长江流域资源与环境 >> 2021, Vol. 30 >> Issue (5): 1164-1174.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202105013

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇


江婉舒1,2,周立志1,2* ,周小春3   

  1. (1. 安徽大学资源与环境工程学院,安徽 合肥 230601;2. 湿地生态保护与修复安徽省重点实验室,
    安徽大学,安徽 合肥 230601;3. 安徽省湿地保护中心,安徽 合肥 230001)
  • 出版日期:2021-05-20 发布日期:2021-06-15

Assessment of Wetlands Importance in Anhui Province Based on Entropy Weight Method

JIANG Wan-shu 1,2, ZHOU Li-zhi 1,2, ZHOU Xiao-chun3   

  1. (1.School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China; 2. Anhui Province
    Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecosystem Protection and Restoration(Anhui University), Hefei 230601, China;
    3. Wetland Conservation Center of Anhui Provincial, Hefei 230001, China)
  • Online:2021-05-20 Published:2021-06-15

摘要: 湿地重要性评估是湿地生态系统功能有效管理的基础性工作,湿地功能要素的识别是科学、客观地评估湿地的保护价值及其重要性的前提条件,同时是识别湿地保护地空缺,加强湿地保护规划的重要基础。结合安徽省湿地特点,采用熵权法从湿地的必要性、稀有性、及其调节功能、资源功能等9个方面选取22个指标,构建了安徽省湿地重要性评估指标体系,对安徽省湿地斑块进行生态保护价值重要性评估,并根据自然断裂法,将安徽省湿地划分为极重要、高度重要、较重要和一般重要湿地,同时利用主成分分析法对湿地重要性的影响因素进行分析。结果表明:安徽省湿地重要性评估分值在0.974 1~6.558 8之间,其中极重要湿地(4.027 1~6.558 8)居多,主要分布在长江、淮河流域,面积约50.30万hm 2,占研究区域湿地面积的48.29%,高度重要湿地(2.404 9~4.027 0)约13.25万hm 2,较重要湿地(1.435 1~2.404 8)面积约18.17万hm 2,一般重要湿地(0.974 1~1.435 0)约22.40万hm 2,零星分布于全省;湿地鸟类资源、国家重点保护物种数、水资源、水质以及湿地的自然性等是安徽省湿地重要性的主要影响因素。建立的评估指标体系和评估结果为安徽省湿地的保护价值定位、优先建立建设和等级划分管理提供理论依据。

Abstract: The assessment of wetland importance is a basic work of effective management of wetland ecosystem functions. The identification of wetland functional elements is a prerequisite for scientific and objective assessment of the protection value and the importance of wetlands. At the same time, it is an important basis for identifying wetland protection sites and strengthening the effective management of wetland protection sites. Combined with the characteristics of the wetland in Anhui Province, the entropy weight method was used to select 22 indicators from 9 aspects, which including the necessity, rarity, and their regulatory functions and resource functions of the wetland, constructed an index system for the evaluation of the importance of the wetland in Anhui Province. According to the natural fracture method, the wetland in Anhui Province were divided into extremely important, highly important, important and generally important wetlands. At the same time, the principal component analysis method was used to analyze the factors affecting the importance of wetlands. The results show as fellows: The evaluation score of the importance of wetlands in Anhui Province ranges from 0.974 1 to 6.558 8, of which the extremely important wetlands (4.027 1 to 6.558 8) are mostly distributed mainly in the Yangtze River and Huaihe River basins, with an area of about 503 thousand hm 2, accounting for the wetlands in the study area 48.29% of the area, highly important wetlands (2.404 9~4.027 0) is about 132 500 hm 2, more important wetlands (1.435 1~2.404 8) are about 181 700 hm 2, and generally important wetlands (0.974 1~1.435 0) are about 224 000 hm 2, scattered sporadically throughout the province; Wetland bird resources, the number of key national protected species, water resources, water quality, and the nature of wetlands are the main influencing factors of the importance of wetlands in Anhui Province. The established evaluation index system and evaluation results could provide a theoretical basis for the protection of wetland protection value, priority establishment of construction and management of grade division in Anhui Province.

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