长江流域资源与环境 >> 2021, Vol. 30 >> Issue (5): 1040-1054.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202105002

• 区域可持续发展 • 上一篇    下一篇

城乡收入差距时空演变与驱动因素的空间计量研究 ——以长江三角洲为例

闫东升1,2,孙  伟3* ,冯  月1   

  1. (1. 南京大学长江三角洲经济社会发展研究中心,江苏 南京210093;2.南京大学长江产业经济研究院, 江苏 南京 210093;3. 中国科学院流域地理学重点实验室/中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所, 江苏 南京210008)
  • 出版日期:2021-05-20 发布日期:2021-06-15

Spatial-temporal Evolution of Urban-rural Income Gap and Driving Factors Based on Spatial Econometric Models: A Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta

YAN Dong-sheng 1, SUN Wei 2, FENG Yue3   

  1. (1.Center for the Yangtze River Deltais Socio-economic Development of Nanjin Univensily,Nanjing 210093,Chima;2. Yangtze Industrial Economic Institute, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China; 3. Key Laboratory of Watershed Geography, Nanjing Institute of Geography Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China)
  • Online:2021-05-20 Published:2021-06-15

摘要: 推动城乡收入差距的缩小,是实现高质量发展的应有之义。采用变异系数、马尔科夫链和空间分析等方法,探讨2000~2018年长江三角洲城乡收入及其差距时空演变规律,并采用空间计量方法探究城乡收入差距演变驱动因素。结果表明:(1)城、乡收入总体差距均呈现先上升后下降态势,但城镇收入高于农村、农村收入差距高于城镇,且城、乡收入“核心-边缘”格局具有较强稳定性。(2)不同城市间城乡收入差距呈现显著的“核心-边缘”格局,高值区的下降与低值区的扩大表明城乡收入差距的总体缩小;不同城市城乡收入演变的差异,表明未来缩小城乡收入差距的政策要因“地”制宜。(3)经济发展、人口流动、政府影响和对外开放都是影响城乡收入差距的重要因素,不同时期影响因素的差异表明相关政策制定要因“时”制宜。此外,一体化深入带来的空间溢出效应增强,表明相关政策制定要强化城市之间的互动。

Abstract: Promoting narrowing the urban-rural income gap, is an important part of achieving high-quality development. In the context of the regional integration of the Yangtze River Delta as a national strategy, this article uses the coefficient of variation, Markov chain and spatial analysis to explore the spatial-temporal evolution characteristics of urban and rural income as well as urban-rural income gap between 2000-2018 in the Yangtze River Delta. As well, based on the spatial econometric models, this article explores the driving factors of urban-rural income gap. The results showed that: (1)The coefficient of variation of urban and rural income in the Yangtze River Delta all show a trend of rising first and then declining, urban income is higher than rural but the coefficient of variation of rural income is higher than urban income. The “core-edge” pattern of urban and rural income in space are strong stability. In particular, high-income clubs have a strong steady state. (2)On the whole, the urban-rural income gap also presents a significant “core-edge” pattern. From the perspective of the evolution of urban-rural income gap, the narrowing of the high-value area and the expansion of the low-value area, indicate that the overall income gap of urban-rural income gap in the Yangtze River Delta has narrowed. The difference evolution in different cities indicates that, the policy of narrowing the urban-rural income gap should be tailored to local conditions. (3)For the driving factors, economic development, population mobility, government influence and opening up are important factors of urban-rural income gap. However, the differences of driving factors in different periods indicate that, the formulation of relevant policies in the future should be random and dynamic. In the process of integration and deepening, the significant increase in spatial spillover effects also indicates that, the formulation of relevant policies should strengthen the interaction among cities. The research in this paper not only enriches the theoretical research on the urban-rural income gap, but also provides an experience to formulate relevant policies to promote coordinated development of urban and rural areas for the Yangtze River Delta and other urban agglomerations.

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