长江流域资源与环境 >> 2018, Vol. 27 >> Issue (06): 1380-.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201806022

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


苟富刚1,2,龚绪龙1,2,杨   磊1,2,张   岩1,2,蔡露明1,2   

  1. (1. 江苏省地质调查研究院,江苏 南京 210018; 2. 国土资源部地裂缝地质灾害重点试验室,江苏 南京 210049)
  • 出版日期:2018-06-20

Indicative Functions and Characteristics of Soil Salinity in Coastal Jiangsu Area

GOU Fu-gang1,2 ,GONG Xu-long1,2,YANG Lei1,2, ZHANG Yan1,2,CAI Lu-ming1,2   

  1. (1.Geological Survey of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210018,China; 2.Key Laboratory of Earth Fissures Geological Disaster, Ministry of Land and Resources, Nanjing 210049,China)
  • Online:2018-06-20

摘要: 为了研究土体含易溶盐特征和其指示意义,采集测试土样3 246件和水样78件。研究表明:浅表部土体含盐量具有与海岸线平行的分布规律,愈靠近海岸,土体的含盐量愈高。土体盐分来源主要包括4个方面,土体在沉积时的海水浸渍,沉积物源本身的含盐特征,浅表层土体的现代积盐,人类活动的影响。其中海水浸渍是土体含盐量增高的最主要原因,通过Na-Cl交换过程,分析了水土盐分之间的转化机理。采用比例系数法分析沉积物源的含盐特征。建立了TDS和成井层位土体易溶盐含量的多个线性回归预测模型,其中以土中Cl-和TDS的回归效果最为显著,这与Cl-为稳定的常量元素和其不易被土体吸附有关。采用HYRD1井验证了回归预测模型,准确度达到了96%。以HYRD1为例,结合滨海相沉积土层的特点,阐述了土体含盐特征在多重地层划分中的作用。
关键词: 易溶盐;氯盐渍土;回归分析;TDS

Abstract: Soil and water samples (3 246 soil samples and 78 water samples) were collected to study characteristics of soil salinity and indicative significance of soil salinity. Research shows that the degree of soil salinity is parallel to the coastline. The closer to the sea shore, the high content of salt is soil. Salt in the soil is mainly from four different sources: seawater immersion in the soil sedimentary process, the original salt in the sediments, the modern salt deposition in near surface soil, and the influence of human activity. The seawater immersion is the main reason to increase the soil salt content. Through Na-Cl exchange process, the formation mechanism of saline soil was analyzed in the water and soil system. Original salt in the sediment was analyzed by the scale factor method. A series of linear regression prediction models were established between the soil soluble salt contents of the well positions and the TDS. The regression between the Cl- in soil and the TDS was the most significant. This is related to that Cl- is a stable element and susceptible to soil adsorption. The regression prediction models were validated by HYRD1 well, and the accuracy was 96%. Taking HYRD1 well as an example, this paper explained the soil salt content role in multiple stratigraphic divisions based on the characteristics of littoralfacies sedimentary layers.
Key words:soluble salt; chlorine saline soil; regression analysis; TDS

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