长江流域资源与环境 >> 2018, Vol. 27 >> Issue (03): 473-.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201803003

• 区域可持续发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


王  凯1;邵海琴1,周婷婷1,刘浩龙2   

  1. (1.湖南师范大学旅游学院,湖南 长沙410081;2. 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,北京100101)
  • 出版日期:2018-03-20

A Study on Carbon Emissions Efficiency of Tourism and Its Spatial Correlation Characteristics in China

WANG Kai1, SHAO Hai-qin1, ZHOU Ting-ting1, LIU hao-long2   

  1. (1. Tourism College of Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China; 2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China)
  • Online:2018-03-20

摘要: 科学测度与分析中国旅游业碳排放效率及其空间关联特征,对于推动旅游业可持续发展具有重要意义。借助SBM模型测算2000~2015年中国省际旅游业碳排放效率,并运用Kernel密度估计法刻画其动态演进过程。结果发现:中国旅游业碳排放效率存在显著的区域差异性,东高西低是发展常态,且目前多数省区仍处于非效率水平;核密度曲线显示我国旅游业碳排放效率处于增长态势,随着时间推进呈现由“单峰”到“三峰”再到“双峰”分布的动态演进过程,面临着发展不协调的问题。最后,构建空间Durbin模型探讨中国省域旅游业碳排放效率的空间关联特征,结果表明各省旅游业碳排放效率存在显著的空间溢出效应,一省的旅游业碳排放效率不仅受本省自身特点的影响,还与其邻近省区的发展情况相关联,具体表现为:各省旅游业技术水平、经济发展水平、产业结构和对外开放程度显著促进本省及邻近省的旅游业碳排放效率;旅游业产权结构对本省的旅游业碳排放效率有显著负向影响,但对邻近省的影响不明显;旅游业经济规模和城市化水平对邻近省旅游业碳排放效率产生负外部性;受教育程度对旅游业碳排放效率的作用不显著。
关键词: 旅游业碳排放效率;SBM模型;Kernel密度估计;空间Durbin模型;中国

Abstract: It is of great significance to measure and analyze China’s carbon emissions efficiency of tourism and its spatial heterogeneity scientifically to promote the sustainable development of tourism. This paper estimate the carbon emissions efficiency of tourism of 30 provinces in mainland China from 2000 to 2015 by using the Slack-Based Measure (SBM) considering the unexpected output. On this basis, the method of the non-parametric Kernel density estimation is applied to characterize the dynamic evolution of carbon emissions efficiency of tourism. The results found that there are obvious differences of carbon emissions efficiency of tourism among the 30 regions in China, and it is normal to see that the carbon emissions efficiency of tourism of the eastern region is higher than that of the western region. However, most of provinces are still in the state of carbon emissions inefficiency of tourism. Furthermore, the density curve reveals that an increasing trend of China’s carbon emissions efficiency of tourism is emerged as the time went by, and the distribution of carbon emissions efficiency of tourism changed from “single peak” to “three peaks” to “twin peak” over time, facing the problem of uncoordinated development; Besides, the spatial Durbin model is used to study the spatial correlation characteristics of carbon emissions efficiency of tourism among each provinces. Results show that the carbon emissions efficiency of tourism has apparent spatial spillover effects, that is to say, Not only is the carbon emissions efficiency of tourism affected by its own characteristics of each province, but also it is relevant to the development of the surrounding provinces. Specifically, the level of tourism technology, the level of economic development, the industrial structure and the degree of openess exert significantly positive impact on the tourism carbon emissions efficiency of both its own province and the surrounding provinces, The property right structure of tourism has a significant negative impact on the province’s own carbon emissions efficiency of tourism, while the impact on that of the surrounding provinces is not obvious. The tourism economy scale and the urbanization level have a negative external influence on the carbon emissions efficiency of tourism, but the effect of education on the carbon emissions efficiency of tourism is not significant.
Key words:carbon emissions efficiency of tourism; SBM model; kernel density estimation; spatial Durbin model; China

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