长江流域资源与环境 >> 2005, Vol. 14 >> Issue (5): 633-637.

• 长江流域的发展与区域协调 • 上一篇    下一篇


张 雷,吴映梅   

  • 收稿日期:2005-04-11 修回日期:2005-05-28 出版日期:2005-09-20
  • 通讯作者: 吴映梅


ZHANG Lei, WU Ying-mei   

  • Received:2005-04-11 Revised:2005-05-28 Online:2005-09-20
  • Contact: WU Ying-mei

摘要: 江河流域是人类文明的摇篮。作为四大文明古国之一,江河流域、特别是长江流域(干流)资源的开发对中国的持续发展至关重要。在农耕时期,受气候条件变化的影响,自盛唐中期以后(公元640年)长江流域(干流)就开始取代黄河流域成为国家最重要的人口集聚和社会生产场所。进入工业化进程以来,由于优越的地理位置和良好的人文素质,长江流域(干流)再次承担起推动国家现代经济发展主力引擎的职责,尽管这一发展经受过国家区域发展政策的不同影响。随着国家人地关系演进状态和社会经济整体发展环境的变化,21世纪长江流域(干流)在国家现代化进程中将承担起较以往更为重大的责任,其中以重化工制造业的发展最为重要。然而,要切实完成国家工业化和现代化所赋予的历史使命,长江流域(干流)地区未来的发展应首先处理好自身的发展环境问题,诸如上游地区土壤侵蚀、沿岸城市空气污染、地区能源供应短缺、城乡用地冲突等等。而所有这些问题的解决都依赖于一系列科学的区域发展政策。

关键词: 长江干流地区, 区域发展, 国家工业化

Abstract: There has no country that can survive without access to water resources. River basins, as the key bodies of water resources, are the source of human civilizations. It is particularly true for China, which is one of the four ancient civilizations and the most populated country in the world today. The Yangtze Basin (YB) started to take over the Yellow River Basin as the center of China's agroeconomic activities after the Tang Density (640 A.D.) due to the climate change. Despite of unfavourable development policies in a certain period, YB has again played a key role in the national economic growth when the new republic sets its task to pursuit industrialization since the early 1950s because of its good location and high quality of human resources. It is expected that Yangtze Basin would have to be functioned more than expected, especially in the development of heavychemical industry. Undoubtedly, geographical condition will continually play as a key factor when the climate change is unfavourable to the north arid land. As the most crowded area in China, however, YB has already faced great challenges itself, such as soil erosion in its upper stream, air pollution in its urban areas, energy shortage for the whole region, the conflict of land use between rural area and the cities, etc. All these problems could be handled by sustainable regional development policies.

Key words: the Yangtze Basin, regional development, national industrialization

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