长江流域资源与环境 >> 2004, Vol. 13 >> Issue (5): 471-476.

• 农业发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


周卫军, 王凯荣, 谢小立, 刘 鑫   

  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2004-09-20
  • 通讯作者: 周卫军


ZHOU Wei-jun, WANG Kai-rong, XIE Xiao-li, LIU Xin   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-09-20
  • Contact: ZHOU Wei-jun

摘要: 田间模拟施肥和水分管理模式的定位试验结果表明:施肥和水分管理模式显著地影响水分和养分的转化和生产效益。单施N的产量效应为4.5 kg/kg,而NP或NPK配施养分的产量效应分别为8.8 kg/kg和8.0 kg/kg;有机物料循环的增产率为56.5%;在有机物循环的基础上配施NPK化肥最大的增产率可达79.8%。常规灌溉年需水量为5 838 m3/hm2,田间水分分配为:蒸散占1/2,翻耕整地占1/6,植物构成占1/21,田间渗漏占1/14,其它环境耗水(维持)占1/5。晚稻灌溉占全年的71%,7~9月是灌溉需水高峰期,占全年灌溉量的68%。生产灌溉效率:生物量3.67 kg/m3,精谷量1.48 kg/m3。双季稻生产的灌溉,以早稻保持水层灌溉,晚稻按需配额灌溉的模式比较适宜。

关键词: 红壤稻田系统, 水分, 养分, 转化过程, 生产效益

Abstract: The located experiment was conducted in Taoyuan Experimental Station of Agroecosystem Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The result indicated that both fertilization system and water management pattern significantly affected the transformation process and productive efficiency of the nutrient and water. The productive efficiency was 4.5 kg/kg for N fertilizer application only, 8.8 kg/kg and \{8.0 kg/kg\} for NP and NPK fertilizers combined, respectively. The yieldincrease rate was 56.5% under organic residue recycled, however it could be up to 79.8% based on organic residue combined application with NPK fertilizer. The yieldincrease rate was 62.2% with fertilizer application development and for 79.8% with inorganicorganic fertilizer combined. In other words, In the case of optimum fertilization system, the largest contribution portion of inorganic fertilizer applied was 38.4% while that of inorganicorganic fertilizer combined was 44.4%. There were obvious differences in water transformation in paddy ecosystem with different water irrigation pattern. Water needed by irrigation was about 5 838m\+3/hm\+2 and the annual variation efficient of irrigation water required was 8.3%, of which 71% by growing late rice. Water distribution in the paddy field with control irrigation (CI) showed that transpiration and evaporation counted for 1/2, plowing and preparing land for 1/6, plant constitution for 1/21, field leakage for 1/14, and other environment consumption (maintenance) for 1/5. Whereas, the proportion of plowing and preparing land and field leakage was too large under rain feed (RF). Irrigation between July and September consumed 68% of the total water required. Irrigation productive rate is 3.67 kg/m3 in rice biomass and 1.48 kg/m3 in grain output. It was concluded that for growing double rice in double rice region of red soil, the thinner water layer must kept in early rice and the periodical rational irrigation was very important for late rice.

Key words: the paddy ecosystem, water, nutrient, transformation processes, productive efficiency

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