长江流域资源与环境 >> 2020, Vol. 29 >> Issue (4): 938-949.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202004015

• 自然资源 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (1.中国科学院水生植物与流域生态重点实验室,中国科学院武汉植物园,湖北 武汉 430074;2.中国科学院大学,北京 100049;3.湖北省林业勘察设计院,湖北 武汉 430223;4.湖南八大公山国家级自然保护区管理处,湖南 桑植 416900)

  • 出版日期:2020-04-20 发布日期:2020-06-12

Study on Variations of Seedling Functional Traits in A Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broad-leaved Forest in Central China

WAN Dan1,2, LIU Jian-ming3, XU Yao-zhan1, JIANG Ming-xi1, GU Zhi-rong4, LIAO Chun-lin4   

  1. (1. Key Laboratory of Aquatic Botany and Watershed Ecology, Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Science, Wuhan 430074, China; 2. University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049, China; 3. The Forestry Prospect & Design Institute of Hubei Province, Wuhan 430223, China; 4. Administration Bureau of Badagongshan National Nature Reserve, Sangzhi 416900, China)
  • Online:2020-04-20 Published:2020-06-12

摘要: 摘要: 以湖南八大公山25 hm2常绿落叶阔叶混交林动态监测样地中24个常见物种为研究对象,按照不同生长阶段(H1: 5≤H<20 cm、H2: 20≤H<40 cm、H3: 40≤H<80 cm、H4: 80≤H<130 cm、H5: H≥130 cm且DBH<1 cm)获取了826株幼苗并测量了叶片和茎干功能性状,分析了不同生长阶段、冠层和叶片习性幼苗功能性状变异,以及不同功能性状对幼苗存活的影响。结果表明:(1)幼苗功能性状在不同生长阶段差异显著,随着幼苗生长,比叶面积(SLA)、叶片碳氮比(C/N)呈现下降趋势,比茎密度(SSD)、叶柄长度(PL)、叶片氮磷比(N/P)和叶绿素含量(Chl)呈现升高趋势;(2)SLA在灌木层、亚乔木层和乔木层间无明显变化,叶片厚度(LT)、Chl和N/P在3个冠层间变化显著,SSD和PL均在灌木层和乔木层间无明显变化,C/N在灌木层和亚乔木层间无明显差异;(3)常绿树种幼苗具有较高的Chl和LT,落叶树种幼苗具有较高的SLA、叶片氮含量(LNC)、叶片磷含量(LPC)和PL;(4)个体大小对幼苗存活具有显著正效应,LPC促进落叶树种幼苗存活,抑制常绿树种幼苗存活。在植物生活史早期,不同功能群植物针对林下低光环境采取了不同生长适应策略,不同生长阶段幼苗也根据光环境的改变调整自身功能性状。另外,八大公山常绿落叶阔叶混交林中幼苗的生长主要受氮素限制,且这种限制作用随着幼苗生长逐渐减弱。

Abstract: Abstract:Seedling functional traits reflect plant life history strategy and may potentially influence forest regeneration and species coexistence in forest communities. Based on 25 hm2 Badagongshan (BDGS) forest plot in Hunan province, we selected 24 common tree species and collected functional traits of 826 seedlings. Variations of seedling functional traits and their effects on seedling survival were analyzed. The main results are as following: (1) Some significant trait trends were detected among different seedling height. Specific leaf area (SLA) and carbon-nitrogen ratio (C/N) decreased while stem specific density (SSD), petiole length (PL), nitrogen-phosphorus ratio (N/P) and chlorophyll (Chl) increased with the growth of seedling. (2) No significance of SLA and remarkable differences of leaf thickness (LT), Chl and N/P were detected between canopy, understory and shrub. SSD and PL showed no difference between canopy and shrub while C/N showed no difference between understory and shrub. (3) Evergreen trees had larger LT and Chl while deciduous trees had larger SLA, leaf nitrogen content (LNC), leaf phosphorus content (LPC) and PL. (4) Individual size meant a lot in seedling survival. LPC acted inversely in the survival of evergreen and deciduous seedlings. In early life stage, different plant functional groups adopted different adaptation strategies and seedlings of different sizes adjusted their traits to the light change. Moreover, there was a nitrogen limitation in seedling growth in Badagongshan (BDGS) subtropical evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest and this limitation became weaker with the growth of seedling.

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