长江流域资源与环境 >> 2009, Vol. 18 >> Issue (10): 964-.

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


罗固源1| 郑剑锋1*| 许晓毅1| 曹  |佳2| 舒为群2   

  1. (1.重庆大学三峡库区生态环境教育部重点试验室| 重庆 400045; 2.第三军医大学军事预防医学院| 重庆 400038)
  • 出版日期:2009-10-20

LUO Guyuan1| ZHENG Jianfeng1| XU Xiaoyi1| CAO Jia2| SHU Weiqun2   

  1. (1.Key Laboratory of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region's EcoEnvironment|Ministry of Education|Chongqing University|Chongqing 400045|China; 2.College of Military Preventive Medicine| Third Military Medical Universty| Chongqing 400038| China)
  • Online:2009-10-20


为了对次级河流回水区富营养化进行深入研究,把长江次级河流之一的临江河回水区为研究对象,根据2007年10月至2008年9月临江河回水区中游叶绿素a含量及其水质理化指标的监测数据,分析了临其叶绿素a浓度的时间分布,对叶绿素a浓度及影响因子进行相关分析,找出与叶绿素a显著相关的环境因子并建立多元逐步回归模型。结果表明:临江河回水区叶绿素a浓度峰值主要集中在5月上旬至9月下旬,变化范围为227~661 mg/m3。临江河回水区叶绿素a浓度变化受多个环境因子共同影响,与水温、流速、透明度、COD、总磷之间显著相关,而与总氮相关性不显著。经过叶绿素a及其影响因子的相关分析,建立了以水温、流速和总磷为自变量,叶绿素a浓度为应变量的逐步线性回归模型,模型初步验证结果表明:多元逐步回归模型可以用来描述临江河回水区叶绿素a浓度的变化。通过对临江河回水区叶绿素a及其影响因子的分析,控制临江河回水区水体中磷含量应是其富营养化防治工作的重点,防治工作应主要在春末和整个夏季,尤其是在5、6月份。

关键词: 次级河流/ 回水区/ 叶绿素a/ 多元逐步回归模型


Taking Linjiang River,a branch of the Yangtze River,as the research objects to study eutrophication problem in branch backwater region.Based on the monitoring data of chlorophylla concentration and water quality in the middle reach of Linjiang River backwater region from Oct.2007 to Sept.2008,chlorophylla concentration trend were analyzed,the correlation analysis between chlorophylla concentration and its influencing factors was made.According to the results of correlation analysis,a multiple stepwise regression model between chlorophylla concentration and its influencing factors was constructed.The chlorophylla concentration in Lingjiang River backwater region had a high level from the first ten days of May to the last ten days of September,the variation range was 227~661 mg/m3.Chlorophylla concentration was affected by some influencing factors together.The relationship between the chlorophylla concentration and water temperature,velocity of flow,diaphaneity,COD,TP displayed significant positive linear correlations,but not significantly related with TN.The multiple stepwise regression model which used water temperature,velocity of flow,TP as independent variable and chlorophylla concentration as dependent variable was constructed.The result of model initial validation indicated that the model can be used to describe the change of chlorophylla concentration in Linjiang River backwater region.The research result showed that decreasing phosphorus content would be the key work for preventing and controlling the eutrophication of Linjiang River backwater regions in May and June.

Key words: branch/ backwater region/ chlorophylla/multiple stepwise regression model

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