长江流域资源与环境 >> 2021, Vol. 30 >> Issue (6): 1406-1411.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202106013

• 神农架国家公园(专栏) • 上一篇    下一篇


汪迎春1,2,杨敬元1,2,余辉亮1,2,刘  强1,2,王晓菊1,2,周春晖1,2,胡辉新3   

  1. (1. 神农架国家公园管理局,湖北 神农架林区 442400; 2. 神农架金丝猴保育生物学湖北省重点实验室,湖北 神农架林区 442400; 3. 湖北十堰市水文水资源勘测局,湖北 十堰 442000)
  • 出版日期:2021-06-20 发布日期:2021-06-30

Relationship Between Water Quality Variation and Plankton Characteristic of Dajiuhu Region in Shennongjia Nationalpark, Hubei

WANG Ying-chun1,2, YANG Jing-yuan1,2, YU Hui-liang1,2, LIU Qiang1,2, WANG Xiao-ju1,2, ZHOU Chun-hui1,2, HU Hui-xin3   

  1. (1. Shennongjia National Park Administration,  Shennongjia 442400,China; 2. Key Lab of Conservation Biology for Shennongjia Golden Monkey,  Shennongjia Forest District, Shennongjia 442400,China; 3. Shiyan Hydrological Resources Survey Bureau, Shiyan 442000,China )
  • Online:2021-06-20 Published:2021-06-30

摘要: 大九湖湿地是汉江一级支流堵河的发源地,含有多种湿地类型,具有重要的生物多样性保护和潜在的科学研究及生态旅游价值。为了解大九湖湿地生态移民搬迁中的浮游生物现状及水质状况,2015、2016年对所辖9个子湖的水质、浮游生物进行采样调查。调查共发现浮游植物8门48属129种,浮游动物2门3属36种;D5湖浮游动物丰度均值最高,植物丰度指数均值最高为9号湖;对比6个时间段的采样结果,2015年特定时间段的水质指标比2016年指标波动较大且富营养化状态严重,在D9湖趋于平稳,以相对低值流入落水孔,总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)、生化需氧量(CODMn)均值分别为0.032、0.632、4.5 mg/L,研究成果可为大九湖湿地水环境保护及生态修护提供参考依据。

Abstract: Dajiuhu Wetland is the birthplace of the first tributary of the Hanjiang River. It contains a variety of wetland types and has important biodiversity protection and potential scientific research and ecotourism value. In order to evaluate the status of plankton and water quality in Dajiuhu region, the water quality and plankton of the nine sub-lakes under its jurisdiction were sampled in 2015 and 2016. The results showed that a total of 129 species of 48 genera of 8 phylum phytoplankton and 36 species of 3 genera and 2 phylum of zooplankton were found in the nine sub-lakes; The highest average zooplankton abundance is Lake five and the highest average plant abundance index is Lake nine; Compared with the sampling results of six time periods, the water quality index for certain time periods in 2015 fluctuates significantly compared with the 2016 index and is highly eutrophication, It tends to be stable at Lake 9 and flows into the water hole at a relatively low value. The mean values of total phosphorus(TP), total nitrogen(TN), and biochemical oxygen demand(CODMn) were 0.032, 0.632, and 4.5 mg/L, The research results can be used as a reference for water environmental protection and ecological repair of the Dajiu Lake Wetland basis.

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