长江流域资源与环境 >> 2020, Vol. 29 >> Issue (1): 211-219.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202001019

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


郭凌曜1,廖玉芳2*,段丽洁1 ,李晶2,李英3

  1. (1. 湖南省气候中心,湖南 长沙 410118;2. 湖南省气象科学研究所,湖南 长沙 410118 ;
    3.成都军区空军气象中心,四川 成都 610041)
  • 出版日期:2020-01-20 发布日期:2020-03-24

Characteristics of Cold Air in Hunan

GUO Ling-yao1,LIAO Yu-fang2,DUAN Li-jie1,LI Jing2,LI Ying3   

  1. (1.Hunan Climate Center, Changsha 410118,China;2.Institute of Meteorological Science of Hunan Province, 
    Changsha 410118,China;3.Air force Meteorological Center of Chengdu Military Region,Chengdu 610041,China)
  • Online:2020-01-20 Published:2020-03-24

摘要: 基于1961~2016年湖南省97个地面气象观测站逐日最低气温资料,依据GB/T 20484-2017统计分析湖南省的冷空气活动特征,结果表明:(1)影响湖南的冷空气,其活动周期为3~4 d,并以弱冷空影响为主,占总次数的87.4%;强冷空气和寒潮活动主要发生在春、冬季;冷空气影响次数在空间上呈北多南少分布,较强冷空气以上等级影响次数呈北少南多分布。(2)冷空气影响次数的空间分布存在明显的季节性变化, 1~5、10~12月自北向南递减;6、9月表现为调整期;7~8月呈现为自北向南递增。(3)1961~2016年冷空气影响次数无明显趋势变化,但年代际变化特征明显;强冷空气影响次数则存在显著减少趋势。(4)1961~2016年冷空气过程降温幅度呈显著减少趋势,冷空气过程持续时间呈不显著增加趋势;冷空气过程影响湖南的持续时间基本在5 d之内,降温幅度≥8℃、10℃、12℃的冷空气过程持续时间以3 d占比最大。(5)与1961~1980年相比,1981~2010年湖南大部分县(市)的平均降温幅度减少,平均过程降温持续时间在增加。

Abstract: According to the national standard GB/T 20484-2017 of the People's Republic of China, based on the daily minimum temperature data of 97 stations in Hunan Province during 1961-2016 years, the statistical analysis of cold air activity characteristics in Hunan province shows: (1) The activity cycle of the cold air affecting Hunan is 3-4 d. It is mainly weak cold air, and is 87.4% of the total times. The strong cold air and cold wave are mostly in winter and spring. The frequency of cold air influence is more in the north than in the south in space, and the strong cold air influence is opposite. (2) The spatial distribution of cold air influence in Hunan is the obvious seasonal change. From January to may and October to December, the number of cold air decreases from north to south; June and September are adjustment periods; From July to August, the spatial distribution of cold air impacts is increasing from north to south. (3) There was no significant change in the number of cold air impacts in Hunan Province during 1961-2016, but the interdecadal variation was obvious. The times of severe cold air influence showed significant decreasing. (4) The cooling range of the cold air process in Hunan Province showed significant decreasing during 1961-2016; The duration of the cold air process presented insignificant increasing. The duration of the cold air influence process in Hunan was in 5d. The proportion of cooling air temperature greater than or equal to 8℃, 10℃, 12℃ of the cold air lasted for 3 d was the largest. (5)Compared with 1961-1980, the average cooling range in the most counties (cities) of Hunan was decreasing during 1981-2010, and the average duration of cooling was increasing.

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