长江流域资源与环境 >> 2012, Vol. 21 >> Issue (11): 1314-.

• 区域可持续发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭谁琼, 黄贤金   

  1. (南京大学国土资源与旅游学系| 江苏 南京 210093)
  • 出版日期:2012-11-20


GUO Shuiqiong, HUANG Xianjin   

  1. (Department of Land Resources and Tourism Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China)
  • Online:2012-11-20


对近10 a来国内外有关气候变化经济学研究成果作了综述。气候变化经济学是一门研究人类干预气候变化过程中涉及经济过程的学科。当前的研究热点包括气候变化的经济影响、适应措施的成本和收益、国际合作机制和涉及代际公平的折现率选取。 在研究方法上,对得到广泛运用的成本收益分析法和碳税机制作了详细的评述。在应用层面上,欧美发达国家在城市气候变化经济评估系统建立和碳税征收方面都有成功的应用,但我国在这方面的实践还处于起步阶段。对于我国气候变化经济学领域的研究来说,比较适合在发达省份以市域或省域为单位开展成本收益评估,发展中省份则应将更多关注放在评估气候变化可能造成的经济损害及相应的防范措施。此外,我国也应关注在欧盟地区实施较为成功的碳税政策,虽然目前在中国开征碳税的可能性较低,但是对碳税在中国实施的可行性、税率选取及立法保障机制等方面的探讨和研究仍是必要的


This paper gives a review on research achievements concerning economics of climate change in the past decade.Economics of climate change is a subject that studies economic behaviors during the process of climate change caused by human intervention.Current researches are pronominally focused on the impact of climate change on economics,costs and benefits of adaptation measures,international cooperation mechanism and discount rate selection involving intergenerational equity.In terms of research methods,this paper conducted a detailed description on the widely used costbenefit analysis and carbon tax mechanism.At the application level,developed regions including Europe and the United States have done an excellent job in the respect of building urban economics of climate change assessment system and carbon tax imposture,of which we are still in its infancy.In regard to the researches on economics of climate change,it is more suitable to carry out costbenefit assessment in developed provinces or cities than in developing ones,which should concentrate on assessing the potential economic damage caused by climate change and its prevention measures.In addition,we should also be concerned about successful carbon tax policies in the EU region even though the carbon tax is unlikely to be introduced in China currently,and it is also necessary to discuss and study the feasibility of carbon tax, approaches to proper tax rate as well as legislation to protect the mechanism

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