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20 March 2014, Volume 23 Issue 03
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    YAO Bo|ZHENG Yanming|HU Dan|NIE Lanqin|FU Shan|HU Qiwu
    2014, (03):  23.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403001
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     Consumption of fertilizers,pesticides,energy,as well as soil plowing in agricultural production led to substantial agricultural carbon emissions,which approximately accounted for 17% of the total greenhouse gases emissions in China Subsequently,agricultural carbon emissions played an important role in global climate change,and agricultural carbon mitigation was necessary for the government s coping with climate change So far,researches on agricultural carbon emissions concentrated on province scale,few data were available for county scale In this study,agricultural carbon emission related data of 80 counties were firstly collected from Jiangxi statistical yearbook,and then countybased agricultural carbon emission was assessed using coefficient of carbon conversion The objective of this study was to clarify spatial and temporal variations of county based agricultural carbon emissions and associated effect factors in Jiangxi Province The results showed that agricultural carbon emissions remained low in Jiangxi Province From 2000 to 2010,its agricultural emissions increased from 23085×104 t to 29051×104 t All the other years witnessed a steady increase except for 2003 The two main sources of agricultural carbon emissions were the use of chemical fertilizer and the application of agricultural machine accounting for 4149%-4436% and 3097%-4032% respectively Agricultural carbon emissions had a significant characteristic of spatial concentrations in Jiangxi Province,because all high emissionszone concentrated around the Poyang Lake in the main years Taking 2010 as an example,the top five counties were Yugan,Nanchang,Poyang,Fengcheng and Gaoan due to flat topography and wide stretch of farmland Most of the carbon emission intensity was the secondary level The distribution of its high values was relatively discrete and it was also more balanced than carbon emissions in overall spatial distribution The absolute and relative differences of agricultural carbon emissions both had a trend of gradually enlarging with volatility among counties in Jiangxi Province,while the differences of its intensity had a more apparent increasing trend Production efficiency,agricultural structure and labor force had a inhibitory action on agricultural carbon emissions,labor force>production efficiency>agricultural structure,while the development of agriculture had a promotive effect,〖JP2〗with cumulative contributes up to 994% (2294×104 t).〖JP〗 In addition,the factors of society,policy,etc also played a role in agricultural carbon emission Finally,we summarized the main problems during the development of lowcarbon agriculture in Jiangxi and gave some suggestions

    ZHOU Hua1|MA Chunning2|ZHOU Shenglu1|WU Shaohua1|WU Wei1
    2014, (03):  303.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403002
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     In general,rural transformation development is driven by socioeconomic,biophysical and managerial threedimensional driving factors through the interactions among rural population,farmland and rural residential However,quantitative study of conspiracy relations of these three factors has not been reported Jiangsu Province is one of most developed provinces in China,and it can be divided into southern Jiangsu,central Jiangsu and northern Jiangsu with its natural social and economic gradient,which can be seen as an epitome of China This paper takes took three factors as the research objects and chose Jiangsu as the research area,put forward a discrimination method of deviation level of rural transformation development,and analyzed the characteristic of rural transformation in Jiangsu Province by using highresolution Landsat TM data in 2000 and 2010,and the data from General Land Use Planning (20062020). The results showed that every county of Jiangsu had different deviation level in the process of rural transformation development; polar angle showed as southern Jiangsu central Jiangsu>northern Jiangsu; rural residential was the most important obstructive factor Rural transformation deviating the coordinatedtransformation development was largely due to the ternary social structure of ruralurban development Ternary structure is a unique social structure in China,which represents agricultural sector,industrial sector in rural areas and urban sectors coexisting in economic structure and farmers migrant workers and citizen coexisting in social structure At present,the transformation of production space has achieved well,but the living space and the identity space still stranded in rural areas Rural transformation development at this stage is an uncoordinated model,and must turn to “peopleoriented” model

    LOU Shuai1|2| WANG Huimin1|2|NIU Wenjuan1|2 XU Yejun 1|2
    2014, (03):  319.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403003
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     Nowadays water resource is relatively lacking in China,which becomes serious gradually Ineffective allocation of water resources in river basins also aggravates the problems of water resources And much uncertain information makes efficient decision more difficult for water resources allocation The water resource allocation method of group decisionmaking based on intervalvalued intuitionistic fuzzy set was used to analyze the particularity of water recourse system as a complex system and the advantage of intuitionistic fuzzy theory application in group decisionmaking The interval fuzzy numbers was used to express the reasonableness of the expert judgment information making The reasonableness of the basin water resources allocation program was improvedDecisions from the perspective of basin water resources sustainable use evaluation by multiple group of experts in the field of water resources were made The factors such as the social,economic,resource and environmental of the river basin were judged Experts opinion based on IIWAA operator was integrated Relative proximity between the index of river basin and the ideal point was used as evaluation criteria of Water Resources Allocation Plan Finally,Ganfu Plain Irrigation Area  was used to validate the development approach and to demonstrate its feasibility and practicality

    HUANG Dan1|SHEN Jianzhong1|HU Shaodi1|GONG Cheng2|
    2014, (03):  328.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403004
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     Quarterly investigation of the zooplankton community in TianEZhou Oxbow in the middle reach of the Yangtze River was conducted during April 2011 to January 2012 A total of 87 zooplankton species were observed,among which,Protozoa (23 genera 38 species),Rotifer (25 genera 36 species),Cladocera (8 genera 9 species),Copepoda (4 species) accounted for 437%,414%,103%,46% of the total species,respectively The annual average density of zooplankton was 25 7119 ind./L with protozoa and rotifers accounting for 993% of total density The annual average biomass of zooplankton was 36mg/L,with protozoa and cladocera accounting for 60% of total biomass Among the 15 dominant species (7 species of protozoa and 8 species of rotifer),9 species were indicator species of eutrophic status Four species of protozoa,Strombidium viride,Urotricha furcated,Cyclidium oblongum, Tintinnidium fluviatile and one species of rotifer,Anuraeopsis fissa were predominant all year around Three species of rotifer,Polyarthra trigla,Keratella ticinensis,Brachionus angularis were dominant in spring,summer and autumn,and one species of rotifer,Keratella cochlearis was dominant only in spring and autumn Higher density of dominant species Strombidium viride,Urotricha furcated,Cyclidium oblongum occurred in the sampling sites of 6 and 10,with a large number of Polyarthra trigla in sampling site of 10 Analysis on the zooplankton community in Tianezhou Oxbow demonstrated dominance of microzooplankton because protozoa and rotifer,the smallsized zooplankton,accounted for 993% in density,while cladocera and copepods,the largesized zooplankton,accounted for only 07% in density Intensive feeding by stocked filterfeeding fish,silver carp and bighead carp and the selective predation on macrozooplankton by abundant smallsized fish such as Taihu icefish,sharpbelly and shortjaw tapertail anchovy were the possible reasons for the changes in zooplankton community According to the standing crop and the dominant species,the trophic state of Tianezhou Oxbow was classified into eutrophic level which were in agreement with the assessment results based on Shannons index and evenness of Pielou.

    XU Yan1|GAO Junfeng2|ZHAO Jiahu2
    2014, (03):  335.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403005
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     Located in the Yangtze River,the Taihu Lake watershed is one of the most economically developed regions in China,but is also a region with frequent natural disasters Regional development and social progress make the patterns,depth and intensity of land use constantly change in watershed,as a result,humanland conflict is highlighted and the ecological environment is facing tremendous pressure,whats more,the ecosystem structure and function are strongly affected At present,study on the ecological risk of the Taihu Lake watershed is not plentitude,which only evaluates single risk sources such as heavy metal pollution,floods,etc,and is lacking of quantitative research Taking the main ecological risk sources of Taihu Lake Basin as the evaluation object,the article explored the mechanism of risk sources,and built a model of risk source assessment considering the differences of risk sources intensity in different grades and types Then according to the incidence,intensity and scope of ecological risk sources occurrence,this study established the hazard index system of ecological risk sources such as flood,drought,extreme weather,soil erosion and pollution emissions ArcGIS software was used to create the statistical database of risk source hazard including 1606 grids and 24 counties,and then to determine the weights of index by using AHP method At last,a quantitative assessment was conducted for single elements and comprehensive ecological risk by using the technology of overlay analysis,spatial analysis,and definite the leading ecological risk source Based on the hazard degree assessment of ecological risk source model,we used the probability analysis to assess the occurrence strength of floods,droughts,extreme weather,soil erosion,pollution and other natural disasters and human activities in the Taihu Lake watershed,and finally received the spatial distribution of comprehensive risk sourced Highrisk areas of risk source accounted for 1172% of the total area,mainly concentrated in the northern regions of the Taihu Lake watershed. Higher ecological risk areas appeared the “NorthwestNorthNortheastEast” semicircular distribution pattern,accounting for 2452% of the watershed,and lower risk source areas were concentrated in the Tiaoxi basin located in northwestern of Taihu watershed,accounting for 1566% of the watershed In different regions,the composition of ecological risk source and the dominant source was different In 599% of the region,the main risk source was pollution emission,mainly concentrated at the east of Zhenjiangyixingchangxinganji Over 25% of the region took drought as the main risk source,mainly concentrated at the west of Zhenjiangyixingchangxinganji For 1244% of the region,the main risk source was flood,concentrated at the huzhou,yixing The region taking the extreme weather and soil erosion as main risk source was relative dispersed and accounted for less percentage

    XIA Ting1|2|CHEN Jing3|CAO Fangyi2|GAO Junfeng1
    2014, (03):  344.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403006
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     As a key indication of aquatic ecosystems,phytoplankton is essential for the management of rivers health,and laws of the distribution of phytoplankton have attracted extensive attention Under the condition of urbanization,algae population characteristics and formation of laws in rivers were very complicated In recent years,niche research played an important role in exploring the biological community structure characteristics,population evolution and biodiversity In this study,niche was applied to study phytoplankton distributions in the ancient canal,an urban river connected with the Yangtze River in Zhenjiang In the spring (April 23),summer (August 20),autumn (October 10) and winter (December [JP3]17) of 2011,the composition and quantity of phytoplankton were investigated in 8 field sampling sites,and the modified [JP2]Levins and the Petrailis formulae were used to measure niche breadths and overlaps of the phytoplanktons [JP]dominant species The results showed that there were 11 dominant species of phytoplankton belonging to 4 phyla,including Dactylococcopsis, Microcystis,Aphanizomenon,Cyclotella,Melosira,Navicula,Chroomonas, Euglena,Crucigenia,Chlorella,and Scenedesmus,and dominant species were diverse in 4 seasons in this river Furthermore,niche breadths and overlaps of dominant species [JP2]differed in different periods Different dominant species had different adaptive capacity to the environmental [JP]factors In spring and autumn,Crucigenia and Microcystis had broadest niche respectively,and Chlorphyta,Cyanophyta were the main developing dominant species In summer and winter,Cyclotella had the broadest niche,and diatom was obviously dominant Being connected with the Yangtze River,habitat conditions in this river are affected by the operating of floodgate Some factors including the water temperature,the nutrient level and the suspended sediments in water are also under the effects Accordingly,phytoplanktons niche features were also affected Therefore,in this river,changes of the structure of phytoplankton community,and differences of niche among dominant species,both closely related to changes of river habitat conditions in different periods This study revealed the functional status and ecological adaptability relationship of dominant species of phytoplankton in this river Relevant results are expected to provide some references for obtaining phytoplankton distribution characteristics in similar rivers

    SHEN Yaqiang|YAO Xiangtan|ZHANG Hongmei|WANG Runyi|XU Suqin|CHENG Wangda
    2014, (03):  351.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403007
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     Integrated cropfish farming systems,such as the ricefish farming have been practiced for centuries in China The integration of aquaculture with crop farming offers greater efficiency in resource utilization and provides additional food and income In the north of Xiuzhou District of Jiaxing City,Zhejiang Province,there was a wide area of lowlying wetlands because of the land subsidence caused by groundwater exploitation The permanently flooded fields were not suitable to grain planting,so the agricultural economy development in this area was seriously restricted In 2010,the Xiuzhou District government,Wangjiangjing town government and Jiaxing Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center developed comprehensive utilization of the lowlying wetland resources for aquaculture and aquatic crop planting As an innovation of integrated farming systems,the trapafish (such as trapaloach and trapaChinese softshelled turtle) and lotusfish (such as lotusChinese softshelled turtle and lotusChinese snakehead fish) integrated patterns have been gradually formed in recent two years At the same time,nine integrated cropfish farming forms have been established in these study areas To improve and perfect the highefficiency complementary technologies for integrated cropfish farming systems,a comparative experiment (lotusfish and trapafish ) was carried out in three farms located in Xiuzhou District of Jiaxing City The water quality,sediment characteristics and negative oxygen ion concentrations were analyzed The results showed that the water quality was improved under the cropfish integrated forms compared with their monoculture system The concentrations of organic pollutants in water increased under the fish farming,however,the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus decreased because of the accumulation by the aquatic crops Compared with the monoculture system,the water quality of integrated cropfish farming system was significantly improved The chemical oxygen demand,biochemical oxygen demand in 5 days,algal concentration and nitrogen and phosphorus concentration were all decreased Compared with the integrated trapafish farming system,the integrated lotusfish farming system had a more positive effect on the water quality The chemical oxygen demand,biochemical oxygen demand in 5 days and nitrogen and phosphorus concentration of lotusfish integrated model were all decreased,while the chemical oxygen demand,biochemical oxygen demand in 5 days of trapafish coculture model were increased The analysis of sediment characteristics showed that the available potassium contents in sediment had a significant increase after implementing the combination of aquatic crops planting and fish farming,especially the integrated lotusfish farming system Meanwhile,as a result of necessary fertilization and decomposition of leaf,the available phosphorus and total nitrogen of sediment in integrated lotusfish system increased by 3291% and 3619% respectively The negative oxygen ion concentrations above the area of aquatic cropfish coculture were measured The results showed that the air quality was improved under the cropfish integrated system

    ZHOU Jiafei1,LIU Defu2,YANG Zhengjian1,HUANG Yuling1,XIANG Jingwen1,Z
    2014, (03):  358.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403008
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    With the objective of supporting and guiding conservation of Xiangxi Bay (XXB),filed data were collected in Xiangxi Bay during the spring of 2012 to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of permanganate index of oxygen demand(CODMn) and analyze the response of CODMn to chlorophyll a (Chl a),dissolved oxygen (DO),the vertical stability factor of water,total nitrogen (TN) and soluble silicates.The results show that the variation of CODMn concentration in XXB ranged from 140 to 536 mg/L in spring.The average concentration of CODMn was significantly higher in April than that in March and May.Both the value of Chl a and CODMn became markedly high with the outbreak of algal blooms.In April and May,significantly positive correlation was observed between CODMn and Chl a(rApril=072,rMay=074) ,whereas the correlation was weak in March.The concentration of CODMn increased significantly across downstream to upstream in the entire spring.Chl a and water stability factor were the main factors affecting the variation of CODMn when spring algal bloom occurred.The increase in water stability factor of top layers caused accumulation of algae and organic pollutants in surface water,leading to the increase of CODMn.On the other hand,the correlation between CODMn and TN was negative.In the estuary,silicate appeared with higher densities than in the upstream.Diatoms played a critical role in shaping the spatial distribution of soluble silicate in XXB.There was density flow which carried a large amount of nitrogen from Changjiang (CJ) mainstem into XXB,and much water with high CODMn from XXB into CJ,leading to decreased CODMn concentration in XXB.The water body was at high eutrophication level in the upper reach of XXB.Density flow diluted Chl a in the estuary but increased the risk of occurring algal bloom in the downstream.The weak correlation coefficient between CODMn and DO in March and May provided a good explanation for the special distribution of CODMn in XXB.The distribution of CODMn was influenced by many factors,including biochemical elements and hydrodynamic forces.In addition,further analysis indicated that exogenous pollution was still the main reason for the development of organic pollution.Because the sources of water pollution are different,a variety of pollution prevention is needed.Increased recognition of external pollution is finally highlighted from watershed management perspectives.The organic pollution in the upper reach of XXB gets worse in the spring,suggesting that reduce the discharge of the organic pollutions is an effective measure to improve the water quality in XXB

    DONG Yang1,HUANG Ping1,LI Yongzhi1,LIU Feng2,WU Shengjun1
    2014, (03):  366.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403009
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    Establishment of water mobile monitoring framework is of great significance to enhance the overall ability of water monitoring in the ThreeGorges Reservoir.Because there are too many waterquality indicators and not all of them are suitable for mobile monitoring,it’s required to select proper waterquality indicators.The scientific screen method of the waterquality indicators is a foundation work.Based on the status of water monitoring in the ThreeGorges Reservoir,this paper analyzed the requirement of the water mobile monitoring.According to the water environments and the characteristics of mobile monitoring,the principle of waterquality indicators screen was formulated,including representativeness principle,scientific principle and feasibility principle.After that,analysis and comparisons of 5 classical statistics methods widely used in indicators selecting,such as the Delphi method,principal component analysis method,genetic algorithm method,gray relevancy method and analysis hierarchy process were conducted in this study.Each of them has its strengths and applicability.First of all,screening the waterquality indicators for mobile monitoring should consider many factors,such as the function areas of the water environment,pollution features,distribution of pollution sources,and geography condition etc.It was also required to judge whether the indicators could be monitored accurately by using the mobile monitoring equipment.Because of the subjectivity features and relative applicability,the Delphi method was selected as the initial screen method.Also,the result needs to be modified in accordance with the principle of indicators screen of waterquality for mobile monitoring.After completing the initial choice,principal component analysis method was considered as the most suitable one for the qualitative screen of waterquality indicators for mobile monitoring.After years of operation,Ecology and Environment Monitoring System of the ThreeGorges Project has accumulated a lot of valuable local monitoring data.Such a data set provide critical support for the principal component analysis method.This makes the result of screen objective and reliable.This combination system of qualitative and quantitative screening optimized for the waterquality indicators selection of mobile monitoring in the ThreeGorges Reservoir just proved the feasibility in theory.Furthermore,taking the Jiangjin Bridge Monitoring Section as an example,Delphi method was used to select the indicators initially.After that,according to the monitoring data of 2010,principal component analysis method was taken to select the most important indicators in this area,including TN,TP,COD,BOD,dissolved oxygen,CODMn,petroleum,NH3N,Hg,Volatile Penol and As.This result proved the feasibility in practice.In order to keep coincidence with the actual situation,field trip and actual waterquality mobile monitoring in the ThreeGorges Reservoir are further needed to verify and revise the screen result of waterquality indicators.The last result will be expected to provide theoretical support for the future practices on water mobile monitoring

    LI Jianqiang1, ZHANG Hongjiang2, CHEN Qibo1, ZHOU Hongfeng3
    2014, (03):  373.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403010
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    Hedgerow intercropping is a comprehensive agroforestry technique with the ecobenefits of soil improvement,soil particle interception,soil conservation,soil fertility enhancement and nonpoint pollution controlling.To evaluate the ecobenefits of hedgerows with different categories and species,42 hedgerow inventory plots were arranged in the Jiangjin city of the Three Gorges reservoir area.The properties containing bulk density,moisture content,saturated water conductivity,water stable aggregates,antiscouribility index,antierodibility,organic matter and soil nutrients concentration of soil which sampled before,behind and under hedgerows,and between hedgerows steep land were tested to evaluate the ecobenefits of hedgerow.According to the principle of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP),the evaluating indicators system involving soil improvement,soil conservation,soil fertility enhancement and nonpoint pollution controlling containing 17 indicators were established.The weights values were calculated by Entropy and Delphi which help to avoid the subjectivity of experts in computing weights values,and AHP combined to calculate the comprehensive ecobenefits values.And then,the ecobenefits with different categories and species in the Three Gorges reservoir area were compared according the comprehensive ecobenefits values.The results indicated that,the shrub hedgerows had the best ecobenefits among the hedgerows with different categories,and shrub hedgerows were of excellent benefits in soil improvement,soil conservation,soil fertility enhancement and nonpoint pollution controlling.Among different species,hedgerows with Vitex negundo and Ailanthus altissima had the best comprehensive ecobenefits,Giycine maxhedgerows were of the excellent benefits in soil fertility enhancement,hedgerows with Gynura bicolor and Herba Rorippae were the best one in nonpoint source (NPS) pollution controlling

    CHANG Bianrong1,2,LI Rendong1,XU Xingjian3,QIU Juan1,2,Yi Fengjia1
    2014, (03):  380.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403011
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    Schistosomiasis,a parasitic disease in tropical and subtropical areas,has serious threats to human health. Hubei Province is a serious infected area. Either its schistosomiasis condition and snail information or the harmful degree of schistosomiasis is at the top of our country. A large number of Schistosomiasis patients are distribute in Jianghan plain in this province.According to annual schistosomiasis statistics,the number of Schistosomiasis patients in Jianghan plain made up approximately 90 percent of the population of Schistosomiasis patients in Hubei province. So,the difficulty of controlling Oncomelania in Jianghan plain are both general and representative in our country. In recent years,the achievements of schistosomiasis control were remarkable in Hubei province,but outbreaks still occurred. Some efforts have to be made to achieve the goal of interrupting schistosomiasis transmission. Snails serve as the only intermediate hosts,whose distribution is strongly associated with the transmission of schistosomiasis,so elimination and control of snails has become the most important and effective way to detente the distribution of schistosomiasis in Hubei province. This paper analysed the relationship of Oncomelanias density with three kinds of land use,which are prone to breed Oncomelania,including bottomland,waterways and paddy. Firstly,the remote sensing images of Landsat TM of Jianghan plain in 2009 were preprocessed using ERDAS 92 and ENVI 47. On the basis of the previous few land use data,the land use change areas were extracted with vector similarity index by eCognition; then they were interpreted by visual interpretation,application of remote sensing indexes and establishment of classification rule sets. The classification result of the land use change areas was used to update the land use classification data in 2000.Then,the land use classification data in Jianghan plain in 2009 were obtained. Next,this paper sorted out materials of surveying and controlling Oncomelania and calculated Oncomelanias average density at the village level. Meanwhile,the Oncomelanias distribution vectogram in 2009 was drew in detail by ArcGIS software. With administrative village vectogram as base maps and with the corresponding international code as related field,and using Joins and Relates tool to connect above arranged Oncomelanias information table,the Oncomelanias database were established. The vectogram  about Oncomelanias distribution and land use data were overlaid and displayed. Combined with the data from the field survey,it could draw a conclusion that Oncomelania were likely to breed on bottomland,waterways and paddy. Finally,the Oncomelanias density and the three land use ratio were analyzed by linear regression. The result showed that there was linear relationship between Oncomelanias density and the ratio of three kinds of land use. R2 of 0857 was obtained from the model. The conclusion is instructive and meaningful to estimate the Oncomelanias density by remote sensing images. Moreover,it may provide the Schistosomiasis prevention and control department with scientific reference to put forward a land use pattern of using land use reasonably and controlling Oncomelania

    WU Xiao|WU Yijin
    2014, (03):  385.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403012
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    As the goal of completely building a moderately prosperous society was raised in the report of 18th CPC National Congress,the development of society and economy in China would be further accelerated and the pressure on the environment was bound to increase as well.Ecological safety has become a very important part of national security and social stability.How to coordinate urban development and urban ecological safety has become a unavoidable problem.Moreover,China is a mountainous country in which mountainous region accounts for 69% of the land area.In the hilly areafragile mountain ecosystems,frequent natural disasters and serious soil erosion have restricted the social and economic development.Exploratory research on ecological safety had been done by some scholars.Currently,researchers mainly used comprehensive evaluation method,analytic hierarchy process evaluation method,the fuzzy matterelement method and the ecological footprint method to do the ecological safety evaluation.However,due to the differences inherent in the selection of ecological safety indices as well as each kind of methods,this article used the PressStateResponse framework model and gray system theory to assess ecological safety indices.In order to provide a scientific basis for decision making for the coordinated development of the socioeconomy and environment in Wushan County,the study combined the entropy weight method and gray system theory to analyze statistics of various indices of Wushan County from 2001 to 2011.The gray correlation analysis is a method which is a quantitative description and comparison of the development and changing situation of a system.The basic idea is to determine the degrees of geometric similarity between the referential data columns and a number of comparative data columns to decide whether they were closely linked,so that the magnitude relation between the various subsystems can be calculated.The research used the entropy method to assign weights to various indices, and calculated gray correlation degrees of each indices which had been reflecting the ecological safety state of Wushan County,and then evaluated the situation of ecological safety level of Wushan County in 3 aspects of press,state and response.It was the first attempt that entropy empowerment and gray correlation analysis were combined and applied to the field of ecological evaluation in the mountain city.Relative to other methods,entropy empowerment was more objective and avoided other interference.So that the results of the evaluation would better reflect the actual situation of the study area.The procedure for calculation was presented in detail.On the basis of the computing results,the ecological safety index of Wushan County from 2001 to 2011 was developed from 059 (level Ⅲ) to 0.66 (level Ⅳ).The ecological safety indices values during these years had fluctuations,and the overall ecological safety conditions showed a good momentum of development,as a result the environmental pressures was eased in some degree.But the ecological security indices and its subindices are still in a high level.Moreover,most of the time the rise was not obvious,and ecological safety composite index was hovering around 06.The environment was in a safe state

    WANG Yusheng|LIU Hongyan|LI Rui|YANG Junbo|JIANG Daming
    2014, (03):  392.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403013
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    In this study,the sewage sludge samples were collected from ten typical sewage treatment plants of seven major cities in Guizhou Province from 2009 to 2012.The contents of heavy metals such as Cu,Zn,Pb,Cd,Ni,Cr,As,Hg were measured.The results showed that,in Guizhou Province,concentrations of Zn,Cd in sludge were higher than the control standard GB4284-84 (pH ≥65) and other heavy metals concentration in sludge were lower than the standard.Local manufactures and mining were found to exert impacts on heavy metals levels in sewage sludge in different plants.For example,in central region of Guiyang(S2),being affected by electroplating industries,the content of Zn,Cd,Cr in sewage sludge were much higher than those in other regions.In eastern region of Guizhou (S7),mercury mining leaded to an extremely higher concentration of Hg in regional sewage.The content of Pb,Cd of heavy metals in sewage sludge reached extreme value in western of Guizhou,where industry were dominated by leadzinc mining and coal mining.From 2009 to 2012,the rates of increase in As,Hg in sludge were 3622% and 8812 % respectively.It is probably because a large number of power plants had been built in recent years in Guizhou Province.Flue gas emissions could also result in As and Hg contamination in sludge.Except As and Hg,other heavy metals content in sludge didnt show obviously change during this 4 years.The Potential Ecological Risk Index (RI) and Nemerow Index (PN) were selected to assess the agricultural risk of using sewage sludge.The RI results showed that,in middle Guiyang (S2) and western Guizhou (S9),the RI index reached 4941 and 4270 respectively,suggesting an ecological risk of using sewage sludge for agriculture in these areas.Nemerow Index (PN) showed a same trend as RI.Therefore,these two kinds of sludge are not recommended for direct agricultural application to avoid environmental pollution.According to heavy metals content level and characteristics of sludge in different sewage treatment plant,sludge disposal measures should be reasonably selected

    ZHANG Ru1,2,JIANG Yuanyong1,2,WAN Jinbao1,2,DAI Nianhua3,LI Shu
    2014, (03):  400.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403014
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    Urbanization is an important symbol of the economy development,and one of the most significant economic and social phenomena of the contemporary era,but it brings a serious crisis of resources and ecological problems.Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake in China and an important wetland for birds in the world.Poyang Lake basin was chosen as the typical studied area; urban population was used to examine the urbanization process,1990-2011 Jiangxi Statistical Yearbook data was analyzed in this paper.The influences on ecosystems caused by urbanization in Poyang Lake basin were discussed,including land use pattern changes,water resources variation,wetland ecosystems biodiversity and other resources depletion,air and water pollution problems.The results showed that urbanization progress of Poyang Lake basin cities and its mechanism were different.Nanchang,Jiujiang and Shangrao had rapid urban expansion,and the development of Jingdezhen and Ganzhou was more gentle. Urbanization led to increasing scarcity of water resources,revolutionized the land surface,undermining the region of normal water cycle.Annual rainfall declined,but the total annual water consumption in the cities showed an increasing trend after 2003; the yearly agricultural water increased,but industrial water consumption changes were different in each city.Biological diversity was seriously threatened by urbanization.Lake water area and wetland area were continued to decrease,the composition and structure of the biological environment changed a lot. The rapid expansion of urbanization and lack of green infrastructure put enormous pressure on the ecosystem of Poyang Lake basin,especially on air pollution and water pollution.Industrial gas emissions of Jiujiang city increased,the industrial wastewater of Nanchang and other cities was pretty high,which caused the lakes environmental degradation.Finally,according to the analysis,appropriate countermeasures were proposed to deal with these problems,such as coordinating development between land use intensification and biodiversity conservation;utilizing water resources in a reasonable manner;strengthening water conservation,especially to strengthen industrial and agricultural water conservation;optimizing the controlling schedule scheme of the Three Gorges reservoir operation and the “five rivers” ecological water conservancy project; building the natural buffer zone and continuous habitats in the process of urbanization in order to save and restore biodiversity around the city; accelerating the construction of urban sewage treatment plants and landfill,controlling nonpoint source pollution; improving the ecological environment protection responsibility of citizens through education.In the early stage of Poyang Lake basin urbanization development,this research provides theoretical references for ecological urban construction of Poyang Lake economic zones,and harmonizes the urbanization and ecosystem sustainable development

    XU Changxin1,RUAN Luzhang1,HU Zhenpeng2,LI Shu3
    2014, (03):  407.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403015
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    Up till now,a complete survey on wintering bird population or avian community state in the Poyang Lake is lacking.So,here we mainly aims to study the avian population dynamics and species diversity in this area,which can help to put forward a better advice on the wintering birds and their respective habitations conservation.From 2010 to 2012,the winter bird community structure was investigated carefully in the whole Poyang Lake.Based on the distribution characteristic of the most wintering bird in the Poyang Lake,both the ringlake walking directly counting process and sample line methods were used for the survey on wintering birds in all dished lakes.Moreover,we also went boating and used concentric circlesample method to investigate the water birds distributed in deeper water area of the Poyang Lake.On the other hand,we walked or went boating at speed from 1.5 to 2.0 km per hour to investigate all onshore wading birds such as the cranes,storks,gooses and sandpipers by naked eye and telescope.When counting birds,we only adopted the birds staying or flying from the both sides and from the front.Meanwhile,considering heterogeneous distribution of the most wading birds,the individuals were counted by the statistic laws including the quadrat investigation,lineintercept method and direct counting method.
    Eightyeight bird species were totally found in the field,but there was no record for 29 species reported formerly.All these 117 species belonged to six orders including Podicipediformes,Pelecaniformes,Ciconiiformes,Anseriformes,Gruiformes,Charadriiformes and Coraciiformes.Seventyeight winter migrant bird species,the most group in all bird species,were recorded in this investigation.There were 6 dominant wintering species including Cygnus columbianus, Anser cygnoides, A.fabalis, A.albifrons, Anas crecca and Anas poecilorhyncha in the Poyang Lake.Their mean individuals per year were all more than 10 000 in the survey area.Cygnus columbianus had the highest population number among this species,which reached to 54 277±36 600 per year.Especially,most of individuals of Cygnus columbianus were found in the Xin River and its peripheral dished lakes in Yugan County of Jiangxi Province.
    Our investigation on wintering bird also indicated that the most birds were found in the lakes including Banghu,Dahuchi,Shahu,Dashahu,Huangjinzui,Baishahu,Linchonghu,Nanhu and Zhuhu,which were just the most important habitats for winter migrants in the Poyang Lake that needed to be concerned carefully and conserved in the future for the conservationist.Finally,our research indicated that the difference of species diversity and individual quantity distribution in Poyang Lake wetland was mainly caused by the water level and food richness of dished lakes.Only water level declined gradually in the winter,the wintering birds can more effectively make use of the food from these lakes.

    ZOU Jiexin1,WANG Yan1,ZHONG Yongliang1,ZHU Chunchao1,ZHANG Xiaoy
    2014, (03):  415.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403016
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    Procambarus clarkii is native to southern USA and northern Mexico.As an exotic invasive species,it has been well known throughout domestic and overseas that P〖KG-*3〗.clarkii has made a severe threat to natural biodiversity of common freshwater aquatic organisms.Alien invasive species have become a serious environmental issue throughout the world.Therefore,the research collected specimens from 12 localities out of 9 counties (cities) covered by basin of the Poyang Lake,afterwards we measured various morphological features and analyzed the data,then finally probed the current possible distributing status of P〖KG-*3〗.clarkii.The preliminary survey indicated that P〖KG-*3〗.clarkii had been dominant species around basin area in the Poyang Lake,moreover,it presented broadly vigorous growth over the whole lake and the situation was likely getting worse,which had produced potential negative effects on other aquatic species and the ecosystem; and the yield of indigenous Macrobrachium presented a reducing trend year by year.Results from morphological cluster analysis showed that P〖KG-*3〗.clarkii from the Poyang Lake could be divided into two groups; the first group covered the area of Xingzi,Yongxiu,Gongqing counties and the second one prevailed in Poyang,Xinjian,Yugan counties etc.The survey indicated there was no any obvious cross distribution phenomena between these two groups,nevertheless,they were not two totally distinct groups yet based on current research result.Meanwhile,this study also proposed some feasible preventive suggestions on the invasive species,which should be considered for adjusting the ongoing policy of lakecontrolling and fish moratorium.The current period of time of fish moratorium (from April to June) also almost covers the peak season of P〖KG-*3〗.clarkii growing,developing and breeding.There might be applying a specific fishing policy aiming at P〖KG-*3〗.clarkii in the Poyang Lake which can only allow fisherman to catch P〖KG-*3〗.clarkii freely for controlling its amounts and potential population booming,not for other aquatical species at the same period time during fish moratorium.Furthermore,we still need to do more biological fundamental research work of P〖KG-*3〗.clarkii and some systematic research involving its biological invasion mechanism

    ZHANG Ping1,2,WANG Tianqi1,QIAN Guangren2,ZHOU Wenbin1,WAN Jinba
    2014, (03):  422.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403017
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    The effect of different capping methods on pH,Eh and organic content in the overlying water and sediment in 60 days was studied by using calcium bentonite or cinder as capping material for insitu sediment treatment.As capping materials in sediment insitu treatment,both cinder and bentonite could isolate sediment organic from overlying water,with bentonite displaying better effects than cinder.This could be seen from the reduction of organic content in the sediment by 25%.Moreover,the pH of sediment had the tendency to decrease in the reaction system,adhering to the order of pH changes in an anaerobic environment,with a pH of ca.75,while Eh tended to increase even though the sediment was still in an anaerobic environment according to tested data,between 80-110 mV.On the other hand,after capping with cinder,organic content of sediment was reduced by 20%; pH or Eh tended to increase in the system.After capping with cinder or bentonite,due to their capping isolation and absorption of organic,the CODCr released by overlying water was reduced

    HU Chunhua,ZHOU Wenbin
    2014, (03):  427.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403018
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    The main ions in lake and river water are an essential part of water chemical characteristics.Climate conditions control the changing trend of hydrochemical indexes in a large scale,while geological conditions determine the differences in its distribution.Thus,climate and environment have their important function to indicate the spatiotemporal variation of water chemistry.The Poyang Lake is the largest freshwater lake of China,and its hydrology is controlled by humid monsoon climate.The rainfall in the region and the volume of the lake are subject to large seasonal variation.With rapidly increasing urbanization and water contamination,a better understanding of the hydrochemical parameters of the region is necessary.Hydrochemical investigations were carried out in the Poyang Lake catchment.pH,TDS and major ions were determined from the Poyang Lake and its inflow river to analyze the spatial and temporal variation characteristics of the major ions in Feb.(dry season) and Jul.(wet season),2010.And the possible controlling factors were discussed.The results indicated that water in the Poyang Lake catchment was CaHCO-3 type,soft water with low mineralized degree.Ca2+ was the dominant cation in lake and river water,which were 5935% and 4989% of the total cations,respectively.On the other hand,HCO-3 was the dominant anion in lake and river water,which were 5337% and 5937% of the total antions,respectively.The annual mean values of the total dissolved solids (TDS) in lake and river water were 6381 mg/L and 587 mg/L,respectively,approaching to the midvalue of the whole world large rivers(65mg/L).Besides,the composition of the major ions and TDS showed significant temporal and spatial variation,namely,higher concentrations in dry season and lower values in wet season except SO2-4.The concentration of the major ions in the river water increased gradually along the flow path.Different geological background played an important role in influencing the value of TDS.Hydrochemical type of surface water varied from HCO-3,HCO-3-SO2-4 to SO2-4,and from the upstream of the five rivers to the lake.The control mechanism of water chemistry in the Poyang Lake catchment were illustrated and it is indicated that the chemical composition of the major dissolved salts of the waters were mainly derived from chemical weathering of carbonate rocks in river basin,with the combinations of precipitation and the impact of human activities.In wet season,〖JP2〗the surface water was significantly controlled by the dilution effect of precipitation and geological condition; while in dry season,it is mainly influenced by rock weathering function,evaporationcrystallization effect and anthropogenic activities.In addition,the increasing of SO2-4type water were closely related to acidification of the Yangtze River and the backflow from the Yangtze River to the Poyang Lake

    YUAN Lifeng1, 2, 3|YANG Guishan2| LI Hengpeng2| ZHANG Zengxin4
    2014, (03):  434.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403019
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    A total of 49 years of monthly rainfall data in 16 meteorological stations in Poyang Lake basin during 1960 to 2008 was analyzed by Morlet wavelet function.The rainfall seasonal, interannual and interdecadal time series analysis results were used to reveal the multiple time scale features of rainfall change, 〖JP+1〗and the periodic variation and mutation points of rainfall sequences at different time scales.(1) Annual rainfall showed obvious interannual and decadal oscillations during 1960 to 1990, no significant trend, but the annual rainfall had a significant increasing trend after entering the 1990s.The annual rainfall was decreasing from 2002.〖JP〗In general, spring rainfall had a decreasing trend during the study period and a decreasing amplitude of -1103 mm/10 a; summer rainfall had an increasing trend and an increasing amplitude of 2512 mm/10 a; autumn rainfall had a decreasing trend and a decreasing amplitude of -416 mm/10 a; winter rainfall had an increasing trend and an increasing amplitude of 11.85mm/10a.Annual rainfall had an increasing trend in Poyang Lake Basin and an increasing amplitude of 2179 mm/10 a.(2) Both seasonal and annual rainfall had multiple time scale features, and there was 18 a first principal period in summer, winter and annual rainfall.Annual rainfall experienced three circulations from few to more on 18 a time scales, and the mutational point happened in the year of 1970, 1980, 1992 and 2003.At present, annual rainfall is in the less period.There is 6 a second principal period in spring, winter and annual rainfall.In additional, there is 3 a third principle period in spring, autumn, winter and annual rainfall.(3) Summer and annual rainfall had the same trend and phase changes in the 18 a time scale,while the spring and annual rainfall had similar trend and phase changes in 3 a and 6 a time scales.In 6 a time scale, change rule of spring rainfall and annual rainfall was more similar than that of summer rainfall and annual rainfall.The corresponding relationship was different between changing pattern of spring and annual rainfall and that of summer and annual rainfall in different time scales, and smaller was the time scale, smaller was the phase difference.(4) The seasonal changes trend in the study period was followed the order of Spring>summer>autumn>winter in the 1960s, 1970, 1980 and 2000s.Annual rainfall in the 1990s was obviously more than other periods, which was caused by that summer rainfall was greater than spring rainfall and winter rainfall was greater than autumn rainfall

    XU Yuyang1,ZHEN Lin1,2,WANG Panpan1|SHU Na1|HOU Yin1
    2014, (03):  441.  doi:10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201403020
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    The forming factor,caused harms and means of management in the southern subtropical sandy land are very different from those in northern area.The management method has a unique background given rainfall,vegetation,temperature,hydrology,as well as the soil physicochemical properties of the desertification area.The sandy land and degraded land have led to a series of issues,such as low efficiency of production and the landscape destruction.The management of sandy land involves several issues and stakeholders.Rural households are the main participators in tree planting activities,and they also need government staff and specialist to provide essential help in technique and finance.Sandy land management is helpful to improve local environment and promote local farmers livelihoods.A proper management method is useful and meaningful to this area.This paper take rural households living around soil and water loss controlling area as study subjects.Most of them has encountered sand hazard in the past few years or they has experienced in tree planting.The data was collected from field research,key person interviews,and questionnaire.The researchers found that the farmers had the habit to gather herbs in sandy land and selling herbs could raise their income.They also planted pine trees on sandy land annually and protected many forests.They perceived the sandy land mainly through their own experiences and interaction with neighbors.The thesis analyzed the behavioral and willingness differences in the aspects of demographic variation,and found that middle age households were the main participators in soil erosion management projects,because of their stable social status.Senile farmers were more easy to change their land use type after sand hazard.Male farmers hold more positive attitude towards their surrounding environment.This is because of their different social roles in local community.The education could raise awareness of ecosystem but also raised the probabilities of farmers to change to nonagricultural job.The logistic regression model was constructed to verify the significant factors of farmers management behavior.14 factors related variations were added to the model,including demographic character of households,awareness of environment,response to policy,response to environment,and perception to sandy land.The result indicates that farmers sandy land management behavior and awareness are significantly different in demographic characteristics and land use patterns.Age,education,actual cultivation acreage,agricultural losses and sandy land activities are the major factors determining farmers tree planting behavior and willingness.The works in this paper have some reference value to improve sandy land management mode and optimize environmental policy.The current condition of local ecosystem calls for more regulations to protect cultivated land,and stabilized land ownership,promote investment to inspire farmers energy to develop sandy land resources.There are some benefits need to be integrated in households level,and the rural households’ behavior in ecological management are worth further research


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