长江流域资源与环境 >> 2013, Vol. 22 >> Issue (12): 1653-.

• 长江中游低湿地作物研究专题 • 上一篇    



  1. (1.长江大学农学院,湖北 荆州 434025;2.湖北省农业技术推广总站,湖北 武汉 430070;3.荆州市李埠镇农技中心,湖北 荆州 434027
  • 出版日期:2013-12-20


LEI Changyun1,2,ZHANG Yanxia1,YI Guoxiang2,HE Wenjing1,LIU Dongming1,XING Danying1   

  1. (1.College of Agriculture,Yangtze University,Jingzhou 434025,China;2.Agricultural Technology Extension General Station of Hubei Province,Wuhan 430070,China;3.Center of Agricultural Technique Extension of Libu Town,Jingzhou 434027,China
  • Online:2013-12-20


马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum)是一种重要的经济作物,它可以用作粮食、蔬菜、饲料及工业原料作物,江汉平原是马铃薯发展的新区。费乌瑞它是一个适宜于低山平原的早熟、优质马铃薯品种。探索马铃薯高产、优质的栽培技术规程是获得马铃薯最大经济效益、促进马铃薯生产持续发展的重要前提,为了探讨马铃薯秋播的最佳密度,设置了4 000穴/667 m2、7 000穴/667 m2、10 000穴/667 m2、13 000穴/667 m2、16 000穴/667 m2、19 000穴/667 m2等6个播种密度,研究密度对马铃薯费乌瑞它的主要农艺性状及产量的影响。试验表明:播种密度与生育期呈极显著正相关(y=0.000 8x+80514,r1=0990 7*[KG-*2]*),密度每增加300穴/667 m2,生育期延长24 d;密度与株高(r2)呈显著负相关(r2=-0895 1*),与出苗率(r3)、主茎数(r4)、单株块茎数(r5)和商品薯率(r6)呈极显著负相关(r3=-0941 1*[KG-*2]*,r4=-0992 4*[KG-*2]*,r5=-0964 4*[KG-*2]*,r6=-0937 9*[KG-*2]*);密度与单株块茎重(r7)呈二次曲线关系(y=-1E-06x2+0016 8x+13978,r7=-0837 0*),当密度为8 498穴/667 m2时,单株块茎重达到最大值;密度与单产(r8)为二次曲线关系(y= -8E-06x2+0208x+15761,r8=-0726),当密度为12 838穴/667 m2时,单产达到最大值;密度与商品薯产量为二次曲线关系(y=-6E-06x2+0141 9x+19395,r8=-0767*),当密度为1 1087穴/667 m2时,商品薯产量达最大值;10 000穴/667 m2播种密度的马铃薯单产和商品薯产量居首,分别为1 6309 kg/667 m2和1 109 kg/667 m2,综合性状优良;13 000穴/667 m2的效果次之;单产随后的各处理依次为19 000穴/667 m2(1 3046 kg/667 m2)、16 000穴/667 m2(1 2113 kg/667 m2)、7 000穴/667 m2(1 2105 kg/667 m2)、4 000穴/667 m2(8091 kg/667 m2);商品薯随后的各处理依次为13 000穴/667 m2(8473 kg/667 m2)、16 000穴/667 m2(7679 kg/667 m2)、19 000穴/667 m2(634 kg/667 m2)、4 000穴/667 m2(6181 kg/667 m2);4 000穴/667 m2的商品薯率最高,19 000穴/667 m2的商品薯率最底,各处理的商品薯率依次为4 000穴/667 m2(7640%)、7 000穴/667 m2(740%)、10 000穴/667 m2(679%)、13 000穴/667 m2(639%)、16 000穴/667 m2(585%)、19 000穴/667 m2(488%


Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an important economic crop.It is used as food,vegetable,fodder and industrial material.Favorita is a type of superior and precocious potato varieties and adapts to plain.Research of the superior and high yield cultivation steps of potato is the important foundation of gaining the largest economic benefit and the sustainable development of potato production.To search the best density of autumn sowing potato Favorita in Jianghan plain and the effects of density on the main agronomic traits and field,6 densities,such as 4 000 holes per 667 m2,7 000 holes per 667 m2,10 000 holes per 667 m2,13 000 holes per 667 m2,16 000 holes per 667 m2,19 000 holes per 667 m2 were set.Research showed that density was highly positively associated with growth period (y=0000 8x+80514,r1=0990 7*[KG-*2]*),significantly negatively associated with stem length (r2=-0895 1*) and highly significantly negatively associated with rate of emergency(r3=-0941 1*[KG-*2]*),stem number(r4=-0992 4*[KG-*2]*),tuber number per plant (r5=-09644*[KG-*2]*) and scale of commodity potato (r6=-0937 9*[KG-*2]*).Tuber weigh per plant had quadratic curve connection (y=-1E-06x2+0016 8x+13978,r7=-0837 0*) with density,and reached the maximum value of density 8498 holes per 667 m2.The yield had quadratic curve connection (y=-8E-06x2+0208x+15761,r8=-0726) with density and reached the maximum value of the density 12838 holes per 667 m2.The yield of commodity potato had quadratic curve connection (y=-6E-06x2+0141 9x+19395,r9=-0767*) with density and reached the maximum value of the density 11087 holes per 667 m2.The potato yield and commodity potato yield of 13000 holes per 667 m2 were inferior to 10000 holes per 667 m2,which was 16309 kg per 667 m2 and 1 109 kg per 667 m2 respectively at the first place,and had super comprehensive characters.The treatments range from 19 000 holes per 667 m2(1 3046 kg per 667 m2),16 000 holes per 667 m2(1 2113 kg per 667 m2),7 000 holes per 667 m2(1 2105 kg per 667 m2)to 4 000 holes per 667 m2(8091 kg per 667 m2)developed a diminishing tendency in yield.The treatments range from 13 000 holes per 667 m2(8473 kg per 667 m2),16 000 holes per 667 m2(7679 kg per 667 s m2),19 000 holes per 667 m2 (634 kg per 667 m2)to 4 000 holes per 667 m2(6181 kg per 667 m2)developed a diminishing tendency in yield of commodity potato.The treatments range from 4 000 holes per 667 m2(7640%),7 000 holes per 667 m2(740%),10 000 holes per 667 m2(679%),13 000 holes per 667 m2(639%),16 000 holes per 667 m2(585%)to 19 000 holes per 667 m2 (488%) developed a diminishing tendency in scale of commodity potato

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