长江流域资源与环境 >> 2014, Vol. 23 >> Issue (07): 911-.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201407003

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  1. (1华东师范大学中国现代城市研究中心, 上海 200062;2广西师范大学经济与管理学院, 
    广西 桂林541004;3广西师范大学环境与资源学院, 广西 桂林 541004)
  • 出版日期:2014-07-20


DAI Qiwen1, 2, PENG Yu2, LIU CheYuan2, ZHAI Luxin2   

  1. (1 The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;
    2College of Economics and Management, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China; 
    3 College of Environment and Resources, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China)
  • Online:2014-07-20




Using the questionnaire and contingent valuation methods, this study analyzes the perception of beneficiaries on Guangxi Maoershan National Natural Reserve, their willingness to pay for its ecological compensation, factors influencing willingness and ways of the willingness to pay from the perspective of beneficiaries The results are as follows.(1)Beneficiaries were not familiar with the reserves basic situation and aim, but most of them thought that Maoershan National Natural Reserve was closely related to the water resources of the middle and lower reaches of the Lijiang River More than half of the beneficiaries thought that the ecological environment in Lijiang River Basin has become worse, 7643% of the respondents believed they have benefited from the natural reserve, 2197% of them didnt think that they benefit from the protection zone It should be noted that 16% of the beneficiaries could not answer the question, because they dont understand the relation between the reserve and their lives (2)8558% of the beneficiaries were willing to provide help for the reserve The reasons why they were reluctant to help include low income; the management of the protected areas is the responsibility of the government; and they distrust that the government or relevant organizations can rationally use and manage the funds and they did not benefit from the reserve The willingness to pay of beneficiary was 28789 Yuan per year per household (3) The aggregate economic value of Guangxi Maoershan National Natural Reserve ecosystem service is [XCd1.tif]202×108 yearly Since we investigated urban residents in the benefited region and the average willingness to pay of beneficiary is in fact the urban residents willingness to pay But in the calculation of total ecosystem value of reserve, the article multiplied the average willingness to pay by the total number of households, including urban families and rural families, so there may be a higher result (4)The chisquare test revealed that except for the influence of age and gender, the level of education, annual household income and occupations affected willingness to pay in different degrees The willingness to pay monotonously changed with educational attainment and annual household income The willingness of the beneficiaries with annual household income of 100 000 Yuan was 5 times more than those of under 12 000 Yuan The influence of occupation on the average willingness to pay was different The highest willingness to pay was from enterprise employees, the second was from the teachers, the lowest one was from peasants, only up to 55% of the enterprise employees (5) The beneficiaries preferred to pay in different ways They favor to pay for the ecological benefits provided by the reserve through participating in environmental protection activities and tax, contrast to cash payment 5558% of the beneficiaries favor to pay for the ecological benefits provided by the reserve through participating in environmental protection activities, 2834% of the respondents thought that using tax as the compensation funds is a good choice, 1497% of the beneficiaries choose to pay cash for the ecosystem service.

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