长江流域资源与环境 >> 2007, Vol. 16 >> Issue (1): 62-65.

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阚〓平1, 李崇明1 |吕平毓2, 张〓晟1, 张〓勇1   

  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2007-01-20


KAN Ping1, LI Chongming1, LV Pingyu2, ZHANG Sheng1, ZHANG Yong1   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-01-20


国内外研究表明,水体中的磷16%左右来自使用含磷洗涤用品。为保护三峡水库水环境,防止库区水体富营养化,重庆市政府决定,从2003年1月1日起,在全市范围内禁止销售和使用含磷洗涤用品。含磷洗衣粉的磷含量平均为4%,无磷洗衣粉的磷含量平均为0.013%,“禁磷”后洗衣粉的磷削减率平均为99.7%。监测结果表明,“禁磷”前后主城区城市污水排放口总磷浓度平均降幅为15.12%、中等城市为18.36%、县城为33.66%;禁磷前,城市居民洗衣粉磷排放量占城市污水总磷的13.77%,禁磷后只占0.05%;禁磷前,农村居民洗衣粉磷排放量占农村生活污水总磷排放量的30.53%,禁磷后只占0.01%。按城市综合污水总磷浓度变化计算(考虑到城市公建商贸行业的洗涤剂用量),则禁磷后城镇削减磷排放量1 056.2 t/a;农村居民按洗衣粉实际使用量计算,入河生活污水削减磷1 203.8 t/a;城镇和农村共削减总磷排放量2 260 t/a,占重庆市磷污染负荷总量的6.0%。

关键词: 禁磷, 三峡水库, 富营养化, 绩效评估


〖WT5BZ〗〖WT6BZ〗() 〖JZ)〗〖WT5HZ〗Abstract: 〖WTBZ〗Previous research has shown that about 16 percent phosphorus in water body comes from the use of detergents. In order to protect the water environment of the Three Gorges Reservoir, and to prevent water eutrophication, Chongqing municipal government declared that phosphorus should never be used in detergents since 1st January, 2003. The average phosphorus content in detergents containing phosphorus is about 4 percent, and the content in detergents without phosphorus is about 0.013 percent. After being banned in detergents, the phosphorus content of detergents reduced about 99.7 percent averagely. Monitoring data revealed the reduction in total phosphorus concentration in urban wastewater. The decrease proportion in phosphorus content in central city zone is about 15.12%, in medium city about 18.36% and in county side about 33.66%. Before being banned in detergents, the phosphorus from detergents accounted for 13.77% in total phosphorus concentration of urban wastewater, and after that the phosphorus from detergents accounted for only 0.05%. Before being banned in detergents, the phosphorus from detergents accounted for 30.53% in total phosphorus concentration of rural wastewater, and after being banned it occupied only 0.01%. Based on the total phosphorus concentration of urban wastewater and the amount of detergents actually used by per person, about 1 056.2 t·a-1 phosphorus was cut off in urban wastewater after being banned in detergents in the urban area of Chongqing City; while 1 203.8 t·a-1 phosphorus was cut off in wastewater discharged directly to rivers in countryside.

Key words: phosphorus restriction, Three Gorges Reservoir, eutrophication, performance evaluation

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