长江流域资源与环境 >> 2004, Vol. 13 >> Issue (5): 448-453.

• 自然资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


徐世晓, 赵新全, 孙 平, 赵同标    

  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2004-09-20
  • 通讯作者: 徐世晓


XU Shi-xiao, ZHAO Xin-quan, SUN Ping, ZHAO Tong-biao   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2004-09-20
  • Contact: XU Shi-xiao

摘要: 广袤的草地、特有的高寒湿地以及丰富而有又独特的生物多样性是江河源区重要的自然生物资源。草地占江河源区总土地面积的84.53%,是源区畜牧业经济发展的基础,同时也是长江、黄河和澜沧江三大江河的源头区域,为江河中、下游地区生态环境稳定和经济持续发展提供无可替代的服务。江河源区是世界上海拔最高的高寒湿地主要分布区,湿地总面积达8 000 km2。江河源区独特的生态环境孕育了种类繁多的特有动、植物种类,源区约有哺乳动物、鸟类和鱼类133、249和219种,牧草植物、药用植物、食用植物和观赏植物约800、808、80和400种,是世界海拔最高的生物多样性集中分布区。然而,由于超载放牧、盲目采挖、盗猎等不合理的开发和利用以及气候变化等诸多因素的综合影响,江河源区草地生态系统退化、高寒湿地萎缩、生物多样性锐减等生态环境危机不断加剧。正确权衡江河源区自然生物资源的短期经济价值及其所拥有的巨大生态公益和潜在开发价值,科学决策,保护江河源区自然生物资源迫在眉睫。

关键词: 江河源区, 草地, 湿地, 生物多样性

Abstract: Widely spread grassland, specific alpine wetland and endemic biodiversity are main natural biological resources in the source region of ChangjiangYellow Rivers. The grassland is the most important vegetation type in the region, covering 84.53% of the land surface in the region and providing livelihoods for nomadic pastoralism there as well as forage for livestock, foods, herbal medicine and fuels. It is the substantial resource for pastoral development, and also home to the sources of Yangtze, Yellow and Lancang Rivers, named as Chinese Water Tower. Rivers originated from the region provide the much needed irrigation water that feed the agricultural fields of hundreds of millions of farmers in the downstream regions. These rivers and their tributaries are the lifeblood of millions of people in their drainage areas, and supply immense services such as water supply, climate regulation, erosion control, etc, for the ecoenvironment soundness and economic development in middle and lower reaches of rivers. There are 8 000 km\+2 alpine wetland in source regions, which is the highest area of alpine wetland in the world. The vast land surface of the region has wide climatic variations caused by the unique plateau atmospheric circulation system, such unusual natural conditions give rise to a diverse natural habitats for complex species of flora and fauna. Approximately 133, 249, and 219 species of mammals, avians, and fish, and 800, 808, 80 and 400 species of grazing plants, herbal medicines, edible plants and ornamentals are endemic to the regions. The ChangjiangYellow River source region is the typical highest biodiverse region in the world. However, the grassland degeneration, alpine wetland reduction, biodiversity loss increase over all the source region due to the over exploitation and utilization. Now we have to make correct tradeoff between shortterm economic value and immense ecological services and potential value of natural biological resources in the region, and there is a critical need for natural biological resources protection in the source regions through scientific and powerful policy measures.

Key words: source region of ChangjiangYellow Rivers, grassland, wetland, biodiversity

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