长江流域资源与环境 >> 2013, Vol. 22 >> Issue (02): 129-.

• 区域可持续发展 •    下一篇


蔡安宁 | 梁进社 | 李 雪   

  1. (1.北京师范大学地理学与遥感科学学院|北京 100875; 2.淮阴师范学院城市与环境学院|江苏 淮安 223300)
  • 出版日期:2013-02-20


CAI Anning1,2, LIANG Jinshe1| LI Xue1   

  1. (1.School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China|2.School of Urban and Environmental Science, Huaiyin Normal University, Huaian 223300, China)
  • Online:2013-02-20




Transport plays an important role in the process of socioeconomic development and the evolution of urban form.According to the calculating processes and assessment methods of transportation superiority degree in “The Technical Specification of Regional Division of Provincial Major Functional Zones”,we used three indicators,traffic network density,traffic trunk influence value and location superiority degree.As to administrative division data, we used latest geographic database and statistical data of 62 counties of Jiangsu Province.Finally, base on the technology of GIS, we got the features and causes of spatial pattern of transportation superiority degree in Jiangsu Province.
The results of the research showd that transportation superiority degree had a regional differentiation of “high in the south and low in the north” in Jiangsu Province.Transportation superiority degree appeared spatial autocorrelation.High value and low value areas were relatively assembled and mosaic distribution.Distribution of high value area was along the Shanganjing line and  the Yangtze River, while distribution of low value area was along the abandoned Yellow River, Hongze Lake and the coastal of Jiangsu.There was relatively close relationship between transportation superiority degree and the level of economic development at county level.The correlation coefficient reachesed 0798.Transportation superiority degree had a partial normal distribution statistically.12.1% of the area had outstanding transportation advantages and superior transport condition for socioeconomic development.In contrast,27% of the area had obvious disadvantages and inferior transport condition,and thus impeded local socioeconomic development.The remaining areas, about 68% of the total countries, had a little bit better or a little bit lower than average level of transportation superiority degree.
Based on the analysis above, we could recognize the spatial mechanism of transport infrastructure and better understand how to take advantage of the good features or avert the disadvantages of transport infrastructure in Jiangsu Province.Transportation superiority degree represents how important a regional location and condition influence to its economic development potentially.The higher transportation superiority degree is, the better development environment we have.With long time of development for transportation construction,transport network in Jiangsu  has been gradually improved, and correspondingly transportation superiority degree is higher.Especially,13 key cities have higher transportation superiority degree and play important roles in affecting the development of their surrounding areas.But there are still some problems, such as no sufficient connection between different types of transport, especially lacking direct railways to sea ports.The current development situation of railwayriver combined transportation and oceanrail transportation lags behind overall improvement of economic conditions.In some harbor cities, the eternal transportations of the cities have some conflicts with inside city traffic, such as Lianyungang, Nantong, Suzhou and Zhangjiagang.There are relatively weak economic connection between Shanghai and Subei.Transportation superiority degree will be reduced by these factors.
In conclusion, there is a sustained demand for Jiangsu Province to accelerate the construction of transport infrastructure and improve the level of modern transportation industry,in order to promote social economic activities and realize city modernization

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