长江流域资源与环境 >> 2023, Vol. 32 >> Issue (2): 260-272.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202302003

• 区域可持续发展 • 上一篇    下一篇

基于系统建模的城市土地利用碳达峰仿真研究 ——以江苏省为例

李光亮1,2,李效顺1,2*,和伟康1,2,倪  衡1,2,王月香1,2,李奕菲1,2   

  1. (1.中国矿业大学中国资源型城市转型发展与乡村振兴研究中心,江苏 徐州 221116;2.江苏自然资源智库中国矿业大学研究基地,江苏 徐州 221116)
  • 出版日期:2023-02-20 发布日期:2023-03-09

Simulation of Carbon Peak of Urban Land Use based on System Dynamics Model: Take Jiangsu Province as An Example

LI Guang-liang1,2, LI Xiao-shun1,2, HE Wei-kang1,2, NI Heng1,2, WANG Yue-xiang1,2, LI Yi-fei1,2   

  1. (1.Research Center for Transition Development and Rural Revitalization of Resource-based Cities in China,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China; 2.Research Base of Jiangsu Land Resource Think in China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116,China)
  • Online:2023-02-20 Published:2023-03-09

摘要: 实现碳达峰是中国应对全球气候危机的关键举措。按照“理论-模型-实证”逻辑框架,在理论分析基础上,构建城市土地-经济-碳排放系统动力学模型,对江苏省城市碳达峰路径进行多情景仿真模拟。结果表明:(1)江苏省未来经济总量、结构持续增长优化,增加第三产业投资能有效促进产业结构升级,但会降低经济增长速度;(2)城市用地呈不断增长趋势,但其增长动力持续减弱,在减碳发展情景下,城市建设用地总量在2033年达到峰值 5 514.96 km2,出现“城市收缩”现象;(3)产业结构和能源效率优化能降低城市能耗需求,但其仍保持增长趋势,在减碳发展情景下,江苏省最快于2025年达到CO2排放量峰值65 790万t,相对于持续上涨的CO2排放量,现有碳汇用地对实现碳达峰目标作用有限。因此,针对实现碳达峰的主要影响因素,提出:在稳定经济增长的同时,从提升能源和用地效率入手降低能源需求和碳汇用地损失,加快技术创新优化能源供给结构,进而实现碳达峰目标。

Abstract: Peaking carbon dioxide emissions is a key measure for China to cope with the global climate crisis. According to the logic framework of theory-model-demonstration and theoretical analysis,this study constructs the system dynamics model of urban carbon dioxide emissions based on land use and economic development,and carries out multi-scenario simulation of urban carbon dioxide emissions peak in Jiangsu province. It is found that:(1)The economic aggregate and structure of Jiangsu province will continue to grow and optimize in the future. Increasing investment in tertiary industry can effectively promote the upgrading of industrial structure,but it will reduce the economic growth rate.(2)Urban land is increasing,but its growth force is weakening. Under the scenario of carbon dioxide emissions reduction,the total amount of urban construction land will reach a peak of 5 514.96 km2 in 2033,showing a phenomenon of urban contraction.(3)Industrial structure and energy efficiency optimization can reduce the demand for urban energy consumption,but it still keeps growing. Under the scenario of carbon dioxide emissions reduction,Jiangsu can achieve a peak of 657.9 million tons carbon dioxide emissions in 2025 at the earliest. Compared with the continuous increase of carbon dioxide emissions,the existing carbon sink land has a limited role in achieving the goal of carbon dioxide emissions peak. Thus,in view of the main factors affecting the realization of carbon dioxide emissions peak,several policy suggestions are put forward. While stabilizing economic growth,we should reduce energy demand and loss of carbon sink land,by improving energy and land use efficiency,accelerate technological innovation and optimize energy supply structure to achieve a peak in carbon dioxide emissions.

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