长江流域资源与环境 >> 2008, Vol. 17 >> Issue (4): 529-529.

• 区域可持续发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


张 燕| 张 洪| 彭补拙   

  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2008-07-20


ZHANG Yan, ZHANG Hong, PENG Buzhuo   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-07-20



关键词: 协调判别法, 状态数, 偏离度, 优化度, 协调性, 通州市


In order to evaluate the coordination level of a system,the method of coordination assessing is designed.Its key procedures are as the followings.Firstly,the system is divided into several subsystems and a number of representative factors that can be easily measured by specific indexes for every chosen subsystem.Secondly,based on the certain criterion the factors are divided into two classifications:satisfactory and dissatisfactory.Counting and summing up the factor numbers of each classification in a subsystem,they are used for calculating the state degree of the subsystem by the normalized process.Thirdly,the location of the state point of the system,depended on the state degrees of the subsystems,is determined in the certain space,in which numbers of dimension are decided by the number of subsystems.In the space there is a line named completely coordinated growth;the state points fallen in the line indicates that the state degrees of various subsystems are equal and develop in the same proportion.Fourthly,the tow distances,one is the distance between the state point and the line of completely coordinated growth (named deviation degree) and the other is the distance between state point and the origin (named advancement degree),can be calculated.Finally,based on the two distances the development synchronism among subsystems and the coordination of the system composed of the subsystems can be evaluated.The method presented by the paper is used to evaluate the coordination among land use subsystem,natural environment subsystem and social and economic subsystem in Tongzhou town.The evaluation results indicate that the method is suited for assessing the coordination of complex system because its meaning is clear and definite,its calculation is standard and simple and its results are objective and constant.

Key words: method of coordination assessing, state degree, deviation degree, advancement degree, coordination, Tongzhou Town

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