengthening risk appetite, establishing environmental protection awareness and enhancing financing capacity. (3) Further analysis of the heterogeneity of entrepreneurship types proves that agricultural entrepreneurship plays a greater role in promoting green production behavior than non-agricultural entrepreneurship. In view of this, it is suggested that the grass-roots government should increase its support for the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" policy, implement precise entrepreneurial guidance according to the basic endowment of farmers, help farmers who have long been engaged in green agricultural production grow into new business entities such as family farms and large grain-planting farmers, and recommend them radiate green production technology outwards. At the same time, agricultural entrepreneurs are encouraged to rely on the local agricultural technology extension service stations to establish green production technology promotion and discussion network, and to lead ordinary farmers to contact and integrate into the green production network structure.
    Study on Water Footprint of Main Crop Production in Liuyang City, A Typical Agricultural Area in Central China
    FANG Meng-lin, WANG Run , YAN Yu-nan , CHEN Si
    2022, (10):  2308-2317.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210018
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    Research on the water footprint of primary crop production in Liuyang, a county-level city, will be served as an essential part of studying the carrying capacity of water resources and water environment at the village and town level. Using the theory and method of water footprint as well as the CROPWAT model, this paper calculates the evapotranspiration and effective precipitation. At the same time, it calculates the water footprint of the major crops based on the data of meteorology, crop coefficients and yield, fertilizer use and soil conditions. Such methods are used to calculate and analyze the water footprint of major crops of early rice, middle rice, late rice, rape and vegetables in Liuyang City in 2018. The results show that the water footprints in unit mass of early rice, middle rice, late rice, rape and vegetables in Liuyang City sums up to 1 310 m3/t, 1 390 m3/t, 1 250 m3/t, 3 310 m3/t, and 380 m3/t, respectively. Based on these calculation results, this research focuses on comparative analysis in three areas, namely, main indicator areas, main consumption areas for crops, as well as virtual water and regional water resource management. This research can enrich the methodology of water footprint from the bottom up and help to improve water resource management strategies in smaller watersheds.

    Does Financial Support for Agriculture Improve Agricultural Carbon Productivity?  ——Analysis on the Mediating Effects of Planting Structure and Mechanization Level
    HUANG Wei-hua, QI Chun-jie, HUANG Yan-zhong, NIE Fei
    2022, (10):  2318-2332.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202210019
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    Climate warming has become an immediate threat to mankind, Carbon emissions from agricultural production constitute one of the important sources of greenhouse gases. In this context, clarifying the logic of carbon productivity growth in agriculture is conducive to “maintaining growth” and “promoting emission reduction” from the source.On the basis of a the theoretical analysis of the effect mechanism of financial support for agriculture on agricultural carbon productivity, this paper calculates the agricultural carbon productivity using the provincial panel data of China from 1994 to 2019, and constructs a mediation effect model to test the effect mechanism of financial support for agriculture on agricultural carbon productivity. The results show that: (1) From 1994 to 2019, China’s agricultural carbon productivity presented an increasing trend, with an average annual growth rate of 2.40%, The improvement of agricultural carbon productivity was mainly attributable to technological progress. (2) Financial support for agriculture has a significant direct promoting effect on the growth of agricultural carbon productivity. It also plays a vital role in promoting the increase of agricultural output and inhibiting the generation of carbon emissions, that is, it has the functions of “maintaining growth” and “promoting emission reduction”. (3)Financial support to agriculture can also affect agricultural carbon productivity through the partial mediating effects of agricultural planting structure and agricultural mechanization level. The mediating effects of the two channels accounted for 16.58% and 11.07% of the total effect, respectively, and the results remained valid after the endogeneity and robustness tests.Therefore, this paper provides empirical evidence for the role of financial support for agriculture in both “maintaining growth” and “promoting emission reduction”, and puts forward some policy suggestions based on empirical results.

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