长江流域资源与环境 >> 2005, Vol. 14 >> Issue (5): 605-610.

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


张代钧1,2,许丹宇1,任宏洋1,曹海彬1,郑 敏1,刘惠强3   

  • 收稿日期:2004-08-30 修回日期:2004-11-10 出版日期:2005-09-20
  • 通讯作者: 张代钧


ZHANG Dai-jun1,2,XU Dan-yu1,REN Hong-yang1,CAO Hai-bing1, ZHENG Min1, LIU Hui-qiang3   

  • Received:2004-08-30 Revised:2004-11-10 Online:2005-09-20
  • Contact: ZHANG Dai-jun

摘要: 论述了三峡水库几个重要水环境问题,对近年来三峡水库水污染控制科学研究工作进行回顾,评述了一些重要研究成果,就三峡水库水质模拟、水体富营养化、水库泥沙截留淤积和重金属污染等问题进行了深入探讨。基于国际水协会最新推出的河流水质模型,提出了三峡水库水环境模拟研究的观点和方法;基于湖泊(水库)生态动力学模型原理,在对水体中磷元素预测的基础上,从营养盐含量、水深、流速、温度因素等与富营养化非线性映射关系出发,初步建立三峡水库水体富营养化人工神经网络模型,对三峡水库水体富营养化潜势进行研究,分析讨论了一些初步结果;论述了水库泥沙截留淤积及其与水体中污染物,特别是重金属污染的相互作用;建议三峡水库近期内应予以重视的一些重要水环境科学问题。

关键词: 三峡水库, 水环境容量, 富营养化, 水环境模拟, 水污染控制, 泥沙沉积

Abstract: Primary water environmental problems in the Yangtze River Three Gorges' Reservoir were discussed. Some important results from recent research projects were reviewed in detail and some important scientific problems which need to be further studied more carefully in the near future were suggested. They are the water environmental modelling of the Yangtze River Three Gorges' Reservoir, the systematic engineering of pollution resources control, the eutrophication of the reservoir water, and the sediment of soil and sand in the reservoir, the pollution of heavy metals in the reservoir. Based on the River Water Quality Model (RWQM) suggested by the International Water Association (IWA), some points of view and methods for further research on the water environmental modelling in the Yangtze River Three Gorges' Reservoir were put forward. Based on a new lake eutrophication model,after forecasting the content of phosphorus,through the nonlinearity among the water eutrophication and its effecting factors, such as the nutrients, water depth, water flow rate, climate temperature, etc, the artificial neural network model was made, and the potential of the eutrophication of the reservoir water was primarily studied. Some primary results were presented and discussed. The process of soil and sand sediment and interaction of the sediment of soil and sand with heavy metals in the reservoir was discussed, some important water environmental problems in the Yangtze River Three Gorges′ Reservoir needed to be focussed in near future.

Key words: the Yangtze River Three Gorges′ Reservoir, water environmental capacity, eutrophication, water environmental modeling, water pollution control, soil and sand sediment

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