长江流域资源与环境 >> 2004, Vol. 13 >> Issue (2): 101-108.

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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2004-03-20
  • 通讯作者: 黄真理


HUANG Zhen-li   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-03-20
  • Contact: HUANG Zhen-li

摘要: 简要介绍了世界银行对水电工程的环境政策,概述了埃及阿斯旺、巴西伊泰普、中国的二滩和三峡等四个世界著名水电站的长期环境监测计划和减少负面影响的对策。水电工程对周边环境会产生正面或负面影响,对大型水坝的负面影响作了集中的阐述。埃及的阿斯旺高坝建于20世纪60年代, 当时人们对生态环境影响问题还没有引起重视。长期的生态环境监测结果表明,一些环境影响比如河床侵蚀等实际上被过分夸大,而另外一些,如对传统的制砖业带来的影响又被忽视;巴西的伊泰普水坝在兴建过程中注意了采取措施减少负面影响,如在库周地区植树造林,兴建生物屏障,建立自然保护区,实施动物救护等;中国的二滩水电站由世界银行贷款兴建,并执行了世界银行的环境政策来降低负面影响;这些大型水电工程兴建中的经验给在建的三峡工程提供了有益的借鉴,一系列的环境保护措施正在实施,世界上最大的生态环境监测网络已在三峡库区及相关地区建成。

关键词: 水利工程, 环境监测, 阿斯旺工程, 依泰普工程, 二滩工程, 三峡工程

Abstract: Based on a brief introduction of environmental policy of the World Bank on the hydropower project, this paper summarized respectively the longterm ecoenvironmental monitoring plans and the measures for reducing the side effects caused by the four famous hydropower stations (Egypt's Aswan High Dam, Brazil's Itaipu Dam, China's Ertan Dam and Three Gorges Dam). A hydropower project is of negative or positive impacts on the environment in related regions and the negative impacts of largescale dams as mentioned above are focused on. The Egypt's Aswan High Dam was constructed in 1960s while the ecoenvironmental impact issues were not arose. After its completion, the Egypt's High Dam had been praised as the mainstay of Egyptian economy and vilified as an environmental catastrophe. Longterm ecoenvironmental monitorings have shown that a lot of environmental impacts such as bed erosion had been exaggerated and a few such as traditional brick making industry ignored. The Brizil's Itaipu Project had taken measures to reduce the side effects while under construction, including measures for forest area conservation surrounding the reservoir, biological shelters and nature reserves construction, animal rescue centers etc. China's Ertan Project supported financially by the World Bank had carried out the environmental policy to reduce the side effects. By sharing the experiences of largescale hydrpower projects, a series of measures to protect the environment are being implemented for the ongoing Three Gorges Project, in which the largest ecoenvironmental monitoring network has been set up.

Key words: hydropower project, ecoenvironmental monitoring, Aswan Project, Itaipu Project, Ertan Project, Three Gorges Project

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