长江流域资源与环境 >> 2015, Vol. 24 >> Issue (02): 310-.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201502018

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (长江科学院流域水环境研究所, 湖北 武汉 430010)
  • 出版日期:2015-02-20


ZHAO Weihua, PENG Zenghui, WANG Zhenhua, LI Qingyun   

  1. (Water Environment Department, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute, Wuhan 430010, China)
  • Online:2015-02-20


为了研究小水电站对河流底栖动物群落结构的影响,于2011年7月(丰水期)和2012年4月(枯水期)对云南景谷河底栖动物进行了两次调查,共采集底栖动物61种,隶属34科54属,其中寡毛类2科7属7种,软体动物7科7属7种,水生昆虫22科44属44种,其他动物3种。景谷河丰水期底栖动物平均密度为1 1353 ind./m2,生物量为793 g/m2,枯水期的密度为1 2316 ind./m2,生物量为692 g/m2。河蚬(Corbiculafluminea)、纹石蛾(Hydropsyche sp.)和多足摇蚊(Polypedilum sp.)在丰水期和枯水期均为优势种。功能摄食类群上收集者个体数量较多,约占50%,其余3个类群约占50%。景谷河梯级小水电站对底栖动物群落结构影响较大,小水电站的修建使景谷河生境分为库区、减水段、混合段等三类,分析表明库区底栖动物所受影响最大,减水段次之,混合段受影响较小。对景谷河与澜沧江干流的底栖动物进行了比较,探讨了形成底栖动物分布现状的原因,并提出了几种河流生境恢复策略


Investigations of macrozoobenthos in the Jinggu River were carried out both in high flow period (July 2011) and low flow period (April 2012) for researching the impacts of small hydropower plants(SHPs) on macrozoobenthos.Cobble substrate samples were collected with a surber net (0.09 m2); reservoir sediment samples were collected with a weighted Petersen grab (1/16 m2) and cleaned with a 250 μm sieve. Large animals were manually sorted in a white porcelain dish and small ones were sorted under a dissecting microscope. Specimens were all preserved in 10% formalin.Altogether 61 species belonging to 54 genera, 34 families were recorded,among which, there were 7 species of Oligochaetes, 7 species of Molluscans, 44 species of aquatic insects and 3 other species.The measured density of macrozoobenthos was 1135.3ind./m2, and biomass was 7.93 g/m2during high flow period; 1231.6 ind./m2 in density and 6.92 g/m2 in biomass during low flow period. Taxon number of low flow period was much higher compared to high flow period, density also higher in low flow period, while biomass was lower in low flow period.The dominant species in these two seasons were Corbicula fluminea, Hydropsyche sp. and Polypedilum sp..On the basis of individuals, the composition of the functional feeding groups in the Jinggu River was classified as about 50 percent collectors and 50 percentothers.We did hierarchical agglomerative clustering with macrozoobenthic data of the Xiaoheijiang River and the Jinggu River, the analyzed results showed SHPs have caused some impacts on macrozoobenthic resources.Due to the constructions of SHPs, habitat in the Jinggu River can be classified into three types, i.e. reservoir section, waterreducing section and mixing section.Obviously, taxon number of reservoir section was much less compared to waterreducing section and mixing section, and standing crop was highest in mixing section, lower in waterreducing section, and lowest in reservoir section.Results showed that SHPs had the greatest impact on reservoir section, less impact on waterreducing section, and minimal impact on mixing section.Biodiversity and standing crop were higher in the Jinggu River than the main stem of the Lancangjiang River. The reasons of the status of macrozoobenthos were discussed, and we thought the basic reason was SHPs blocked the river longitudinal continuity. Meanwhile, two types of habitat restoration measures were discussed.Ecological flow was the most effective way to restore rivers hydrological regimes, and artificial step pool system was one of the most effective ways to restore physical habitat

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