长江流域资源与环境 >> 2021, Vol. 30 >> Issue (6): 1521-1525.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202106026

• 神农架国家公园(专栏) • 上一篇    


熊欢欢1,2, 金胶胶1,2,莫家勇2, 邵荣虎2,3,袁飞2,3,杨敬元2*   

  1. (1.神农架金丝猴保育生物学湖北省重点实验室, 湖北 神农架林区 442400;2.神农架国家公园管理局,
    湖北 神农架林区 442400;3.神农架国家公园大九湖管理处, 湖北 神农架林区 442400)
  • 出版日期:2021-06-20 发布日期:2021-06-30

Discussion on Energy Substitution of Relocated Residents in Shennongjia Dajiuhu Area

XIONG Huan-huan 1,2,JIN Jiao-jiao 1,2,MO Jia-yong 2,SHAO Rong-hu 2,3, YUAN Fei 2,3,YANG Jing-yuan2   

  1. (1. Key lab of conservation biology for shennongjia golden monkey , Shennongjia 442400, China;2. Shennongjia national park administration,
     Shennongjia 442400, China; 3. Dajiuhu management office of shennongjia national park, Shennongjia 442400, China)
  • Online:2021-06-20 Published:2021-06-30

摘要: 自2013年开始,神农架大九湖湿地启动生态移民工程。为了解大九湖生态搬迁后居民用火用电情况以及资源消耗情况变化,采用样地调查和走访调查的方法,对搬迁户、未搬迁户的能源消耗情况进行收集和分析。结果表明:除了人口和牲畜数量,海拔也是家庭影响能源消耗的重要因素,薪柴量和用电量相差84%和62.1%,因此搬迁工作可以优先考虑高海拔地区;搬迁前后,居民做饭消耗从基本完全依赖薪柴转变为燃气和电混用,取暖消耗由薪柴转变为燃煤,搬迁后,居民实现了薪柴的零消耗和森林零砍伐,用电量大幅增加,相比搬迁前生活成本增加了折合3 450元左右;搬迁后居民居住条件、生活条件、交通设施、创收机会均有所改善;搬迁的431户居民相当于每年保护森林47.08 hm 2,对于封山育林和生态恢复工作起到了积极作用。

Abstract: Since 2013, the Dajiuhu wetland in Shennongjia has started the ecological migration project. In order to understand the changes of residents' fire and electricity consumption and resource consumption after ecological relocation of Dajiuhu, this paper collected and analyzed the energy consumption of relocated and non-relocated households by means of sample survey and visiting survey. The results showed that in addition to the population and the number of livestock, the altitude was also an important factor affecting the energy consumption of the family. The difference of firewood quantity and electricity consumption was 84% and 62.1% respectively, so relocation can give priority to high altitude areas. Before and after the relocation, the cooking consumption of residents changed from basically relying entirely on firewood to a mixture of gas and electricity, and the heating consumption changed from burning firewood to burning coal. After the relocation, residents realized zero consumption of firewood and zero deforestation, and the electricity consumption increased significantly. Compared with the living cost before the relocation, it increased by about 3 450 RMB. After the relocation, the residents' living conditions, living conditions, transportation facilities and income-generating opportunities have been improved; the 431 households relocated are equivalent to 47.08 hectares of forest protection per year, which has played a positive role in mountain closure for forest cultivation and ecological restoration.

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