RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE YANGTZE BASIN >> 2004, Vol. 13 >> Issue (5): 438-443.

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JIA Ruo-xiang(1) , HOU Xiao-li(2), LIU Yi(2)   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-09-20
  • Contact: JIA Ruo-xiang

Abstract: Attention has been paid to hydropower exploitation in many countries of the world because of the good environmental benefits, such as renewable, low cost and no pollution. Sichuan Province enjoys advantages in hydropower resources: rich in hydropower resources endowment in China with large development potential, suitable to build dams and the runoff regulation; lower inundation loss which is less than half of the national average. The size of potential hydropower stations is flexible and there are many potential largesized stations. In order to meet the need within Sichuan Province and outside as well as to improve the economy development by exerting its hydropower resources advantages, it is supposed that the exploitation of hydropower resources in Jinsha, Yalong and Daduhe rivers should be speeded up and the improvement of power network should be strengthened. The progress of power network connection especially with EastChina and central China region should also be speeded up. At the same time, the following countermeasures are supposed to be adopted: to develop the power market of Sichuan Province and the high energyconsuming industries, strive for economical support from the power receptor regions and policy support from the state.

Key words: hydropower resources, power transmission from Sichuan Province, countermeasures

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