长江流域资源与环境 >> 2025, Vol. 34 >> Issue (1): 216-225.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202501017

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1.江西农业大学经济管理学院,江西 南昌 330045;2.江西农业大学江西省农村发展研究中心,江西 南昌 330045)
  • 出版日期:2025-01-20 发布日期:2025-01-24

Impact of Digital Information Ability on Farmers' Adoption of Green Production Technology: Mediation Effect Based on Technological Ecological Cognition

XIONG Fei-xue1, PENG Yuan-yuan1, LIU Yu-xuan1, ZHU Shu-bin1,2   

  1. (1.School of Management and Economics, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China; 2.Rural Development Research Center of Jiangxi Province, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China)
  • Online:2025-01-20 Published:2025-01-24

摘要: 促进农户采纳绿色生产技术是推动农业生产绿色转型的重要途径,然而农户在技术采纳过程中面临着众多信息困境。随着数字乡村发展战略的推进,探究农户数字信息能力对其采纳绿色生产技术的影响具有重要现实意义。基于江西省1441份水稻种植户微观调查数据,构建“数字信息能力-技术生态认知-技术采纳强度”的理论分析框架,运用Ordered Probit模型和中介效应模型探讨数字信息能力对绿色生产技术采纳的影响以及技术生态认知的中介作用。研究结果表明:(1)数字信息能力会显著促进农户采纳绿色生产技术。从各个维度来看,数字信息获取能力、判断能力、共享能力和应用能力均对农户绿色生产技术采纳具有显著正向影响,影响大小依次为数字信息获取能力、判断能力、共享能力和应用能力。(2)机制分析结果表明,技术生态认知在数字信息能力促进绿色生产技术采纳的过程中发挥中介作用。具体来说,数字信息能力会通过提升农户的技术生态认知进而正向影响绿色生产技术采纳。(3)异质性分析结果表明,数字信息能力对农户采纳测土配方施肥技术、有机肥技术和病虫害绿色防控技术有显著正向影响,对农膜农药包装物回收和秸秆粉碎还田的影响并不显著。相较于小农户,数字信息能力对规模户的绿色生产技术采纳促进作用更大。据此,提出应加强农户数字信息能力培育、提升农户对绿色生产技术的生态认知水平等政策建议。

Abstract: Adaptation of green production technology is an important way to promote the green transformation of agricultural production.However, farmers are facing with many information difficulties in the process of technology adoption.With the development of digital rural development strategy, it is of great practical significance to explore the influence of farmers' digital information ability on their adoption of green production technology.Based on the survey data of 1 441 rice farmers in Jiangxi Province, this paper constructed a theoretical analysis framework of "digital information capacity-technology ecological cognition-technology adoption intensity".The Ordered Probit model and mediating effect model were used to explore the influence of digital information capacity on green production technology adoption and the mediating effect of technology ecological cognition.The results showed that digital information ability could significantly promote the adoption of green production technology by farmers.From all dimensions, digital information acquisition ability, judgment ability, sharing ability and application ability had a significant positive impact on the adoption of green production technology.The degree of impact was in the order of digital information acquisition ability>judgment ability>sharing ability>application ability.The results of mechanism analysis indicated that technological ecological cognition acted as an intermediary in the process of digital information ability affecting the adoption of green production technology.Specifically, digital information ability would positively affect green technology adoption behavior by improving farmers' technological ecological cognition.The results of heterogeneity analysis indicated that digital information ability had a significant positive impact on farmers' adoption of soil testing and fertilizer application technology, green pest prevention and control technology and organic fertilizer technology.However, it had no significant effects on the recovery of agricultural film pesticide packaging and straw crushing and returning to the field.In terms of operating scale, digital information ability had a greater effect on the adoption of green production technologies by large-scale households than by small farmers.Based on these, the paper proposed policy implications, including enhancing the cultivation of farmers' digital information ability and improving their ecological cognition level of green production technology.

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