长江流域资源与环境 >> 2021, Vol. 30 >> Issue (8): 1982-1991.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202108019

• 农业发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


刘哲1,2,齐振宏1* ,杨彩艳1,2,陈雪婷1,2   

  1. (1.华中农业大学经济管理学院,湖北 武汉 430070;2.湖北农村发展研究中心, 湖北 武汉 430070)
  • 出版日期:2021-08-20 发布日期:2021-09-06

Effects of Network Embeddedness and Reputation Motivation on Farmers’ Pro-Environment Behavior

LIU Zhe 1,2, QI Zhen-hong 1, YANG Cai-yan 1,2, CHEN Xue-ting 1,2   

  1. (1.College of Economics & Management, Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan430070,China;
    2.Hubei Rural Development Research Center, Wuhan 430070,China)
  • Online:2021-08-20 Published:2021-09-06

摘要: 基于社会嵌入理论和声誉机制,利用湖北省、湖南省、安徽省560个农户调研数据,运用结构方程模型实证分析网络嵌入与声誉对农户亲环境行为的影响路径及其群组差异,并运用变量替换和多元统计回归分析检验了结构方程模型的稳健性。结果表明:(1)网络嵌入和声誉对农户亲环境行为具有显著的正向影响,同时声誉在结构嵌入、认知嵌入对农户亲环境行为的影响中具有部分中介效应,在关系嵌入对农户亲环境行为的影响中具有完全中介效应;(2)在影响农户亲环境行为采纳程度中,认知嵌入大于结构嵌入大于关系嵌入(3)家庭实际种植面积在网络嵌入对农户亲环境行为影响中的作用更为明显,农户家庭实际种植面积增强声誉激励的中介作用。因此,各级政府应重视种植大户的声誉机制构建,引导种植大户亲环境行为,为小规模农户提供示范效应。同时,政府还应为农户提供学习、合作平台。

Abstract: Based on the theory of social embeddedness and reputation mechanism, using the survey data of 560 households in Hubei、Hunan and Anhui, the structural equation model was used to empirically analyze the influencing path and group differences fo network embeddedness and reputation on farmers’ pro-environment behavior, robustness test about the structural equation model had been done by variable substitution and multivariate statistical regression analysis. It was found that (1) Network embeddedness and reputation have significant positive effects on farmers’ pro-environment behavior, and reputation plays intermediary role on the influence of structural embeddedness and cognition embeddedness on farmers’ pro-environment behavior, while reputation was the fully mediator between relationship embeddedness and farmers’ pro-environment behavior. (2) The influence of adoption degree on farmers’ pro-environment: cognition embeddedness was greater than structural embeddedness, structural embeddedness was greater than relationship embeddedness. (3) The actual land area operated by the family has significant effect on the influence of network embeddedness on farmers’ pro-environment and enhance the mediation. So governments should pay attention on the establishment of reputation mechanism, and guide large-scale farmers’ pro-environment,providing demonstration effect for small-scale farmers. Meanwhile, governments should also create chances and platform to learn and cooperate for farmers.

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