长江流域资源与环境 >> 2023, Vol. 32 >> Issue (2): 311-323.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202302007

• 自然资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


何羽丰1,陈廷贵1,2*,刘子飞3,李  琴4   

  1. (1.上海海洋大学经济管理学院,上海201306;2. 长江水域生态保护战略研究中心,上海201306;3. 中国水产科学研究院,北京100141;4. 复旦大学发展研究院,上海200433)
  • 出版日期:2023-02-20 发布日期:2023-03-09

Impact of Fishing Ban Compensation Policy on Retired Fishing Households’ Livelihoods in Yangtze River

HE Yu-feng1, CHEN Ting-gui1,2, LIU Zi-fei3, LI Qin4    

  1. (1. College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 2.Yangtze River Ecological Protection Strategy Research Center,Shanghai 201306, China; 3. Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Beijing 100141, China;4. Fudan Development Institute, Shanghai 200433, China) 
  • Online:2023-02-20 Published:2023-03-09

摘要: 长江流域禁捕补偿政策的实施使数十万捕捞渔民失去原有生计手段,有效识别渔户受到禁捕政策的外部冲击时生计能力的变化是帮助退捕渔户改善生计的前提。以安徽、江苏、湖北三省份退捕渔户为研究对象,构建适用于退捕渔户生计资本评价指标体系,从生计资本的总量、结构和流动性3个方面分析长江禁捕补偿政策对渔户生计的影响。结果表明:(1)退捕渔户生计资本总指数显著提升,人力资本、物质资本、金融资本和社会资本指数均得到显著增长。(2)退捕渔户生计资本耦合协调度指数得到显著增长,生计资本结构总体由失调向协调转变。(3)退捕渔户生计资本表现出较高流动性,渔户群体贫富差距缩小。(4)不同地区间政策对生计资本产生的影响存在异质性。安徽省渔户各项生计资本指数及生计资本耦合协调度指数均得到显著提升,生计资本的流动性最高;江苏、湖北省渔户心理资本指数显著下降,退捕前后金融资本指数、生计资本总指数及生计资本耦合协调度指数无显著性差异。根据研究结果,禁捕补偿政策的实施对退捕渔户生计的可持续产生了积极影响,但渔户生计发展停滞,退捕地区的社会和谐稳定及渔户生计资本阶层的重新固化仍是十年禁渔需要持续关注的问题。

Abstract: The fishing ban compensation policy in the Yangtze River has changed the livelihood strategies of retired fishing households. Effectively analyzing the livelihood capacity changes of households under the policy impacts is the premise to improve livelihoods. Taking the retired fishing households of Anhui, Jiangsu and Hubei Province as research objects, this paper constructs the livelihood capital evaluation index system to analyze the policy effects on livelihood capitals from total amount, structure and mobility before and after retiring. The results indicate that: (1) The total livelihood capital index of all objects has increased significantly, and the human capital, material capital, financial capital and social capital indexes increased significantly. (2) The households’ livelihood capital coupling coordination index has increased significantly, and the livelihood capital structure has changed from imbalance to coordination. (3) The livelihood capital of retired households has high relative mobility, which reduced the gap between the rich and the poor. (4) The heterogeneity exists in policy effects among different regions. The livelihood capitals and coupling coordination index of households in Anhui Province have been significantly improved, and the mobility of livelihood capital is the highest; The psychological capital index of households in Jiangsu and Hubei Province decreased significantly. There is no significant difference in financial capital index, total livelihood capital index and coupling coordination index in two periods, and the livelihood capital mobility  of households in Jiangsu Province is the lowest. In general, the implementation of the ecological compensation policy in the Yangtze River has promoted the households’ livelihood sustainability, but the stagnation of livelihoods, the social harmony and stability of retired areas and the new round stratum solidification of the livelihood capital are still issues that need continuous attention in the ten-year fishing ban.

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