长江流域资源与环境 >> 2009, Vol. 18 >> Issue (12): 1098-.

• 区域可持续发展 • 上一篇    下一篇


原艳梅| 林振山*| 陈玲玲   

  1. (南京师范大学地理科学学院| 江苏 南京 210046 )
  • 出版日期:2009-12-20


YUAN Yanmei| LIN Zhenshan| CHEN Lingling   

  1. (College of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China)
  • Online:2009-12-20


能源消费对我国经济、社会实现可持续和谐发展起着重要作用,但理论上二者之间的关系并不明确。利用matlab 70软件,通过经验模态分解(EMD)方法对我国 1954~2007年能源消费年增长速度、GDP增长速度进行分析,旨在系统说明我国经济增长与能源消费之间的内在关系,更能体现出经济增长同能源消费增长之间的动态关系,同时也为研究长时间序列的动态变化提供一个全新的研究方法。通过EMD方法,将研究对象的不同时间尺度的波动或趋势逐级分解开来,产生一系列具有不同特征尺度的本征模函数(IMF),得到系统在不同时间尺度下的演化曲线,可以将这些曲线看成是系统的特解。通过对我国近 54 a 的资料进行EMD分析,结果表明:(1)我国能源消费增长由4个IMF分量及趋势项构成,GDP增长由3个IMF分量和趋势项组成。(2)对于短周期的高频波动,能源消费增长与经济增长之间是高度一致的。(3)对于中尺度的周期波动,能源消费表现出一定的滞后性,平均滞后 1~3 a。(4)从大尺度的周期波动来看,经济增长表现出一定的滞后性,平均滞后 3~5 a,表现出能源对经济的约束作用。

关键词: GDP增长/ 能源消费增长/ 经验模态分解


For China’s economic development and social harmony 〖JP2〗to achieve sustainability,energy consumption〖JP〗 plays an important role.But theoretically the relationship between those two is not clear and definite.In this paper,through matlab 70 software with EMD method,the authors analyzed the intrinsic relationship between annual growth rate of energy consumption and GDP growth rate from 1954 to 2007,which reflected the dynamic relationship between the economic growth and energy consumption growth and provided a new research method for a long time sequence to study the dynamic changes.Through the method of EMD,the fluctuations or trends in the different time level were unbundled to produce a series of different characteristics of the intrinsic mode functions and the system had the evolution curves on a different time scale,which could be as a special solution to the system.Based on the data analysis of nearly 54 years by the method of 〖JP2〗EMD for our country,results show that:(1) The growth of our energy consumption〖JP〗 consists of four 〖WTBX〗IMF〖WTBZ〗 weights and one trend item.The GDP growth consists of three 〖WTBX〗IMF〖WTBZ〗 weights and one trend item.(2) In the short cycle of highfrequency fluctuations,energy consumption and economic growth is highly consistent.(3) For the medium scale of cycle fluctuations,energy consumption performs a certain lag, the average lag is one to three years.(4) For the large scale cycle fluctuations,economic growth performs a certain lag,the average lag is three to 〖JP2〗five years, showing that the energy expresses a stipulation〖JP〗 to economy.

Key words: DP growth/energy consumption growth/ EMD

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