长江流域资源与环境 >> 2015, Vol. 24 >> Issue (12): 2135-2141.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj201512018

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


赵平伟, 郭萍, 李成武, 李立印, 张俊凯, 李屏, 邓辉敏   

  1. 云南省临沧市气象局, 云南 临沧 677099
  • 收稿日期:2015-03-16 修回日期:2015-06-30 出版日期:2015-12-20
  • 作者简介:赵平伟(1983~),男,工程师,主要研究方向为气象环境.E-mail:7203956@qq.com
  • 基金资助:


ZHAO Ping-wei, GUO Ping, LI Cheng-wu, LI Li-yin, ZHANG Jun-kai, LI Ping, DENG Hui-min   

  1. Lincang Meteorological Bureauof Yunnan Province, Linchang 677099, China
  • Received:2015-03-16 Revised:2015-06-30 Online:2015-12-20

摘要: 为研究云南省及5个子区域年降雨侵蚀力和各量级降雨侵蚀力的时空变化特征,基于云南120个站点近43 a逐日降水资料,利用Man-Kendall趋势检验、Morlet连续复小波变换分析等方法进行系统分析。结果表明:各区域大雨侵蚀力在年降雨侵蚀力中起主导作用;年内各月降雨侵蚀力滇西北基本以大雨侵蚀力为主,其余区域干季以中雨侵蚀力为主,雨季以大雨侵蚀力为主;各量级降雨侵蚀力表现出降雨量级越大,季节性越强,集中程度越高的特征;各区域中雨侵蚀力相对变化呈减少趋势,其余量级降雨侵蚀力变化趋势以减居多;暴雨侵蚀力相对变化程度最强,大雨和中雨侵蚀力相对较缓;滇西北年降雨侵蚀力、大雨和中雨侵蚀力以9 a左右时间尺度为主震荡周期,其余区域主震荡周期多为18~21 a左右,暴雨侵蚀力主震荡周期在各区域存在一定差异。

关键词: 云南省, 不同量级降雨, 降雨侵蚀力, 小波分析

Abstract: Soil erosion has become a global ecological and environmental problem. Soil erosion not only lead to the destruction of land resources and reduced crop yields,but also cause water pollution and reservoir sedimentation,and increase flood risks. Therefore,the evaluation of regional soil erosion risk by analyzing the spatial and temporal variation of rainfall erosivity is of both scientific and practical significances. In order to study the spatial and temporal variations of annual rainfall erosivity and rainfall erosivity at each level in Yunnan province and its five sub-regions, this study used the data of daily rainfalls for nearly 43a from 120 observation stations in Yunnan province and made the systematic analysis through Man-Kendall trend test,Morlet continue wavelet transform and other approaches. The results indicated that: the annual mean rainfall erosivity is 4415.6 MJ·mm/(hm2·h·a), the annual mean precipitation is 1081.6 mm and the average precipitation day is 150.5 d. The erosivity of heavy rain played the leading role in regulating the annual rainfall erosivity,65.4-71.4% of the annual rainfall erosivity was generated from the rainfall erosivity of heavy rain or at a higher level that accounted for 5.3-8.5% of the annual precipitation days. 4.2-6.9% of erosive precipitation days was generated from the rainfall erosivity of heavy rain that accounted for 38-43.9% of the annual rainfall erosivity. The spatial distribution of average rainfall erosivity is basically consistent with that of average precipitation. The spatial distribution of average rainfall erosivity and precipitation is significantly different from that of average precipitation days. The diversity of spatial distribution of rainfall erosivity at different levels increased with the precipitation levels. The spatial distribution of rainfall erosivity at the same level is highly related with that of precipitation. Tn the Northwest Yunnan areas,the erosivity of heavy rain played the leading role for most of the months. In the remaining areas,the rainfall erosivity of moderate rain played the leading role in the dry season while the erosivity of heavy rain played the leading role in the rainy season. For the rainfall erosivity at each level, higher rainfall level is characterized by greater seasonal variation and concentration . In each region,the rainfall erosivity of moderate rain was relatively reduced while the rainfall erosivity at other levels was predominately reduced. The rainfall erosivity of rainstorm was relatively changed to a greatest extent while the rainfall erosivity of heavy rain and moderate rain was changed at a relatively slow rate. In each region,the annual rainfall erosivity and rainfall erosivity at each level generally has 3-4 fluctuation periods,the major oscillation period was measured by 9a in terms of the annual rainfall erosivity,the erosivity of heavy rain and the erosivity of moderate rain in the Northwest Yunnan areas. The major oscillation period was measured from 18a to 21a in the remaining areas. In terms of the rainfall erosivity of heavy rain,the major oscillation periods were largely distinguished in each region.

Key words: Yunnan province, different magnitude of rainfall, rainfall erosivity, wavelet analysis


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