长江流域资源与环境 >> 2021, Vol. 30 >> Issue (6): 1366-1377.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202106008

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


孙  朋,渠玮娟,朱  玺,吴雨纯,汪  静,张本发,许梅越,戴洪宝   

  1. (宿州学院环境与测绘工程学院,安徽 宿州 234000)
  • 出版日期:2021-06-20 发布日期:2021-06-30

Variation of Hydrothermal Pattern of Huai River Basin from 1959 to 2018

SUN Peng, QU Wei-juan,ZHU Xi, WU Yu-chun, WANG Jing, ZHANG Ben-fa, XU Mei-yue, DAI Hong-bao   

  1. (School of Environmental and Surveying Engineering, Suzhou University, Suzhou 234000, China)
  • Online:2021-06-20 Published:2021-06-30

摘要: 基于淮河流域27个气象站点1959~2018年气象观测数据,通过FAO-PM56计算出蒸散量的基础上,构建以气温、降水、蒸散等9种要素在内的水热指标体系,运用气候倾向斜率、Mann-Kendall(M-K)检验和地理空间插值等方法,揭示淮河流域近60年水热格局特征。结果表明:60年来,淮河流域总体呈湿热趋势,表现为气温、最低气温、年降水量呈波动上升,最高气温、日照时数、相对湿度和蒸散量下降趋势;年内分布表现为水热变化同期,高值集中分布在6~7月,呈单峰型分布;年代际分析表明近60年来研究区暖湿趋势显著,呈现出年均气温,最高温、最低温均先下降后上升,而日照时数变化趋势与之相反,降水要素均是先上升后下降,之后再次上升的趋势;从突变特征来看,热量要素突变稳定性高于水分要素;淮河流域热量因子空间分布呈现较为明显的对角(西南-东北)变化趋势,是南北交错带带来的经纬度地带性以及地形作用的综合结果,水分要素空间分布格局体现出较强的纬度地带性与垂直地带性。

Abstract: The hydrothermal index system containing nine factors such as air temperature, precipitation and evapotranspiration was constructed based on the meteorological data of 27 meteorological stations in the Huai River Basin from 1959 to 2018 by calculating the evapotranspiration through FAO-PM56, and the characteristics of hydrothermal pattern for the Huai River Basin during these 60 years were revealed by climate tendency rate, Mann-Kendall (MK) test and geospatial interpolation. The results indicated that the Huai River Basin has been generally hot and damp during these years, with a wavelike rise in temperature, lowest temperature and annual precipitation while a decrease in highest temperature, sunshine duration, relative humidity and evapotranspiration. The hydrothermal pattern tends to be stable all year around with peaks in June and July, exhibiting a single-peak pattern. According to the interdecadal analysis, the hydrothermal trend in the studied area during these 60 years is significant with an average temperature throughout the year. Both the highest and lowest temperature firstly decrease before rise, but it is a totally difference case with sunshine duration, which firstly rises before decline, followed by an upward trend. In terms of the changes in sudden change, heat changes more steadily than waterfall. The spatial distribution of heat in the Huaihe River Basin is diagonally (southwest-northeast), which is jointly caused by latitude and longitude zonality and topographic action of north-south intersection belt. However, the spatial distribution of rainfall demonstrates significant latitude and vertical zonality.

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