长江流域资源与环境 >> 2012, Vol. 21 >> Issue (04): 482-.

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


段春锋 |缪启龙 |马 利 ||王 勇   

  1. (1. 南京信息工程大学江苏省农业气象重点实验室|江苏 南京 210044|2.南京信息工程大学应用气象学院|江苏 南京 210044|3.南京信息工程大学计算机与软件学院|江苏 南京 210044
  • 出版日期:2012-04-20

DUAN Chunfeng1,2,MIAO Qilong1,2,MA Li3,WANG Yong1,2   

  1. (1.Jiangsu Key Lab of Agricultural Meteorology,Nanjing University of Information Science &|Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;2.College of Applied Meteorology,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;3.Computer and software Institute,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044|China )
  • Online:2012-04-20


基于1996~2010年长江三角洲地区4个省会城市的逐日地面观测资料,研究了气温指标(气温日较差,日平均气温,日最高气温和日最低气温)的周循环特征,并分析了春节、五一节、十一节长假期间与假日前后各7 d气温指标的差异。结果表明:气温变化具有明显的周末效应现象,其中气温日较差和日最高气温最为显著;气温变化的周末效应存在季节差异,夏季周末气温指标值比工作日大,其他季节周末气温指标值比工作日小,其中春季周末效应最为显著。春节、五一节、十一节三大长假存在明显的假日效应,其中春节和十一节假日期间气温指标值相比假日前后7 d小,五一节假日期间气温指标值相比前后7 d大。由于三大节假日的时间更长,气温变化的假日效应比周末效应更为显著。人类经济活动的人为划分是引起气温变化的周末效应和假日效应的根本原因


The weekend effect of temperature indices,including diurnal temperature range,mean temperature,minimum temperature and maximum temperature,was studied in the Yangtze River Delta region using daily surface weather observation data for four provincial capital cities from 1996~2010.The differences between temperature indices during three festivals (May Day,National Day and Spring Festival) and that during 7 days pre and post the festivals were also analyzed.Results showed that temperature variation appeared obvious weekend effect,and the phenomenon was most significant for diurnal temperature range and maximum temperature.Weekend effects differed from distinct seasons.Temperature indices were larger on weekends than that in normal working days in summer,while smaller on weekends than that in normal working days in other three seasons.The weekend effect in spring was most obvious.Holiday effect existed both in May Day,National Day and Spring Festival.Temperature indices were smaller during National Day and Spring Festival than that during 7days pre and post the festivals,while larger during May Day than that during 7 days pre and post the festival.Holiday effect was more significant than weekend effect due to the longer periods during the three festivals.The artificial division of human economic activities was the main cause for holiday effect and weekend effect.   

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