长江流域资源与环境 >> 2021, Vol. 30 >> Issue (7): 1714-1723.doi: 10.11870/cjlyzyyhj202107018

• 生态环境 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (湖北工业大学经济与管理学院,湖北 武汉 430068)
  • 出版日期:2021-07-20 发布日期:2021-08-03

Study on the Influence of the Personal Norms and Social Norms on the Urban Residents’ Participation in Garbage Sorting

ZHANG Yu,WAN Xin-yu   

  1. (School of Economics and Management,Hubei University of Technology,Wuhan 430068,China)
  • Online:2021-07-20 Published:2021-08-03

摘要: 城市居民的响应度和参与度是当前垃圾分类政策顺利贯彻实施的基础。基于规范激活理论利用4个特大城市1 156份问卷的微观数据,通过构建多元有序Logistic模型和层次回归模型对个体规范、社会规范对城市居民垃圾分类参与的影响进行了研究。结果显示:个体规范作为影响城市居民垃圾分类参与的关键变量,会受到其对不进行分类所产生严重后果的感知和自我责任归属的影响。通过对4个特大城市的比较分析发现,社区氛围等描述性规范和法律法规等指令性规范会通过刺激从众行为和制度约束对城市居民个体规范—垃圾分类参与产生正向的促进作用。因此,从加大垃圾乱丢所产生的严重后果及分类良性社会效益宣传同步进行,强化城市居民垃圾分类的内在意识和责任感,提高其个体规范;并通过细化垃圾分类行为指导,倡导将垃圾分类纳入居民公约,引入分类定时定点及专人监督模式,强化社会规则压力;让垃圾分类具体知识科普常态化,营造全员参与的分类氛围等方面提出了促进城市居民垃圾参与的具体对策。

Abstract: The foundation for the implementing the current policy of garbage sorting smoothly lies in the response and participation of urban residents. Based on the Normative Activation Theory, this paper studied the influence of personal norms and social norms on urban residents’ participation in garbage sorting by constructing multiple ordered Logistic model and hierarchical regression model based on the micro data of 1 156 questionnaires from 4 megacities. Results showed that the personal norm was the key variables affecting the participation of urban garbage sorting which affected by the awareness of consequence and ascription of responsibility. Meanwhile, the descriptive norm such as the atmosphere of the community and situations and the mandatory norms had positive role in the relationship between the personal norms and the urban residents’ garbage sorting by stimulating the herd behavior and psychological pressure respectively. Therefore, the countermeasure that increasing the report both about the serious consequences of garbage litter and propaganda of benign social benefits of classification, advocating that garbage classification incorporated into the residents' convention and the mode of fixed point and special person supervision to strengthen the pressure of social rules, normalizing the popularization of specific knowledge of garbage classification and creating the atmosphere of participation has been put forward to promote the residents’ participation.

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