长江流域资源与环境 >> 2009, Vol. 18 >> Issue (10): 890-.

• 区域可持续发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴小庆1,2| 王远1| 刘宁1| 陆根法1   

  1. (1.南京大学环境学院污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室| 江苏 南京 210093|2.无锡市农林局|江苏 无锡 214003)
  • 出版日期:2009-10-20


WU Xiaoqing1,2, WANG Yuan1, LIU Ning 1, LU Genfa1   

  1. (1.State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control and Resources Reuse,School of the Environment,Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China|2.Wuxi Bureau of Agriculture and Forestry,Wuxi 214003, China)
  • Online:2009-10-20


物质流分析被认为是适用于生态效率评价的重要工具和方法之一,但应用于区域生态效率评价的研究尚较少。根据生态效率理论、物质流分析理论与方法,建立了基于物质流账户的3个层面的区域生态效率评价指标:区域直接生态效率、区域总生态效率、整体生态效率。以江苏省为例,全面评价了 1995~2005年江苏省不同层面的生态效率,结果表明:(1)江苏省区域直接生态效率远高于我国同期水平。区域总生态效率和整体生态效率相对较低,分别仅为区域直接生态效率 15%~22%和 7%~8%左右;(2)1995~2005年,区域直接生态效率呈先上升后下降趋势,原因在于物质生产率未有显著提高以及近年来重工业在产业结构中比重的增加;(3)整体生态效率的变化趋势与区域直接生态效率类似,原因主要是近年江苏省对区外物质和资源的进口量显著增加;(4)区域总生态效率则表现为先快速上升后缓慢上升的趋势。在对研究结果及成因进行分析和讨论的基础上,提出了提高区域生态效率的建议.

关键词: 区域生态效率/ 物质流分析/ 江苏省


Material flow analysis (MFA) is considered as one of the important tools and methods which are applicable to the evaluation of ecoefficiency.However,studies applying the MFA in regional ecoefficiency evaluation are still few.This paper established the three aspects of indicators for regional ecoefficiency derived from MFA account based on ecoefficiency theory and method of MFA.The indicators include regional direct ecoefficiency,regional total ecoefficiency and whole ecoefficiency.The regional ecoefficiency in three aspects of Jiangsu Province was evaluated on the basis of regional material flow analysis with the evidence from Jiangsu Province in 1995~2005.The results showed:(1)the regional direct ecoefficiency of Jiangsu Province was much higher than that of China in the same period.The regional total ecoefficiency and whole ecoefficiency was〖JP2〗 comparatively low,which was 15%~22% and 7%~8% of regional〖JP〗 direct ecoefficiency,respectively;(2)direct ecoefficiency increased significantly from 1995 to 2000 and then decreased.The reasons were that the material and resource productivity did not increased significantly and the proportion of heavy industry in the industrial structure increased in recent years;(3)the variation of whole ecoefficiency was similar with that of direct ecoefficiency because the import of material and resource significantly increased;(4)total ecoefficiency increased significantly from 1995 to 2000 and then increased slowly in recent years.Based on the thoroughly analysis and discussions on the results and their causes,authors thought that rapid development of the economic of Jiangsu Province also affected the resource and environment of Jiangsu Province and its import regions of material and resource.According to the development status of Jiangsu Province,the paper explored the potential solutions that will improve ecoefficiency in Jiangsu.

Key words: regional ecoefficiency/MFA (material flow analysis)/Jiangsu Province

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