长江流域资源与环境 >> 2004, Vol. 13 >> Issue (5): 434-437.

• 自然资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭尚武(1,2), 张友安(3)   

  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2004-09-20
  • 通讯作者: 郭尚武


GUO Shang-wu(1,2), ZHANG You-an(3)   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-09-20
  • Contact: GUO Shang-wu

摘要: 南水北调中线工程是解决中国北方缺水问题的一项战略性措施,将对湖北省土地资源开发利用产生深远影响。该工程所淹没土地利用强度大,利用效率高,故淹没损失大;移民开发、工矿及公共基础设施搬迁用地大,移民开发将受到资金和生态环境的制约;补偿工程所占用耕地将对湖北省耕地占补平衡造成很大的压力,严重影响汉江中下游生态环境及土地利用效益。工程开工对湖北省土地开发利用是弊大于利。建议移民安置以外迁安置为主,后靠安置为辅,结合库区农业产业化的发展,实行开发性移民政策,移民搬迁用房和各项专业设施复建尽量少占耕地;库区土地开发应以提高现有耕地质量为主,以开垦荒山荒坡为辅,考虑从中线工程收益中拿出资金用于改善库区生态环境,并补偿汉江中下游因调水而遭受的农业、航运及环境质量的损失。为了尽量保护农业用地的生产能力,引江济汉工程沿线的农田水利系统恢复功能应同步设计,同步施工。

关键词: 南水北调, 中线工程, 土地资源, 开发利用

Abstract: The middleroute project of water transfer from the south to the north is a strategy to solve the water famine in the north China, which will have a strong influence on the usage of the land resource of Hubei Province. The authors conclude that the land that will be drowned in the project is welldeveloped and productive, so the damage would be too vast. And the development of emigration, industries and the public basic constructions are all in great need of large amounts of land, so the emigrants' development will be limited by capital and ecological surroundings. The land used for compensatory projects will have a pressure on the balance of the usage of land resources in Hubei Province, and influence the ecological environment of the middlelower reaches of Hanjiang River as well as the effect of the land use there. Above all, the project will have a disfavorable effect on the usage of land resources in Hubei Province. As a result, the authors suggest that the resettlement of the emigrants should mainly depend on fardistance transfer, use near backward transfer as a supplement, to fit in with the development of the agriculture industrialization in the reservoir area, as to adopt productive immigrant policy, and the housing for emigrants and reconstructions may destroy as less farming land as possible. The exploitation of the reservoir area land should focus on increasing the production of the present farming land, exploring wild hills properly. It also needs to take capitals from the profit of the middleroute project to better protect the ecological environment of the reservoir area, and compensate the loss of agriculture, navigation and environment which result from the water transfer project. In order to protect the productivity of the farming land, the resumption of the system of irrigation and water conservancy along the line of the transfer water from Yangtze River to Hanjiang project should be designed and constructed synchronously.

Key words: water transfer from the South to the North, middleroute project, land resource, benefiting development

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