长江流域资源与环境 >> 2004, Vol. 13 >> Issue (2): 114-118.

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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2004-03-20
  • 通讯作者: 黄国安


HUANG Guo-an(1,2),XIONG Xin-kang(2)   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-03-20
  • Contact: HUANG Guo-an

摘要: 三峡工程建设的巨额投资及由此产生的巨大市场需求,犹如核极的巨大能量,成圈层状由三峡地区扩展至宜昌、恩施等鄂西地区,辐射到武汉、荆州、荆门、襄樊、黄石、鄂州等鄂中、鄂北、鄂东地区,拉动了湖北省国内生产总值的增长,湖北省内四大市场的发育和壮大,大型骨干企业的技术进步与技术改造,以及高新技术产业的崛起。2002年,包括秭归、兴山、巴东、夷陵四县区的湖北三峡地区国内生产总值达到140.44亿元,按可比价格计算(下同),比1992年增长7.36倍,年均增长19.1%;全社会固定资产投资达到37.31亿元,增长10.42倍,年均增长26.4%;工农业总产值达到137.41亿元,增长4.67倍,年均增长16.7%;工业总产值达到102.93亿元,增长6.31倍,年均增长20.2%;农业总产值达到34.48亿元,增长1.45倍,年均增长3.8%;财政收入6.47亿元,增长3.61倍,年均增长13.7%;农民人均纯收入1 965元,增长3.64倍,年均增长13.8%。三峡工程坝区、库区所在地的宜昌市、恩施州,在枢纽工程建设和移民工程投资拉动下,经济发展迅速。2002年,宜昌市、恩施州国内生产总值分别比1992年增长5.87倍、4.14倍;全社会固定资产投资增长8.89倍、8.14倍;工农业总产值增长4.78倍、4.6倍;财政收入增长2.26倍、1.52倍;农民人均纯收入3.51倍、3.05倍。湖北企业积极参加三峡工程竞标与建设,对湖北省国内生产总值的增长产生了重要的积极影响。经统计测算, 湖北省企业承接三峡工程项目年均合同金额为35.85亿元,最高年份的1997年达到86.57亿元,最低年份的1993年为21.4亿元;对湖北国内生产总值绝对增加值增长的影响最高年份达18.07%,最低年份为6.22%,10年平均值为8.59%。

关键词: 三峡工程, 湖北省, 经济发展

Abstract: The vast necessities motivated by the huge investment of the Three Gorges Project(TGP)act as an economic energy circling around the TGP region, expanding to Yichang, Enshi, west region of Hubei Province, and spreading to Wuhan, Jingzhou, Jingmen, Xiangfan, Huangshi, Ezhou, central or east or north region of Hubei. As a result, TGP has provided energy for the provincial GDP increase, cultivated and enlarged four corresponding markets, motivated the technological advancement and improvement in large key enterprises, and promoted the development of hitech enterprises.In 2002, the total GDP of four counties in Hubei TGP region (Zigui, Xinshan, Badong and Yiling) was 14 .044b (at the price in 1990 and the same below), 7.36 times of 1992 with an annual increase of 19.1%; a total investment in fixed assets of 3.731b, 10.42 times of 1992 with an annual increase of 26.4%; the total industry and agricultural production was up to RMB 13.741b, 4.67 times of 1992 with an annual increase of 16.7%; the total industry production reached RMB 10.293b, 6.31 times of 1992 with an annual increase of 20.2%; the total agriculture production reached RMB 3.448b, 1.45 times of 1992 with an annual increase of 3.8%; the financial revenue reached RMB 647 m, 3.61 times of 1992 with an annual increase of 13.7%; the average income per farmer reached RMB 1 965, 3.64 times of 1992 with an annual increase of 13.8%.Yichang and Enshi are the places where TGP dam and reservoir locate. The economy in these two cities develop quickly in the drag of investment motivation of main project and resettlement. In 2002, the GDP of Yichang and Enshi was 5.87 and 4.14 times of 1992 respectively; the total investment in fixed assets was 8.89 and 8.14 times of 1992, total industrial and agricultural production was 4.78 and 4.6 times of 1992; financial revenue was 2.26 and 1.52 times to 1992; farmers average income was 3.51 and 3.05 times to 1992.In participation in TGP bid, the construction activity has an important impact on the GDP increase of Hubei province. The average amount of contract in TGP for enterprises in Hubei was up to RMB 3.585b, with the highest amount of contract up to RMB 8.657b,and the lowest amount of contract to RMB 2.14b. The annual highest impact on absolute GDP increase Hubei Province was up to 18.07%, and the annual lowest impact reached 8.59%.

Key words: Three Gorges Project, Hubei Province, economic development

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