长江流域资源与环境 >> 2025, Vol. 34 >> Issue (1): 111-125.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202501009

• 自然资源 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (华中农业大学公共管理学院,湖北 武汉 430070)
  • 出版日期:2025-01-20 发布日期:2025-01-24

Horizontal Ecological Compensation in Wuhan Urban Agglomeration From the Perspective of Ecosystem Service Flow

LI Yong-hao,ZHANG An-lu,ZHANG Yu,SHU Yuan-hui   

  1. (College of Land Administration, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China)
  • Online:2025-01-20 Published:2025-01-24

摘要: 跨区域横向生态补偿是落实生态文明战略,构建生态保护者和受益者良性互动关系的重要手段。生态系统服务流清晰反映生态服务在何时何地由谁享受了多少,已成为跨区域横向生态补偿研究的新切入点。以武汉城市圈为研究区,在定量测算2000、2010和2020年生态系统服务物质量和价值量的基础上,揭示了生态系统服务的空间流动特征,并基于价值转移量和研究单元的社会经济发展水平系数调整构建了跨区域横向生态补偿模型。结果表明:(1)武汉城市圈生态系统服务供需空间错位明显。(2)生态系统服务流动方向以东北、西南为主,流动半径、流转强度、价值转移量均呈总体增加趋势。(3)2000、2010和2020年生态补偿总额不断增加,由14.52亿元升至24.52亿元,各补偿区需支付金额由0~8.23亿元升至0~10.65亿元,各受偿区的受偿金额由0~9.48亿元升至0~11.47亿元。

Abstract: Cross-regional horizontal ecological compensation is a crucial approach to implement the strategy of ecological civilization and establish a positive interactive relationship between ecological protectors and beneficiaries. Ecosystem service flow clearly reflects who, when, and where benefits from ecological services, which is a new focal point for research on cross-regional horizontal ecological compensation. Based on the quantitative assessment of ecosystem service quality and value in the Wuhan metropolitan area for the year of 2000, 2010, and 2020, this study unveiled the spatial flow characteristics of ecosystem services. Furthermore, this paper constructed a cross-regional horizontal ecological compensation model by adjusting the value transfer amount and incorporating the socio-economic development level coefficient. The results showed that: (1) The spatial dislocation of ecosystem service supply and demand in Wuhan urban agglomeration was obvious. (2) Ecosystem service flows were primarily directed towards the northeast and southwest regions with an overall increasing trend in flow radius, intensity, and value transfer. (3) The total amount of ecological compensation increased continuously from 1.452 billion yuan to 2.452 billion yuan in 2000, 2010 and 2020. Thee amount of compensation for each compensation area increased from 0-823 million yuan to 0-1 065 million yuan, and the amount of compensation for each compensation area increased from 0-948 million yuan to 0-1 147 million yuan.

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