长江流域资源与环境 >> 2020, Vol. 29 >> Issue (11): 2479-2487.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202011015

• 农业发展 • 上一篇    下一篇

社会化小农趋势下农户低碳经营的路径分析 ——以湖北省为例


  1. (华中农业大学公共管理学院,湖北 武汉 430070)
  • 出版日期:2020-11-20 发布日期:2020-12-17

Path Analysis of Socializing Household Farmers’ Lower-Carbon Management:Take Hubei Province as A Case Study Area

SHAN Yu-hong, WANG Lin-na,LIU Meng-jiao   

  1. (College of Public Administration,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China)
  • Online:2020-11-20 Published:2020-12-17

摘要: 研究目的:解析当前小农社会化进程中阻碍小农响应外界的低碳农业需求的主要因素,提出推动低碳农业发展的相关措施。研究方法:通过分析社会化小农对低碳农业导向的响应特征,基于计划行为理论(TPB)构造农户低碳经营的路径分析概念模型并设计量表和调查问卷。选择湖北省的通山、黄陂、鄂州、江夏、蔡甸为实证研究区对农户的低碳经营状况进行入户调查,并使用结构方程模型(SEM)对调查数据进行路径分析。研究结果:当前仅有部分农户以减碳源为主的形式进行了低碳经营,增汇型低碳行为占比较小,而且部分低碳行为是无低碳意识的低碳行为,低碳意愿和低碳行为存在一定程度的背离。模型拟合结果表明研究区农户的低碳意向到低碳行为的转化率不足;农户低碳经营的首要目的是保障自身的食品和生态环境安全;影响农户低碳意愿的行为转化率的主要因素均直接或间接指向“农户对把控低碳经营的市场风险及其获得可观效益的信心不足”;主观规范因素对农户进行低碳行为的影响作用有限。研究结论:可从“提升主体对低碳经营的感知行为控制能力”和“强化主体对低碳经营的态度和主观规范的认知”两方面着手,通过再塑农户对于家乡的归属感、使命感来重构乡村社会空间秩序,加快农地流转,积极培育新型职业农民,大力推动碳汇交易等措施和手段来强化农户对低碳经营的认知、提升低碳意愿到低碳行为的转化率,以及推动研究区无意识低碳行为到有意识低碳行为的转变。

Abstract: Based on the socialization of peasants, the paper analyzes the main factors that may hinder small-scale farmers from responding to the external demands for low-carbon agriculture, and puts forward some proposals to promote lower-carbon agriculture. By analyzing the response characteristics of socializing household farmers to the lower-carbon agriculture orientation, a conceptual model is built based on the theory of planned behavior to analyze the path of socializing peasants’ lower-carbon management, and then two survey questionnaires were conducted in five districts of Tongshan, Huangpi, Ezhou, Jiangxia and Caidian of Hubei province. The surveys show that only a part of peasants have conducted lower-carbon managements mainly by reducing carbon emissions, and seldom can conduct lower-carbon management by increasing carbon sequestration. Further more some lower-carbon management behaviors may not be driven by lower-carbon willingness, which can be called unconscious lower-carbon behaviors. It means there is a  certain degree of deviation between lower-carbon willingness and lower-carbon behavior . The fitting results of the SEM model also verified the view. The conversion ability or probability of samples' lower-carbon intention to lower-carbon behavior is only 0.34, which is really limited because farmers think they may lack the ability to evade market risks and obtain considerable income. Besides samples’ original intention of lower-carbon management is to ensure their own food security and ecological environment security. The fitting results also show the factor of ‘subjective normative’ does not have sufficient impact on farmers' low-carbon behavior because the rules of collective action of peasant households are becoming less efficient under the socialization of peasants. Some proposals can be put forward to raise the conversion rate of lower-carbon intention to lower-carbon behavior and promote the transformation from the unconscious lower-carbon behaviors to conscious ones, including broadening socializing peasants’ cognizance of lower-carbon management, strengthening collective conscious by rebuilding farmers’ sense of belonging and mission to their hometown and reconstructing the spatial order of rural society, enhancing peasants’ perceived behavioral control ability to lower-carbon management by speeding up the transfer of farmland, cultivating new professional farmers, and promoting carbon sink trading.

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