长江流域资源与环境 >> 2023, Vol. 32 >> Issue (2): 384-393.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202302014

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇

洞庭湖源头流域典型塘库水体氮磷组分、 pH、DO及水温昼夜变异特征


  1. (1.江苏省塘库智能监测与水环境生态管控工程研究中心,淮阴师范学院,江苏 淮安 223300;2.湖南师范大学地理与科学学院,湖南 长沙 410081;3.中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所,湖南 长沙 410125)
  • 出版日期:2023-02-20 发布日期:2023-03-09

Diurnal Variation of N and P Component Concentrations, pH,DO and Water Temperature in Water Bodies of Typical Ponds and Reservoirs in the Headstream of the Dongting Lake Basin

YANG Wen1, 2,ZHOU Jiao-gen1,ZHANG Wen-zhao3   

  1. (1. Jiangsu Provincial Engineering Research Center for Intelligent Monitoring and Ecological Management of Pond and Reservoir 
    Water Environment,Huaiyin Normal University, Huai’an 223300, China; 2. School of Geographic Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China;3. Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha 410125, China)

  • Online:2023-02-20 Published:2023-03-09

摘要: 池塘和小水库(塘库)是洞庭湖流域分布广泛的小型水体,理解塘库氮磷水质昼夜变化规律有助于辅助制定洞庭湖流域精细的水质观测与污染防控方案。以洞庭湖农业源头流域金井小流域4种典型土地利用景观塘库为研究对象,研究塘库水体理化性质和氮磷组分昼夜变异规律。结果表明:塘库周边土地利用景观类型不仅显著影响塘库水体pH、溶氧(DO)和水温(t)的昼夜变化,而且造成了塘库氮磷组份含量及氮磷计量比差异。居民区、农田和茶园3种景观型塘库水体pH、DO及t昼夜变化明显,曲线呈现倒U型;但观测期内4种景观类型塘库氮磷组分含量昼夜变化相对不明显。居民区、农田及茶园型水体氮磷总量(TN、TP)、溶解态氮磷(TDN、TDP)和颗粒态氮磷(PN、PP)含量显著高于森林型塘库的。并且,水体不同氮磷组分的生态化学计量比值(TN∶TP、TDN∶TDP、PN∶PP)大小排序为:森林(TN∶TP:67.97,TDN∶TDP:65.12, PN∶PP:74.13)>茶园(TN∶TP:30.03,TDN∶TDP:15.10, PN∶PP:52.95)>农田和居民区(TN∶TP:19.40和16.21,TDN∶TDP:23.31和11.91, PN∶PP:18.83和21.36),这表明农业土地利用/生活污水排放导致研究区塘库水体氮磷营养状态由自然状态下受磷素限制向人为扰动下受N素限制转化。水体取样时间间隔不超12 h,更有助于理解塘库水质变化规律;加强居民区和农田景观型塘库水质管理,减少磷素污染物输入塘库,有助于洞庭湖流域塘库水体磷素污染防控。

Abstract: Ponds and small reservoirs are small water bodies which spread widely across the basin of the Dongting Lake. Understanding the diurnal of nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) component contents of water bodies in ponds and reservoirs helps to assist in the formulation of fine water quality observation and pollution prevention in the Dongting Lake basin. In this paper, four typical land-use landscape ponds and reservoirs were used to study the diurnal variation of the contents of N and P components, pH, DO and temperature in water bodies in the small agricultural headwater watershed of Jinjin in Dongting Lake basin. The experiments results showed that the types of land use landscapes around the ponds and reservoirs not only significantly affected the diurnal changes of pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and water temperature but also caused differences in the contents of N and P components and their the ratios. The values of pH, DO and temperature of water bodies changed significantly during the day and night for the ponds and reservoirs in residential areas, farmland and tea plantation, and their curves showed an inverted U shape. However, the changes of N and P component contents were relatively insignificant in water bodies of ponds and reservoirs during the observation period. The contents of total nitrogen and phosphorus (TN, TP), dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus (TDN, TDP) and particulate nitrogen and phosphorus (PN, PP) of ponds and reservoirs in residential areas, farmland and tea gardens were significantly higher than those in forest land use. Moreover, the ecological stoichiometric ratios of different N and P components in the water bodies (TN∶TP, TDN∶TDP, PN∶PP) are ranked as follows: forest (TN∶TP:67.97, TDN∶TDP:65.12, PN∶PP:74.13) > tea plantation (TN∶TP: 30.03, TDN∶TDP: 15.10, PN∶PP: 52.95) > Farmland and Residential Areas (TN∶TP: 19.40 and 16.21, TDN∶TDP: 23.31 and 11.91, PN∶PP: 18.83 and 21.36). This indicates that agricultural land use/discharge of domestic sewage leads to the changing nutrient status of N and P in ponds and reservoirs, which shifts from being limited by P in the natural state to being limited by N under human disturbance in the study area. The research results show that time interval of water sampling not more than 12 hours is more helpful to understand the characteristics of water quality in ponds and reservoirs. Strengthening the water quality management to reduce the inputs of phosphorus pollutants into ponds and reservoirs in residential areas and farmland, will contribute to the prevention and control of phosphorus pollution in ponds and reservoirs of Dongting Lake Basin.

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