长江流域资源与环境 >> 2019, Vol. 28 >> Issue (11): 2539-2552.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201911001

• 区域可持续发展 •    下一篇


李  珊1,张玲玲1* ,丁雪丽1,王小红2   

  1. (1.河海大学公共管理学院,江苏 南京 211100;2.中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100044)
  • 出版日期:2019-11-20 发布日期:2019-11-29

Spatial Differentiation Analysis of Factors Affecting Industrial Water Use Efficiency in China’s Provinces

LI Shan1,ZHANG Ling-ling1,DING Xue-li1 ,WANG Xiao-hong2    

  1. (1. School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China; 2. China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100044, China)
  • Online:2019-11-20 Published:2019-11-29

摘要: 工业用水效率是影响工业用水的直接因素,剖析其影响因素并找出空间分布规律是提高中国工业用水效率的关键。通过选取Super-SBM模型,引入非期望产出指标来测算中国31省2007~2016年的工业用水效率,并从多方面综合分析工业用水效率影响因素的空间动态演变状况,以求研究结果为制定有差异的区域集约型水资源管理政策提供依据。结果发现:(1)我国多数省份的工业用水处于无效率状态,同时高效率中心由东向西转移;(2)不同影响因素对工业用水效率的影响关系不同。水资源总量、地区生产总值、工业用水占比、R&D投入占比的增多对工业用水效率有负向影响,工业用水效率会降低;而地区常住人口、城镇化率和人均教育支出的增多对工业用水效率有正向影响,促进工业用水效率提升。(3)不同影响因素对中国工业用水效率的影响程度存在空间差异。城镇化率、R&D投入占比和人均教育支出对工业用水效率带来的影响作用在空间上相对集中,影响高值区主要落在中部和西部地区,低值区主要在东部沿海;而水资源总量、地区生产总值、工业用水占比和地区常住人口的影响在空间上呈现一种演变的状态,随时间发展影响高值区和低值区都发生了中心转移。

Abstract: Industrial water efficiency is a direct factor affecting industrial water use. It is the key to improve the efficiency of industrial water use in China by analyzing its influencing factors and finding out the spatial distribution rules. This paper selects the Super-SBM model, introduces the non-expected output index to measure the industrial water use efficiency of China’s 31 provinces from 2007 to 2016. And this paper comprehensively analyzes the spatial dynamic evolution of the factors affecting industrial water use efficiency from various aspects, in order to provide a basis for formulating differentiated regional intensive water resource management policies.The results show that: (1) Industrial water in most provinces of China is in an inefficient state, while the high-efficiency center is transferred from east to west; (2) Different influencing factors have different influence on industrial water efficiency. The increase in total water resources, regional GDP, proportion of industrial water use, and R&D investment ratio will have a negative impact on industrial water use efficiency, and industrial water use efficiency will decrease. The regional resident population, urbanization rate, and per capita education expenditure will have a positive impact on industrial water efficiency and promotes it. (3) There are spatial differences between different influencing factors which affect the degree of China’s industrial water use efficiency. The effects of urbanization rate, R&D investment ratio and per capita education expenditure on industrial water use efficiency are relatively concentrated in space. The high-value areas are mainly located in the central and western regions, while the low-value areas are mainly in the eastern coastal regions. The total water resources, the regional GDP, the proportion of industrial water use and the regional resident population show a state of evolution in space. With the time development, the central shift occurs in the high-value and low-value areas.

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