长江流域资源与环境 >> 2019, Vol. 28 >> Issue (11): 2672-2680.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201911013

• 长江经济带岸线资源研究(专栏) • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (中国科学院流域地理学重点实验室,中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,江苏 南京 210008)

  • 出版日期:2019-11-20 发布日期:2019-11-29

Exploitation of Port Coastline Resources and Its Spatial Effects Along the Yangtze River

LIANG Shuang-bo, LIU Wei-chen, CAO You-hui, WU Wei   

  1. (Key Laboratory of Watershed Geographic Sciences,Nanjing Institute of Geography
     and Limnology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Nanjing 210008,China)
  • Online:2019-11-20 Published:2019-11-29

摘要: 港口岸线资源的科学有序利用是支撑长江经济带高质量发展的重要抓手。以长江干流港口岸线为对象,基于高分遥感影像数据和沿江化工企业数据,借助GIS空间分析等技术方法,探究长江港口岸线资源开发利用及其空间效应。研究发现,港口岸线是长江岸线开发利用的主要类型,上下游港口岸线的利用强度、利用效率存在较大差异。江苏港口岸线的利用强度最高,重庆、四川的利用强度相对较低;苏州港口岸线利用效率始终保持最高水平,荆州始终处于最低水平,个别港口岸线的利用效率波动下降。总体上,沿江5 km范围内的化工企业受到港口岸线开发空间效应的影响最为显著,但其影响范围和强度在上中下游不同地区存在明显分异。

Abstract: The scientific and orderly exploitation of port coastline resources is an important way to support the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt. Based on the data of high-resolution remote sensing image and chemical enterprises along the Yangtze river, we select the coastline of the Yangtze River trunk stream and investigate the exploitation of port coastline resources and its spatial effects along the Yangtze river by means of GIS and other technical methods. The research shows that the port coastline is the main type of exploitation of the Yangtze River coastline and there are quite differences in the exploitation intensity and efficiency of the upstream and downstream port coastline. The exploitation intensity of Jiangsu port coastline is the highest, while that of Chongqing and Sichuan is relatively low. The exploitation efficiency of Suzhou port coastline is always at the highest level, while that of Jingzhou port coastline is always at the lowest level, and the exploitation efficiency of individual port coastline fluctuates. In general, chemical enterprises within 5km along the Yangtze River are most significantly affected by the spatial effects of port coastline exploitation, but their influence scope and intensity are obviously different in different areas of the upper, middle and lower reaches along the Yangtze River.

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