长江流域资源与环境 >> 2013, Vol. 22 >> Issue (011): 1449-.

• 自然资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


李 雷 | 危起伟 | 吴金明 | 杜 浩 | 谢 晓   

  1. (1.农业部淡水生物多样性保护与利用重点开放实验室|中国水产科学院长江水产研究所|湖北 武汉 430070;2.华中农业大学水产学院|湖北 武汉 430070; 3.中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心|江苏 无锡 214081
  • 出版日期:2013-11-20


LI Lei 1,2, WEI Qiwei 1,2,3, WU Jinming1, DU Hao 1,2,3, XIE Xiao 1,2   

  1. (1.Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute|Chinese Academy of Fisheriy Sciences|Wuhan 434070|China;2.Fisheries College of Huazhong Agricultural University|Wuhan 430070|China
    3.Freshwater Fisheries Research Center|Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences|Wuxi |214081|China)
  • Online:2013-11-20


于2011年5~7月和10月在长江干流宜宾江段进行了鱼类资源调查。共采集到鱼类62种(亚种),隶属于4目10科40属,其中19种为长江上游特有鱼类。圆口铜鱼(Coreius guichenoti)、瓦氏黄颡鱼(Pelteobagrus vachelli)、鲫(Carassius auratus)、长薄鳅(Leptobotia elongate)、中华沙鳅(Botia superciliaris)、南方鲇(Silurus meridionalis)、铜鱼(Coreius heterodon)、鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鲇(Silurus asotus)等为宜宾江段优势种。对主要经济种的体长体重数据进行了分析,结果表明渔获规格较历史数据下降明显,单船日捕捞量亦有减少,长江宜宾段的渔业资源呈现衰退的趋势。作为向家坝蓄水前最后一次对宜宾江段的鱼类群落结构进行分析,研究结果可以为分析向家坝水库蓄水对长江上游鱼类的影响提供数据参考


An investigation of fish resources was conducted for four months in 2011, including May to July and October in Yibin reaches of the Yangtze River.A total of 62 fish species, representing 4 orders, 10 families, and 40 genera, were collected, in which 19 species were endemic to the upper Yangtze River. The indices of relative importance result showed that 9 species were dominant in the fish assemblage, namely Coreiusguichenoti,Pseudobagrusvachelli,Carassiusauratus,Leptobotia elongate, Botiasupercilliaris,Silurusmeridionalis,Coreiusheterodon,HypophthalmichthysmolitrixandSilurusasotus. Considering ecological type, 41 speciesweredemersal fishes, accounting for about 82.26% of all the species,38 specieswereomnivorous fishes, accounting for about 62.90%, 20 specieswerefishes with spawning drift eggs, accounting for about 32.26%, and 17 specieswerefishes living in the torrent water, accounting for about 30.65%. Compared with data of 1997-2005, the percentage (82.26% and 62.90%) of the number of former twospecies above mentionedshowed anincreasing trend relatively, but the other two showed decreasing trend. The phenomenon resulted from changing of ecological environment madequantityof predator on upper trophic level descend. Because most of the demersal fishes were omnivorous fishes whose feeding niche was large and diet was various, they adapted well to new environments which at last led to percentage of the number of species increase. In other words, carnivorous or herbivorous fishes owned simple dietary recipe resulting in easily-damaged population structure, which finally led to decreasing population. A conclusion can be reached that the number of species of fishes with spawning drift eggs and fishes living in the torrent water in Yibin reaches of the Yangtze River would continuegoing down. Compared with past data, averagelength and weight of the main commercial fishes decreasedsharply and yields per fishing boat declined as well.This investigation is the last analysis of the population of structure in Yibin reaches before impoundment of Xiangjiaba, and the results can be referenced to analyze the potential influence of Xiangjiaba Reservoir on the fish resources of the upper Yangtze River and finally provide scientific basis for protecting and managing the fish resources of the Yangtze River

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