长江流域资源与环境 >> 2006, Vol. 15 >> Issue (6): 781-781.

• 区域可持续发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


张晓明| 张成   

  • 收稿日期:2006-01-12 修回日期:2006-03-18 出版日期:2006-11-20


ZHANG Xiaoming, ZHANG Cheng   

  • Received:2006-01-12 Revised:2006-03-18 Online:2006-11-20


首先介绍了巨型城市区产生的背景、概念和研究进展,指出巨型城市区由形体上分离但功能上相互联系的20到50个城镇组成,在一个或多个较大的中心城市周围集聚,通过新劳动功能分工显示出巨大的经济力量。然后参照POLYNET项目组的研究方法和国内相关研究成果,通过构建FUR界定了长江三角洲巨型城市区的范围,并采用生产性服务业从业人员结构数据对16个主要FUR之间的功能联系进行了分析,作为对界定结果的检验。研究结论是:长江三角洲巨型城市区由55个在地域上邻接的FUR组成,总人口超过8 000万,总面积超过78 000 km2。温州和台州地区从功能联系结构来看处于长江三角洲巨型城市区的边缘,但将其纳入长江三角洲巨型城市区是今后发展的趋势所在。

关键词: 长江三角洲, 巨型城市区, 功能性城市地区, 空间范围


As an emergent urban phenomenon in the beginning of the 21st century, polycentric megacity regions have arisen through the extended decentralization from big central cities to new or adjacent smaller ones. This paper introduces the formation background, concept and relative research development of the megacity region and points out that the megacity region is composed of a series of 20 to 50 cities and towns, which are physically separated but functionally networked, clustered around one or more larger central cities, and demonstrating enormous ecological strength through a new functional labor division. Then, taking the methods of POLYNET program and relative researches into account, the paper confines the boundary of the megacity region in the Yangtze River Delta by constructing functional urban region(FUR) and analyzes functional connections between the 16 main FURs on the basis of the data of employment structure in service industries. It is concluded that the megacity region in the Yangtze River Delta is composed of 55 contiguous FURs, which have more than 80 million overall population and occupying 78 thousand square kilometers; there will be a development trend to bring Wenzhou and Taizhou into the Yangtze River Delta megacity region, although they are on the edge of the region at present.

Key words: the Yangtze River Delta, megacity region, functional urban region, spatial boundary

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